The Woke team got what they deserved.

Disrespected the national anthem.

The "fvck your feelings" crowd gets offended over a nothing burger yet again.

It's a song, weirdo.
You girls seem triggered.

Just "a song."??????

Love it or leave it bitchh.
This morning I was told that quite a few teams don't make it out of the locker room for the anthem. Not sure how accurate that claim is but it was from an ISU fan and he said the (apparrently "woke") ISU MBB team is not present for the anthem.
Mulkey said they always go to the locker room with 12 minutes to go. Looks like this wasn't really intentional. Maybe somebody on their staff f-ed up or the game coordinator didn't tell them. You'd think someone would inform them..."LSU, Anthem is being played in 3 minutes...hit the court please" or something similar. Who knows.
Mulkey said they always go to the locker room with 12 minutes to go. Looks like this wasn't really intentional. Maybe somebody on their staff f-ed up or the game coordinator didn't tell them. You'd think someone would inform them..."LSU, Anthem is being played in 3 minutes...hit the court please" or something similar. Who knows.
They weren't out for the national anthem last year in the NCG......
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Americans used to be proud of their country and take pride in their national anthem. But all you woke people won't stand for that anymore.
Not impressed.
F that. Americans used to put country over self aggrandizing vanity. Now it’s all about glorifying one party over the other. That’s not my America. If you can’t say you’re proud of all Americans then don’t feed me the patriotism smoke.
You douches that think it's just a song...f you. Get the f out you ungrateful dicks

Tired Chum Bucket GIF
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F that. Americans used to put country over self aggrandizing vanity. Now it’s all about glorifying one party over the other. That’s not my America. If you can’t say you’re proud of all Americans then don’t feed me the patriotism smoke.
I promise you, I am not at all proud of all Americans.
Nearly half this country is trying to take it down to 3rd world country status because it's "not right some people have more" than the lazy and drug addicted, fake news loving uninformed.

I'm not going to help you understand. You will just keep listening to the big tech agenda and the Obama media brainwashing you've been making love to. Dumbasses.
I promise you, I am not at all proud of all Americans.
Nearly half this country is trying to take it down to 3rd world country status because it's "not right some people have more" than the lazy and drug addicted, fake news loving uninformed.

I'm not going to help you understand. You will just keep listening to the big tech agenda and the Obama media brainwashing you've been making love to. Dumbasses.
You've definitely given money to a televangelist before.
I'm not proud of all American. Many are a disgrace. I can say I am proud of Americans as a collective. Are you proud of all Americans - yes or no?
Yes. I’m proud of all Americans because Americans believe in Democracy. We’ve fought wars and sacrificed everything for that principle. Period. Red or Blue. If you don’t believe in Democracy then you’re not an American. I think we all agree with that, no?
I just don't like Mulkey calling everyone stupid. Because that's what you would have to be, to believe she has no idea when the anthem is played at sporting events, and that it wasn't intentionally done.
Americans used to be proud of their country and take pride in their national anthem. But all you woke people won't stand for that anymore.
Not impressed.
I wear my hat during the anthem just to piss off morons like you, who take a song way too seriously. Also the last time I checked, America was still a free country, and unless idiots like you get their way, will remain one for a long time.
F that. Americans used to put country over self aggrandizing vanity. Now it’s all about glorifying one party over the other. That’s not my America. If you can’t say you’re proud of all Americans then don’t feed me the patriotism smoke.

America used to not let women or black people vote among many other embarassing things. Stop romanticizing this past America that was so "great". It never existed.
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Says the Palestinian flag person.

Lol. What point are you trying to make with this comment? If someone going to a locker room during a song upsets you more than tens of thousands of children being bombed into oblivion and millions of people starving and having their homes destroyed then you need to do some real soul searching. Maybe open up and read that big book of magic stories your type claims to love so much. You might be surprised by how "woke" it actually is.