Things I’m looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of this week

1. Jon Stewart’s take on all of this.
2. Michael Smerconish’s take on all of this.
3. Which prominent Democrats who vowed out of respect for Biden they wouldn’t run even if Biden dropped out, will throw their hat in the ring now that he has officially dropped out.
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I’m looking forward to all the people who said they’d vote for anyone who wasn’t old and senile to defend still voting for Trump.
Is it your intention to post this same statement in every Biden-related thread?

As for myself, I will almost certainly vote for whomever the Democrats nominate again. But I likely won’t be any happier about it than I was four years ago.
Stocking up on popcorn for the DNC convention...
When I first graduated college I shared a house in NoCal with four college friends. That was my first introduction to Costco. We bought a bag of popcorn that was almost as big as a heavy bag in a boxing gym. It took five of us two weeks to eat it all.

I’m thinking I might need that much popcorn for the convention.
Is it your intention to post this same statement in every Biden-related thread?

As for myself, I will almost certainly vote for whomever the Democrats nominate again. But I likely won’t be any happier about it than I was four years ago.
^^^^ The problem with feeling based voters. Don’t be this sheep
1. Jon Stewart’s take on all of this.
2. Michael Smerconish’s take on all of this.
3. Which prominent Democrats who vowed out of respect for Biden they wouldn’t run even if Biden dropped out, will throw their hat in the ring now that he has officially dropped out.
I’m looking forward to the Cubs scoring a run this week, and prepping for a vacation in Northern Minnesota.
You forgot Bill Maher’s take as long as it aligns with Northern’s hot takes. And, no serious Dem is challenging Harris.
1. Jon Stewart’s take on all of this.
2. Michael Smerconish’s take on all of this.
3. Which prominent Democrats who vowed out of respect for Biden they wouldn’t run even if Biden dropped out, will throw their hat in the ring now that he has officially dropped out.
#3 sure doesn’t seem to be happening. Many are already reiterating and throwing support behind Harris. Whitmer being now the latest.
I’m interested in how you figure Joe should still be running the county for another 5 or so months. Guy isn’t fit as it is…
I'm pretty sure if I were head of a terrorist country and was thinking about an attack on the usa, now with a lame duck alzeimers prez, now might be a good time to try it
I'm pretty sure if I were head of a terrorist country and was thinking about an attack on the usa, now with a lame duck alzeimers prez, now might be a good time to try it

I think you can be a bit more subtle than that and basically do what you want without fear of US intervention. Although, we’ve basically seen that happen with Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan over the past few years.
1. Jon Stewart’s take on all of this.
2. Michael Smerconish’s take on all of this.
3. Which prominent Democrats who vowed out of respect for Biden they wouldn’t run even if Biden dropped out, will throw their hat in the ring now that he has officially dropped out.
I think tomorrows “Morning Joe” will be worth recording….early tee time so I wont be able to watch the whole thing……
I don’t think you have an idea what you’re speaking about. Also, I’m guessing there are people on this board looking at your post and shaking their heads.
I shook my head at the post below.

I’m interested in how you figure Joe should still be running the county for another 5 or so months. Guy isn’t fit as it is…
Not because it’s inaccurate but because it could have been said about the 2016-2020 time period as well. If you mentioned it during that time period too then you have my sincerest apologies.

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