This Is All Republicans Care About

Nov 28, 2010
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Though the “myriad ethical scandals surrounding Trump were head-spinning”, Peter Baker and Susan Glasser write, “Baker kept telling himself it was worth it to get conservative judges, tax cuts and deregulation.”

File this under "What did you think was going to happen?"

In truth, Trump's presidency has been far worse than I imagined possible.
File this under "What did you think was going to happen?"

In truth, Trump's presidency has been far worse than I imagined possible.
They are finding every possible loophole to turn the US into an autocracy. I am at the point where I am at about 80-20 Trump will still be in office on January 21 because they successfully stole the election and our democracy right out from under us. We might be Russia in 5 months.
They are finding every possible loophole to turn the US into an autocracy. I am at the point where I am at about 80-20 Trump will still be in office on January 21 because they successfully stole the election and our democracy right out from under us. We might be Russia in 5 months.

That's encouraging.
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That's encouraging.
It's more that Democrats are saying what Trump "should do" or what their colleagues in Congress "should do" than what Trump is actually saying. Well, Trump and the Republicans have shown they have no interest in what they "should do". If that's all the Democrats have to stop this, we are in HUGE trouble. Trump and his cronies have no interest in rule of law or the Constitution. Again, he's going to steal this think right in our faces.
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It's more that Democrats are saying what Trump "should do" or what their colleagues in Congress "should do" than what Trump is actually saying. Well, Trump and the Republicans have shown they have no interest in what they "should do". If that's all the Democrats have to stop this, we are in HUGE trouble. Trump and his cronies have no interest in rule of law or the Constitution. Again, he's going to steal this think right in our faces.

Then America is going to burn.
Judicial appointments were and are my #1 reason for supporting Trump. I really can't or don't want to imagine the shape we'd be in had HRC appointed three justices to the supreme court plus all the other lower appointments.
Judicial appointments were and are my #1 reason for supporting Trump. I really can't or don't want to imagine the shape we'd be in had HRC appointed three justices to the supreme court plus all the other lower appointments.

So, in other words, you'd support Charles Manson if he stacked the courts with conservatives.

We already know. You and your ilk have no principles or ethics. Why you thought it was necessary to state the obvious is beyond me, but you idiots wear this stupid shit as a badge of honor, so do you, jerk job.
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Mostly Coservative Judges are bad IMO.

Tax cuts as the economy grows makes sense (if you believe in actually limiting the growth of govt) but only when budgets are balanced.

Deregulation cuts both ways as some regulations are either out of date or stifle business competition however some are necessary for the greater health to the environment and through that our people.

We really need to reprioritizes how we spend tax revenue in the US.
File this under "What did you think was going to happen?"

In truth, Trump's presidency has been far worse than I imagined possible.

This. So much this. I know Trump would be a terrible president. Never in my wildest imagination could I have predicted just how corrupt and dangerous to our country's future he has turned out to be. Even worse, in my opinion, I never could have predicted how nearly all Republican elected officials would sell out our country and aid and abet him in his corruption and attacks on our system of government.
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I never could have predicted how nearly all Republican elected officials would sell out our country and aid and abet him in his corruption and attacks on our system of government.

I think that's been the biggest surprise for me. I used to have respect for most Republicans. Not anymore. Mitt Romney said it best: Trump's attack on our democratic system is "unthinkable and unacceptable."

Of all the things Trump has said and done (of which there are a lot to choose from), his comments about our election bother me the most. I know this is a foreign concept to him (and apparently most Republicans), but Trump works for us. Trying to thwart or circumvent the election and ostensibly the will of the people is about as disgusting, reprehensible, and UN-AMERICAN as it gets. To be honest, I don't know what to say to anyone who still supports this son of a bitch. If you still support Trump after his unambiguous attack on our democratic system this week, then you can eat shit and die. Democrat or Republican, America is more important than one man or one party. Trump supporters can seriously go to hell.

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