This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Another huge FWIW.

If true, I suspected a special forces raid might happen, which would be fanf*ckingtastic.
If this shit is true, how does this compare with WW2 to current battles? Seems massive…
The goal would probably be the Falaise Pocket but this is probably not on that scale.

The Falaise pocket or battle of the Falaise pocket (German: Kessel von Falaise; 12–21 August 1944) was the decisive engagement of the Battle of Normandy in the Second World War. Allied forces formed a pocket around Falaise, Calvados, in which German Army Group B, with the 7th Army and the Fifth Panzer Army (formerly Panzergruppe West) were encircled by the Western Allies. The battle resulted in the destruction of most of Army Group B west of the Seine, which opened the way to Paris and the Franco-German border. WIKI

(The Russians had even bigger encirclements on the Eastern Front.)
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They understand better than most that Russians are SOTE.
Yep, and they also know that once the Russians cross the river, they're going to turn around and point their weapons back at the Ukrainians...

So it's funny Russia is complaining about getting shot in the back. They'd have been better off declaring they were going to retreat back to Russia, then stopping once they got over the river anyway, but they said they were going to dig in on the other side...

So eff 'em
Yep, and they also know that once the Russians cross the river, they're going to turn around and point their weapons back at the Ukrainians...

So it's funny Russia is complaining about getting shot in the back. They'd have been better off declaring they were going to retreat back to Russia, then stopping once they got over the river anyway, but they said they were going to dig in on the other side...

So eff 'em
I guess I didn’t appreciate they were complaining about being shot in the back. If they don’t fancy such discourtesies they should not first drop phosphorus on Ukrainian civilians and military positions such that their victims would rather put slugs through their brains than burn alive.
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I am reading a lot about the Russian withdrawal from Kherson, and that they are mining everything they can, and setting booby traps. Then they will pound the Ukrainians from whichever side of the river they retreat to with artillery. I don’t think at this point they are that coordinated as an army. It’s a cluster. It looks like every man for himself.
"I have incredible feedback from the evacuation of #Kherson : the announcement had not been anticipated on the ground! Equipment left on the spot (crossing on foot on pontoon ), soldiers who rush on everything that floats to flee and abandon their officers..."