This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

The Biden Administration is reportedly working on a long-term plan for supporting Kyiv that does not anticipate significant territorial gains by the Ukrainian military from Russia in 2024, the Washington Post reported on Jan. 26, citing unnamed sources. The new plan will seek to de-emphasize winning back territory and instead focus on fending off new Russian advances while strengthening the country's defense and economy.

“It’s pretty clear that it will be difficult for them to try to mount the same kind of major push on all fronts that they tried to do last year,” a senior administration official said.
Start using sea drones against Black Sea oil tankers. 30% of Russia's oil revenue is shipped through the Black Sea. Hit the tankers (while empty) and keep hitting the refineries, and Russia's revenues and capacity to make war will start to disappear. You sink just a couple tankers and that trade is over.
This is just nonsense.
Dems were against the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. Both of which now were retrospectively correct positions, historically.

Dems were not "against" WWII, and have never been against Russian aggression. You're just making shit up.
Well, duh...about ww2. Never said they weren't against Russian aggression. Better dead than red, right?
Biden's own son served, Dipshit.

AND, he stood firm against torture policies the GOP wanted to put into place in the Iraq/Afghanistan fiascos.
Correctly, because HE KNEW what those policies would mean for US troops.

Republicans almost universally ignored those arguments in their jingoism and warmongering bullshit.
Again, duh. Most vets weren't put on a board of a Donbas oil company while his dad was a sitting VP.

As said before, Putin is evil. To fight this one also has to look at culture. Biden's action with Burisma was an attempt to go for Russia's jugular.
I've been on that base. Very old aircraft. They were converting it to helos.

Ukraine demilitarized due to several factors including:

Promises by US
Corruption -
At that point Russia was not a threat.

Myhrgorod was a much better air base.

Kuchma was a Russian puppet.

Yanukovich was less a puppet than given credit for but still corrupt.

Yushenko was a communist central banker and didn't have that personal power to rebuild the military.

At the beginning of Donbas/Crimea conflict Ukraine's army was awful The US went directly to the far right battalions (neo nazi and really did). Azov kicked the Russians badly at Mariupol which is why Putin was determined to destroy Maruipol and Azov.

As far back as 2007, the Ukrainian military was squaring off against the "national guard" battalions around Kyiv. Yushenko didn't have full military control. There were massive demonstrations on the Maidan with nationalists including neo nazi, federalists and pro Russian including communist groups. Yanukovich had a grasp on much of the Federal troops (or at least had a strong influence) and Yushenko the 'guards". In March/April 2007 it came to a crisis on the verge of civil war. By May, Yushenko managed to control the interior ministry federal forces and things quieted down until not long before Maidan with the blood bath at Odesa where Russian supplied Georgian revolutionaries tried to cause issues at a soccer match but they fled to a building where they were burned alive.

All of this has been brewing since the Soviet system collapse where Russian Communist Managers gained control of assets (suddenly capitalists) and stole public assets. Another collapse happened in the late 90s.

This isn't about "sudden" Russian aggression, but a fight decades in the making. As I have said though, most Ukrainians, even Russian Ukrainians want to be in Ukraine, but also want to be left alone period. The political battle to de Russian Ukraine is huge, even over language.... Kiev, Kyiv. Dneipre, Dneipro.
Why aren't Republicans against Russian aggression?

Too much oligarch money coming into GOP SuperPACs?
There are crazies on the Dem side that are breathing war and crazies on the Republican side that want nothing to do with this.

Biden though should not be leading this. Ukrainians and Russians know this very well deep down.
Biden's action w/ Burisma was to root out corruption (Russian oligarchs) and was consistent with both US and European policy, Cletus.
Now you are on Iowa Meth Cletus. You honestly believe that. You just lost all credibility. How much did he make from it? What was Hunter's qualifications even if it were true. BF was a great OC choice by KF.
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This might have been posted once, but the story is making the rounds again as a Ukrainian sniper talks about a 2+ mile kill shot on a Russian officer. Wild details on the 9 second flight time on the bullet, and all that went into setting it up. The sniper and the spotter were civilians before the war, but were both competitive shooters.

"The decision was made after the United States approved the sale of modern F-35 fighters to Greece. In response, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered Greece the option of transferring or selling weapons to Ukraine in exchange for up to $200 million in aid from Washington.

Greece decided to transfer outdated systems and equipment that are no longer used by their army. Greece is armed with Tor, Osa, S-300 air defense systems, as well as ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft systems, and has reserves of ammunition for these weapons systems."