This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Related story, the US delayed delivery of new F-35 fighters for a year, and the first 100 to be put into service since the resumption of deliveries will lack the software needed to fly combat missions. The war in Ukraine has exposed deficiencies in some western defense forces, but where does the US stand in terms of readiness? This program is bloated and well behind schedule. The projected number of jets will never be met, hampering operational flexibility. So, if we had to engage China or return forces to Europe, how ready would we be?
Hopefully we and our NATO partners get these production deficiencies squared away. The war has pretty much exposed that the "west" can make some great high tech stuff but can't produce in the required numbers.

Still have problems producing basic 155mm shells in the required quantity almost 3 years into the war...
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