This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Any agreement will have to include Russia ceding control over both breakaway states and Crimea back to Ukrainian control and expulsion of any Russian conspirators to the illegal and criminal invasion.
Think that can only happen if Ukraine wins and takes back territory. It is a nice thought.
On a related note, probably no Russian will be tried for war crimes because there is no way to get to them. Just one reason why they don't give a crap.
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If he did that he’s foolish and the voters will let him know.
They won’t. In the mnole03 system of government, each party gets to boot the other party’s 10 most annoying senators/congress persons.
Russia keeps losing it's best leaders at this rate, who's going to be in charge in a month? They already have mass surrenders and troops just walking away from their equipment, losing their best people is worse going forward.

I'll believe it when I see it, although from what I understand Marco is in legit trouble for his seat this fall. But again, I'll believe it when I see it. It's Florida.

All he needs to do is utter that magical Harry Potter spell to make them all forget:


Do something about it. The A-10s are hungry.

REALLY need someone making an "Om-Nom-Nom" meme of the A10s...


How is it remotely possible that US Congressmen do not understand what "metadata" is, after all their intel briefings?

Jeebus. HAS to have been intentional, and they should kick him out of Congress.

EDIT: Oh....this was on Zoom, so metadata location doesn't matter.
Still, not terribly responsible if someone can figure out where the Zoom feed is coming from.
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Just let them do whatever the **** they want. Very hitler/Poland esque. Remember the whole never letting it happen again thing?


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