This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Think that can only happen if Ukraine wins and takes back territory. It is a nice thought.
On a related note, probably no Russian will be tried for war crimes because there is no way to get to them. Just one reason why they don't give a crap.
Just listened to a BBC radio interview with the head of the EU or European Parliament. Was asked about what the EU wants in this, answered "The fall of Putin. Russia has a history of palace coups or military revolts when wars go badly."

The West has its boot on Russia's neck, and is going to bleed out its army in the Ukraine, and its entire economy through sanctions, and is not going to let up until Putin is gone, and they agree to retreat within their borders.
92% of Ukrainians voted in favor of independence in 1991. 85% of those in Luhansk and Donetsk voted in favor. 56% of Crimeans voted in favor:


The vast majority of even ethnic Russians want independence. The "seperatists" are nothing more than Russian nationals who were sent over the border by Putin to provide him pretext to seize the portions of Ukraine he wanted, and control Ukrainian affairs. This was heavily documented back in 2014. Putin stuck his foot in it, and this war will not end until all Russians are out, and Ukraine has its borders back
While early polls in April reported that supporters of independence were a small minority, the Los Angeles Times reported that the later violence in Odessa and Mariupol turned many against the Ukrainian transitional government.[21]

An opinion poll that was taken on the day of the referendum and the day before by a correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Washington Post, and five other media outlets found that of those people who intended to vote, 94.8% would vote for independence. The poll did not claim to have scientific precision, but was carried out to get a basis from which to judge the outcome of the referendum, given that independent observers were not present to monitor it. Even with those who said they would not vote counted in, a 65.6% majority supported separation from Ukraine.[22]
While early polls in April reported that supporters of independence were a small minority, the Los Angeles Times reported that the later violence in Odessa and Mariupol turned many against the Ukrainian transitional government.[21]

An opinion poll that was taken on the day of the referendum and the day before by a correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Washington Post, and five other media outlets found that of those people who intended to vote, 94.8% would vote for independence. The poll did not claim to have scientific precision, but was carried out to get a basis from which to judge the outcome of the referendum, given that independent observers were not present to monitor it. Even with those who said they would not vote counted in, a 65.6% majority supported separation from Ukraine.[22]

An opinion poll sponsored by Vladimir Putin where respondents had guns to the back of their heads. Totally legit!
While early polls in April reported that supporters of independence were a small minority, the Los Angeles Times reported that the later violence in Odessa and Mariupol turned many against the Ukrainian transitional government.[21]

An opinion poll that was taken on the day of the referendum and the day before by a correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Washington Post, and five other media outlets found that of those people who intended to vote, 94.8% would vote for independence. The poll did not claim to have scientific precision, but was carried out to get a basis from which to judge the outcome of the referendum, given that independent observers were not present to monitor it. Even with those who said they would not vote counted in, a 65.6% majority supported separation from Ukraine.[22]
You're sending up the most over-the-top Nat signal yet!

Wherefore art thou Nat?
It’s not. Why do you think it would be upsetting to me?
You’re clearly operating under a misapprehension. Let’s address it directly.

Do you or do you not stand “with Russia” in this disgusting putrid horrible treacherous senseless war of genocide and barbarity?

You already posted that you do. I want to hear you deny it.
Do you or do you not stand “with Russia” in this disgusting putrid horrible treacherous senseless war of genocide and barbarity?

You already posted that you do. I want to hear you deny it.
Please quote what fostered that misapprehension in your mind.
I’m curious what you’ve mistaken as ‘a stand’ with Russia.

I’m opposed to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
I’m opposed to the Turkish invasion of Syria.
I’m opposed to the Saudi invasion of Yemen.
I’m opposed to the U.S. invasion of Syria.

Detect a theme?

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