This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I think that the articles refer to us giving them F16s, and Poland transferring their old Russian fighters.
Yeah, F16s may replace the Soviet style planes from Poland. Though there is debate this may take too long to produce and to train Poland on.

A regiment, they neutralized a freaking regiment. That's a massive no Bueno is you're Russia. I don't know the size of a Russian RGT, but the 3 Army Armored Cav Regiments are all around 2500 troops. And the Ukrainians took one out of combat.

<edited to get Armored spelled correctly>

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"On July 1, 1990, the Polish Air Force and the Air Defence Force were merged again (Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Powietrznej – WLiOP or WLOP). The attack capability of this force consisted primarily of MiG-21s, MiG-23s, MiG-29s, Su-20s and Su-22s. The remaining Lim-6bis were withdrawn in the early 1990s, followed soon afterwards by the withdrawal of the remaining Su-20 aircraft. The small number of remaining MiG-23s were withdrawn by 1999. Throughout the 1990s, Poland had not purchased any new combat aircraft and only managed to acquire further MiG-29s from the Czech Republic in 1995 and from Germany in 2004. MiG-21s were finally withdrawn from service in 2003. In 2004, the only remaining combat aircraft flown by the WLiOP were the MiG-29 and the Su-22. As of 2010, the fleet of Su-22s is in need of modernization to retain any value as a combat aircraft and its future is unclear.[9]"WIKI

What is interesting is that Poland has already bought F16s from US so delivery may be a problem but don't see why some say training would be also.
A regiment, they neutralized a freaking regiment. That's a massive no Bueno is you're Russia. I don't know the size of a Russian RGT, but the 3 Army Armorded Cav Regiments are all around 2500 troops. And the Ukrainians took one out of combat.

And pushed the entire DIVISION back to Russia!!
It’s great that they can pay in rubles, what if nobody wants to accept your trash money?
Sure, why not? He knows there is not anywhere close to enough Rubles in the world, let alone Russia, to pay off those debts.

Not when one Ruble might not even equal a dime in US money currently, and getting even more worthless every day.
A regiment, they neutralized a freaking regiment. That's a massive no Bueno is you're Russia. I don't know the size of a Russian RGT, but the 3 Army Armored Cav Regiments are all around 2500 troops. And the Ukrainians took one out of combat.

<edited to get Armored spelled correctly>

It’s been a long time since my military intelligence background, but a soviet military unit was typically half to 60% of a NATO unit.
Traitor Rubio jeopardizes the life of President Zalensky for internet clout. Or to aid Russian forces target his location by finding his satellite/phone signal in Kiev and dropping a cruise missile on the location.

That had to be a deliberate move by Rubio. Whether to help Putin find Zelensky, or for some other super shady reason.

Rubio can't be that stupid or vain to Tweet that stuff otherwise. Just can't be.

Right?? Or should I be worried about the intelligence quotient of the people like him in the positions they hold at the national government level?
A regiment, they neutralized a freaking regiment. That's a massive no Bueno is you're Russia. I don't know the size of a Russian RGT, but the 3 Army Armored Cav Regiments are all around 2500 troops. And the Ukrainians took one out of combat.

<edited to get Armored spelled correctly>

Damn. . That is gonna leave a burn and the word will spread like wildfire.

How is it remotely possible that US Congressmen do not understand what "metadata" is, after all their intel briefings?

Jeebus. HAS to have been intentional, and they should kick him out of Congress.

EDIT: Oh....this was on Zoom, so metadata location doesn't matter.
Still, not terribly responsible if someone can figure out where the Zoom feed is coming from.
True, but if your IT is doing such a poor job at encrypting data to the point where enemies are finding your location through metadata, then you're kind of asking for it.

You need to make every single move assuming there's a mole on the line.