This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

That's a fair point, but I am also thinking of the development and procurement aspects the article brings up. It's a pretty long timeline. And, what if the North Koreans decided to come over the DMZ?
Yeah, what will the country with 2x their population, 40x their economy, and a modern military stocked with Western gear do?

Imagine how scary it would be for the NK regime for thousands of their people to see the living standards enjoyed south of the DMZ.
Why doesn't SHE run for president? That is a Republican I could support. (sorry for the political post, but it seems only the conservative posters cry about that and most of them probably like Condi so I should be fine.)
Fvck. That. I despise that bitch. Lie after lie after lie when she was SoS. My bullshit detector went crazy every time she spoke. Her lies killed thousands of our troops.
Why doesn't SHE run for president? That is a Republican I could support. (sorry for the political post, but it seems only the conservative posters cry about that and most of them probably like Condi so I should be fine.)
I'm not going to derail a thread that is already derailed, so I'll start one tomorrow. We can discuss Condi in further depth, particularly how she was black, a woman, and probably one of the smartest people on the planet.

And Democrats HATED Her.....
So our Defense Dept. Says they’ve sent 17,000 stingers to Ukraine already.
Now send 17,000 more along with 17,000 more Javelins.

Seeing that maternity ward bombing news has just made me ill.
I emailed my elected representatives today after I saw that footage. I don't know why, but that pushed me over the edge after two weeks of being over the edge. I asked them all to not waiver, and to not lose focus on the slaughter initiated by Putin.
I'm not going to derail a thread that is already derailed, so I'll start one tomorrow. We can discuss Condi in further depth, particularly how she was black, a woman, and probably one of the smartest people on the planet.

And Democrats HATED Her.....
Because she lied repeatedly and got American troops killed. Do you support that?
Ukrainian farmer...

It’s like Putin is trying to get the US/ NATO to step in.
Yes. NATO steps in and it gets nasty. Putin bets that NATO will then want to negotiate and minimize Ukraine's interests to cut a deal. At the same time, Putin gets to be a hero at home.

It's essentially a shortcut to what Putin wants. He can't take over Ukraine doing what he's doing now, and he needs to do it much faster.