This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Who enforces the no fly zone? NATO? That’s essentially starting WWIII.
I get it. I have been thinking with my heart more than my head lately. I’m just tired of Putin and Russia being allowed to kill innocent people, children. NATO and the US can protect freedom and kick Russia out of Ukraine. We are letting him get away with to much.
NATO minus the US, maybe.

Can you imagine what a one sided slaughter this would be if the Russians had pulled this stunt on a NATO country?

Would NATO actually fight back? That is yet to be established. As I said a few days ago, some of the more recent NATO countries would likely find themselves on their own, like Ukraine.
I get it. I have been thinking with my heart more than my head lately. I’m just tired of Putin and Russia being allowed to kill innocent people, children. NATO and the US can protect freedom and kick Russia out of Ukraine. We are letting him get away with to much.
I am resigned that for now, we will not enforce a no fly zone, and I do understand that could lead to ww3. I am also resigned that we will not backfill Poland's Migs if they send theirs to Urkaine. I do not agree with that but I can at least understand the difference between jets and defense systems as jets can be used offensively outside of Ukraine. Although, that distinction gets blurrier when we are sending them drones... With those resignations, I do hope we flood Ukraine with so many guns/missiles/drones/etc that Russia will essentially be marching into a blender.
That’s what happened with the NATO overtures to Ukraine.
This is, once again, a Kremlin narrative with no basis in reality.

NATO already abuts Russia, and is closer to St Petersburg and major cities than Ukraine is.

Putin simply wants full land access to Crimea and his port there; along with a puppet regime in Ukraine, because he cannot tolerate a successful Russian-speaking regime with Western democracy that his own people will recognize has a FAR better standard of living that his own oligarchy.

NOTHING to do with "NATO".
Former Ukraine ambassador to Austria. Note the date of the tweet. May 24, 2021. Ten months ago.

I've posted similar opinions on Putin, and had the right-wingers pooh-pooh them.

Putin wants to create MORE oligarchies and autocracies that HE can control. He cannot control true democracies.

The GOP would be well-served to wise-up and understand they've been part of his plan in America, and push back against those in their party calling for the same autocratic and un-democratic policies. They are willing to push those "short term party gains", but seem incapable of understanding that those will result in the destruction of democracy in America.
Tom Clancy recounted a tale of how an M1A1 Abrams got stuck in the mud during the ground war of Desert Storm. It was then set upon by three tanks, Iraqi T-72s specifically. A round fired from roughly a thousand yards away bounced off, and the Abrams responded by blowing the T-72 that fired it to bits. A second round fired from 700 yards, bounced off, and the offending T-72 was blasted. The third T-72, at a range of roughly 400 yards, fired a round, which left a groove in the armor of the Abrams. It, too, was destroyed by a shot fired through a sand berm. These were, supposedly, Russia’s state-of-the-art tanks.

I imagine the guys inside that tank were still peeing their pants when they took those first hits, and only after the first two, were "feeling pretty good" about their equipment.

Taking rounds from anything is gonna wake your crew up real fast.
Black Sea research firm SovEcon reports that Ukraine, one of the world's top grains exporters, will experience dramatic output declines in the 2022 harvest year due to the Russian invasion.

Ukraine's main agricultural export products are corn and wheat. Before the invasion, Ukraine was the second-largest supplier of grains for the European Union and one of the largest suppliers for emerging markets in Asia and Africa. Breaking down the numbers, Ukraine produced 49.6% of global sunflower oil, 10% of global wheat, 12.6% of global barley, and 15.3% of global maize.

SovEcon expects Ukraine's 2022 corn harvest to plunge 35% from 41.9 million tons last year to 27.7 million tons this year. This year's estimated wheat harvest has been cut to 26 million tons from an earlier outlook of 28.3 million tons, compared with 32.1 million tons last year.


SovEcon, which specializes in agricultural markets, said the regions affected by conflict account for 40% of the country's corn and wheat production. They said plantings and yields would be impacted by fuel shortages, lack of workers and fertilizer, and fieldwork challenges due to the conflict. Also, a weather component of drought could affect wheat-producing areas.

However, the research firm says estimates are based on Russia reaching a ceasefire deal with Ukraine, allowing farmers to begin fieldwork in April as spring is around the corner.

So, No Fly Zone to prevent a worldwide food disaster.

Seems like the proper move here.
Nestle is the most unethical company i’ve ever worked with.
We don’t even return their calls when they’re looking for proposals.

Nestle gets a ton of free water from Florida daily thanks to Jeb Bush. Edit - actually, it wasn't free. It cost them 230 dollars.

Would NATO actually fight back? That is yet to be established.
The only time Article 5 has been invoked, after 9/11, members concurred and responded together.
So it is established.
It has also been re-iterated countless times.
Ignoring that doesn’t alter reality.

As I said a few days ago, some of the more recent NATO countries would likely find themselves on their own, like Ukraine.
Saying dumb things doesn’t make them so.
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The narrative of Biden being weak is pushed so hard by right wing media, it's become ingrained in the mindset of too many on that side of the aisle.

And they are blissfully unaware of how easily they are swayed by propaganda.

But, for folks duped into eating horse paste, taking toxic aquarium additives and drinking their own pee, should we really be surprised here?

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