1) Can you give specifics on your No Fly Zone? What all does it entail? Only NATO planes and drones? No Ukrainian equipment? Are we flying over a Russian artillery unit just watching them pound away without doing anything? What happens when a Russian SAM (even just a rogue Russian corporal) takes a shot at one of our birds?
2) Where are you getting your info on this “far fetched bluff”? I’m guessing you have better intel than NATO/CIA/NSA etc?
tl;dr I would go drone heavy to take out Russian anti air capabilities and allow MIG handover to happen - no US pilots. Also I don’t have CIA intelligence that Putin
is that crazy - do you? I have reams of ex-CIA/military types (you have most likely seen in the media) saying he is not. Plus I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night so can confidently judge this is an extremely low probability event.
tl;dr below the line
I would first make sure all aircraft that the Ukrainians need get to them. We arm them with javelins but refuse to allow our base to be used as a handover for Polish MIGs? Silly distinction. Then I would flood the area with US drones - allow them to engage Russian ground based anti air assets. I would not put US pilots in the air - at least initially. I would not allow US to attack into Belarus or Russia unless Russia goes into Poland. I would begin the Patriot training process immediately and prepare to move those in to protect Lviv and western Ukraine once they have a crash course on the system. This should have started in January as training takes many weeks.
That alone should be enough to dramatically swing the air battle over Ukraine considering it seems to be an even fight at the moment.
As to a far fetched bluff: Putin is a selfish egomaniac on a mission to extend Russia’s influence. He is known as coldly rational (albeit clearly prone to believing his own bullshit). I just don’t see it in him to be like “f*ck it if the Russians can’t have the world no one can”. He knows it is the end of all Russians if he were to do this. He also is very experienced in the politics of escalation and you are falling right into his trap. I view the probability he would actually do it as like 1 in 10,000 or .01%. Do you have intelligence from the CIA that says otherwise or do you just assume they think he is insane enough to do it? Most knowledgable observers I have seen say this is a bluff and I bet that is the assessment coming from our intel folks.
But let’s pretend he is that .01% crazy - have you read up on the protocol to launch Russian nukes? It’s not like Putin has his finger on the button - it is very close to the western model. There is a military guy with a briefcase containing the codes/protocol/comms needed to start the process. He has to go along with this. The security forces around Putin have to go along and not put a bullet in his brain. Then those at the launch facilities need to go along with it. Shoigu needs to go along with it. Any one of them could stop this one way or the other. They have families. They have friends. They are not monsters, they are human. I obviously don’t have direct knowledge, but neither do you. I can say this with a modicum of experience though as I have spent a lot of time in Russia on business and have interacted with many ex-gov / military types. The odds that you get all of these people deciding to end life on Earth is staggeringly small let’s say another .01% although I bet it is even smaller. So multiply the .01% Putin wants to do it by the .01% that his people go along with it and you get .0001% (1 in 1 million).
But apparently all Putin has to do is threaten nukes for us to play this war by his rules.