This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Not to argue, but the U.S. was at the Japanese mainland in May. War is over in Europe, Japan was on it's last leg. Still dropped the bombs.
Japan was never going to surrender. Their strategy was to make the war so awful America would quit or agree to terms.

a land invasion of Japan was estimated to cost 800,000 American lives and up to 4 million Japanese.

Japanese soldiers never surrendered, they fought to the death. Civilians committed suicide on Okinawa because troops were coming. The atomic bombs took away the horror of American deaths, robbing Japan of its biggest weapon since Midway, the ugliness of war.
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This will really hurt her social influencing career.
Are you implying that the unemployed daughter of a simple public servant shouldn't have a posh London pad and millions of pounds in a bank account?
Seize every condo, flat, or estate associated with an oligarch in every country, and use it to house refugees.
If Only They had precision guided munitions
It's amazing how advanced they were:

The "Fritz X" (or PC 1400 X) was a 3,450-pound armor-piercing bomb fitted with a radio receiver and control surfaces in the tail. It was intended for use against heavily armored ship or ground targets. When dropped from 20,000 feet, an altitude above the most effective anti-aircraft defense, it could penetrate about 28 inches of armor. Aided by flares in the bomb's tail, the bombardier could follow its fall after release and could send radio signals, which moved the control surfaces and produced minor changes in the bomb's course.

Later operational "Fritz X" bombs were wire-guided instead of radio-controlled to prevent jamming. The first operational use was on Aug. 29, 1943 -- over the Mediterranean -- and the most famous employment of "Fritz X" was the sinking of the Italian battleship Roma off Sardinia on Sept. 9, 1943, to prevent its surrender to the Allies. Between April 1943 and December 1944, about 1,386 of these weapons were produced; 602 were expended in testing and training. Its combat use was limited by the small number of Luftwaffe aircraft available to carry it and by its relatively poor accuracy, which averaged about 20 percent against Allied shipping.
I've asked this question twice but the third times the charm:

How does this war benefit Russia?
Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Union, as ridiculous as that reason may sound. Plus Ukraine does have natural resources Putin can exploit. Putin said that he thought the breakup of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that had ever happened to Russia. He told this to an US diplomat who had to bite their tongue not to respond "what about the over 20,000,000 who died in WW2."

At this pace, the Russians will lose nearly 200k troops if this thing lasts a year. The US had 290k KIA in combat during WWII (the rest were accidents or other causes).
Pretty incredible loss rate if true....

Units are going to start breaking pretty quick at that rate. We suffered that loss rate with 10M? (realize that number wasn't all combat troops) in the fight....Russians have 150k?. Catastrophic...
At this pace, the Russians will lose nearly 200k troops if this thing lasts a year. The US had 290k KIA in combat during WWII (the rest were accidents or other causes).
It’s insane what has happened. The Russian military has no ****s given on their troops life. They were clearly too proud or scared to do the one thing they had to after two weeks: admit they were completely not ready and retreat and regroup. Instead they all have been just treading water, low on moral and food and weapons and getting picked off by the hundreds a day. Even more stunning is the equipment. 550 tanks. 250 planes / helicopters. Thousands of armored vehicles and supply logistics vehicles. Billions of dollars of guided missiles, many not working.
It’s insane what has happened. The Russian military has no ****s given on their troops life. They were clearly too proud or scared to do the one thing they had to after two weeks: admit they were completely not ready and retreat and regroup. Instead they all have been just treading water, low on moral and food and weapons and getting picked off by the hundreds a day. Even more stunning is the equipment. 550 tanks. 250 planes / helicopters. Thousands of armored vehicles and supply logistics vehicles. Billions of dollars of guided missiles, many not working.
Putin was sold a bill of goods by his defense/intel folks....

Guess that's why we haven't seen the Defense minister in weeks and he apparently sent some of his intelligence service guys to the gulag...

Not feeling sorry for Putin by any means....but if he didn't have folks telling him what he wanted to hear maybe we don't have this horrible war...

One of the pitfalls of being a dictator
Are you implying that the unemployed daughter of a simple public servant shouldn't have a posh London pad and millions of pounds in a bank account?
Seize every condo, flat, or estate associated with an oligarch in every country, and use it to house refugees.
Hunter biden?
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Are you implying that the unemployed daughter of a simple public servant shouldn't have a posh London pad and millions of pounds in a bank account?
Seize every condo, flat, or estate associated with an oligarch in every country, and use it to house refugees.
Chelsea Clinton?
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