This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Damn, does this mean no more "Resident Alien" on SyFy? I liked that show!


WW2 Break Out in Europe Supply Comparison - Just to give more food for thought on how Russia may be struggling. With even more artillery and automatic weapons plus missiles, the average is probably even higher now.

"Some 28 Allied divisions needed constant resupply. During offensive operations, each division consumed about 750 tons of supplies per day (about 100 pounds per man) totaling about 21,000 tons in all. The only way to deliver them was by truck – thereby giving birth to the Red Ball Express."
“Some 28 Allied divisions needed constant resupply. During offensive operations, each division consumed about 750 tons of supplies per day (about 100 pounds per man) totaling about 21,000 tons in all. The only way to deliver them was by truck – thereby giving birth to the Red Ball Express."
That’s why Ivankiv is is crucial.
Ukranians apparently blew the bridge during the invasion. Most Russian IFVs are amphibious, so they can swim the river and establish a bridgehead for engineers to restore the bridge.
The trucks need roads and bridges.
If you fire up Google earth and follow the river east from Ivankiv to the Dneiper there aren’t other crossings. Some villages on one side of the river in a few spots, but no bridge or road on the other side.
At a minimum the P02 highway going through Ivankiv appears to be well within artillery range.
Chelsea Clinton?
Boy you're dumb.

What kind of moron thinks the child of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and a Secretary of State/Senator is a "simple public servant"?

You should be embarrassed for being so stupid.

Also, you have a link to Chelsea Clinton's London flat?

Seriously, it has to be painful to be this stupid. Do you wake up with blinding headaches?

After attending Thursday's NATO emergency summit in Brussels, Erdogan described, "There are six topics of negotiation between Russia and Ukraine, there seems to be an understanding between them about four topics."
"At first, Ukraine was hung up on this issue, but later on, Zelensky began to express that he could withdraw from NATO membership. Another issue is the acceptance of Russian as an official language. Zelensky also admitted this. Russian is a language spoken almost everywhere in Ukraine. There is no problem at this point either," the Turkish president added.
Last week Zelensky had introduced a possible major obstacle to reaching a ceasefire deal by publicly announcing that any any final agreement would have to be taken up by the entire government, and presented to the Ukrainian people.
"I think Mr. Zelensky has displayed wise leadership with an understanding to take the issue to referendum by saying ‘That is a decision that must be made by the entire Ukrainian people'," Erdoğan said, addressing the declaration.
Erdogan is holding a Friday phone call with Putin, of which he said "we should discuss and evaluate" NATO meetings, in reference to the Russian leader. "We have to look for a way to smooth this business by saying 'make an honorable exit to this,'" Erdoğan said. "On the other hand, we [Turkey] certainly consider the use of weapons of mass destruction as a crime against humanity," he added.
Erdogan is expected to convey to Putin, as he previewed in Brussels to reporters, "I will look for ways to end this issue by telling him to become an architect for peace and make an honorable exit."
The Turkish leader also addressed media reports that the US had floated the idea of Turkey transferring its Russian S-400 anti-air defense systems to Ukraine. Erdogan suggested that it's but a Washington attempt to "stir up trouble"...
"The S-400s are our property and this issue is a closed case," Erdogan said.
He added the suggestion showed Americans were looking for ways to harass Ankara on the issue.
”They are in an effort on how to strike Turkey on this issue and put it in trouble," he said.
Erdogan further said the focus should remain on finding a Russia-Ukraine peaceful resolution to the conflict, calling on Putin to again "Make an honorable breakthrough, to find a solution."

After attending Thursday's NATO emergency summit in Brussels, Erdogan described, "There are six topics of negotiation between Russia and Ukraine, there seems to be an understanding between them about four topics."
"At first, Ukraine was hung up on this issue, but later on, Zelensky began to express that he could withdraw from NATO membership. Another issue is the acceptance of Russian as an official language. Zelensky also admitted this. Russian is a language spoken almost everywhere in Ukraine. There is no problem at this point either," the Turkish president added.
Last week Zelensky had introduced a possible major obstacle to reaching a ceasefire deal by publicly announcing that any any final agreement would have to be taken up by the entire government, and presented to the Ukrainian people.
"I think Mr. Zelensky has displayed wise leadership with an understanding to take the issue to referendum by saying ‘That is a decision that must be made by the entire Ukrainian people'," Erdoğan said, addressing the declaration.
Erdogan is holding a Friday phone call with Putin, of which he said "we should discuss and evaluate" NATO meetings, in reference to the Russian leader. "We have to look for a way to smooth this business by saying 'make an honorable exit to this,'" Erdoğan said. "On the other hand, we [Turkey] certainly consider the use of weapons of mass destruction as a crime against humanity," he added.
Erdogan is expected to convey to Putin, as he previewed in Brussels to reporters, "I will look for ways to end this issue by telling him to become an architect for peace and make an honorable exit."
The Turkish leader also addressed media reports that the US had floated the idea of Turkey transferring its Russian S-400 anti-air defense systems to Ukraine. Erdogan suggested that it's but a Washington attempt to "stir up trouble"...
"The S-400s are our property and this issue is a closed case," Erdogan said.
He added the suggestion showed Americans were looking for ways to harass Ankara on the issue.
”They are in an effort on how to strike Turkey on this issue and put it in trouble," he said.
Erdogan further said the focus should remain on finding a Russia-Ukraine peaceful resolution to the conflict, calling on Putin to again "Make an honorable breakthrough, to find a solution."
That seems odd. It’s up to them how they get peace but I can’t imagine giving up Donbas, disarming, and having the official language be Russian is viable.

"A U.S. defense official corroborated the claim, saying that the Russian military had pushed from the east to as close as 12 miles from Kyiv. After the counteroffensive, those forces had retreated to about 34 miles away from the city, the official added.

But some military experts have cautioned that it's hard to tell whether the gains Ukraine claims to have made in the past 48 hours are real. Even if they are, they say, the coming days will be incredibly important as Putin could deploy even more lethal weapons in his bid to break Kyiv's defenses and as Ukraine struggles to hold the southern port city of Mariupol.

Knyazev, the former head of Ukraine’s National Police and now a military and police adviser, said that the city's defenders have used local waterways, ridges and geographic features to help push back the Russian forces.

"The head commander of Ukrainian ground forces manages the Kyiv defenses," he said, "and the tactical moves that they deployed allowed us to take back the settlements that are important for further counteroffensive actions."
That seems odd. It’s up to them how they get peace but I can’t imagine giving up Donbas, disarming, and having the official language be Russian is viable.
I said many pages ago I thought the territory will be the stickiest point.
The Russian language thing is to remove the ban on Russian passed a few years ago. It should be a fairly minor sop.
I still think some sort of declared neutrality will be part of the agreement.
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For those wondering what the war would have gained for Russia had it gone to plan, there's a ton.

1. There is Putin's legacy of recreating the USSR. He's always considered it a personal affront that the USSR was so dismantled and if he (And many other older Russian's) they would bring the entire thing back.

But even aside from that there are other things Ukraine provides for them.

2. They pay tarrifs to transfer oil through Ukraine.
3. They want to control the seas and the major ports of Ukraine are extremely important to that.
4. They truly do fear more NATO on their doorsteps (This is the one thing I truly understand their point on). If Russia became friends with Mexico and threatened to put Russian troops/missiles on our border we'd be bothered too.
5. Because of that, they at least want to create a DMZ type zone between their border and Ukraine, so taking the Donbas region, Crimea, and the port cities give them control of their borders and seas.

Now, since the war has not gone well for them, I don't see it being in their interest anymore, except Putin would be considered weak if he backed out now. He truly needs some type of exit ramp where Ukraine agrees to neutrality, demilitarizes (I don't see this happening), and maybe control of the Donbas region as well. (I have no idea whether Ukraine would ever agree to that).
I said many pages ago I thought the territory will be the stickiest point.
The Russian language thing is to remove the ban on Russian passed a few years ago. It should be a fairly minor sop.
I still think some sort of declared neutrality will be part of the agreement.
I think the Russians need to bleed some more to loosen up on Donbas and Crimea, and the West needs to keep pumping arms into Ukraine.
For those wondering what the war would have gained for Russia had it gone to plan, there's a ton.

1. There is Putin's legacy of recreating the USSR. He's always considered it a personal affront that the USSR was so dismantled and if he (And many other older Russian's) they would bring the entire thing back.

But even aside from that there are other things Ukraine provides for them.

2. They pay tarrifs to transfer oil through Ukraine.
3. They want to control the seas and the major ports of Ukraine are extremely important to that.
4. They truly do fear more NATO on their doorsteps (This is the one thing I truly understand their point on). If Russia became friends with Mexico and threatened to put Russian troops/missiles on our border we'd be bothered too.
5. Because of that, they at least want to create a DMZ type zone between their border and Ukraine, so taking the Donbas region, Crimea, and the port cities give them control of their borders and seas.

Now, since the war has not gone well for them, I don't see it being in their interest anymore, except Putin would be considered weak if he backed out now. He truly needs some type of exit ramp where Ukraine agrees to neutrality, demilitarizes (I don't see this happening), and maybe control of the Donbas region as well. (I have no idea whether Ukraine would ever agree to that).
Ironically, there are now more troops on Russian boarders in more places because he did this.

"A U.S. defense official corroborated the claim, saying that the Russian military had pushed from the east to as close as 12 miles from Kyiv. After the counteroffensive, those forces had retreated to about 34 miles away from the city, the official added.

But some military experts have cautioned that it's hard to tell whether the gains Ukraine claims to have made in the past 48 hours are real. Even if they are, they say, the coming days will be incredibly important as Putin could deploy even more lethal weapons in his bid to break Kyiv's defenses and as Ukraine struggles to hold the southern port city of Mariupol.

Knyazev, the former head of Ukraine’s National Police and now a military and police adviser, said that the city's defenders have used local waterways, ridges and geographic features to help push back the Russian forces.

"The head commander of Ukrainian ground forces manages the Kyiv defenses," he said, "and the tactical moves that they deployed allowed us to take back the settlements that are important for further counteroffensive actions."
Thank god I'm finally seeming some numbers listed in Freedom Units. Getting tired of this "km" BS. ;)
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Ironically, there are now more troops on Russian boarders in more places because he did this.
Oh no doubt. Putin seriously miscalculated. Russia had spent at least a decade if not more trying to sow divisions in the EU in the US and NATO by playing their Russian troll farm games. And they were successful. They've created massive political division in the US, got Trump elected most likely, and still have several (essentially) Russian operatives in our own political system. Their work was likely behind Brexit as well along with attempts to do the same in France and Germany. And they've even managed to infiltrate a number of NATO countries like Hungary with more authoritarian regimes of their own. I believe they had seen how successful that was and thought that the alliances had been broken. Fortunately he was wrong, and fortunately America had an adult in the room who was willing to rebuild those alliances rather than continue to tear them apart as Trump did.

Had we had another 4 years of Russia being able to keep pulling on those strings who knows what would have happened. I think had Trump been elected Russia likely would not have invaded, but not because they were afraid of Trump, but because he was going to continue to do their work of undermining NATO and America's hard built alliances around the world which would essentially give them what they wanted anyhow.
Boy you're dumb.

What kind of moron thinks the child of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and a Secretary of State/Senator is a "simple public servant"?

You should be embarrassed for being so stupid.

Also, you have a link to Chelsea Clinton's London flat?

Seriously, it has to be painful to be this stupid. Do you wake up with blinding headaches?
You’re a maroon.
Try to keep a job.
You’re a maroon.
Try to keep a job.
You realize everyone posting in this thread thinks (well, actually, knows) you're an idiot, correct?

Try to remember to keep breathing. In through the nose...out through the mouth. Well, in your case - in through the mouth...out through the mouth. And repeat.
Oh no doubt. Putin seriously miscalculated. Russia had spent at least a decade if not more trying to sow divisions in the EU in the US and NATO by playing their Russian troll farm games. And they were successful. They've created massive political division in the US, got Trump elected most likely, and still have several (essentially) Russian operatives in our own political system. Their work was likely behind Brexit as well along with attempts to do the same in France and Germany. And they've even managed to infiltrate a number of NATO countries like Hungary with more authoritarian regimes of their own. I believe they had seen how successful that was and thought that the alliances had been broken. Fortunately he was wrong, and fortunately America had an adult in the room who was willing to rebuild those alliances rather than continue to tear them apart as Trump did.

Had we had another 4 years of Russia being able to keep pulling on those strings who knows what would have happened. I think had Trump been elected Russia likely would not have invaded, but not because they were afraid of Trump, but because he was going to continue to do their work of undermining NATO and America's hard built alliances around the world which would essentially give them what they wanted anyhow.
It’s a fascinating story because they were genius and incredibly adept at what they did. But all the while they lost track of the corruption of military.