Ummm Gary….this isn’t WW3. We’d like to keep it that way…thanks
Ummm Gary….this isn’t WW3. We’d like to keep it that way…thanks
And they’re up there right at the front of former Iron Curtain countries held under the boot of the Soviets. Educated, industrious, tough and well armed. With very long memories.Waking up to news. Man.....Poland knows how to do a State visit with theatrics. I am confident that Poland could kick Putin's ass back to Siberia
I appreciate their passion but I think some of these guys are too cavalier about the risks of escalation.
Pretty easy gig tweeting opinion pieces out on twitter from your New York apartment.I appreciate their passion but I think some of these guys are too cavalier about the risks of escalation.
It’s tough. I see both sides. For now, sure let’s see if we can get Putin to back down, or either better, take a dirt nap.Pretty easy gig tweeting opinion pieces out on twitter from your New York apartment.
If you’re right that it was a bluff at the end you get to let everyone know.
If you’re wrong nobody will be around to let you know.
Russia is moving the goalposts. They are still putting pressure on Kiev, but will be happy if Ukraine formally gives them Crimea and the eastern area as a land bridge to Crimea. It will be a tough decision for Ukraine to keep fighting for those areas.
If Pepsi, don’t care.
Russia has to be completely regime changed and denuclearized. It’s pathetic the world has let their barbaric activities, political offshore assassinations, and disinformation war on west go on so long and done hardly anything. Now that they have been completely pantsed militarily, they have to be taken out.
The frequency that turrets fly off T-72's is pretty mind bottling.....
Best way to get laid is taking her to watch the ships burn.
Are you sure? I see the host wearing a blue and yellow ribbon. A Russian plant on a pro Ukrainian broadcast?
Russia has to be completely regime changed and denuclearized. It’s pathetic the world has let their barbaric activities, political offshore assignations, and disinformation war on west go on so long and done hardly anything. Now that they have been completely pantsed militarily, they have to be taken out.
I want that thing from Shogun where they bury him up to his neck, and then everyone in Ukraine can just do what they want to his exposed head.
#PanamaPapersFinland has seized 21 yachts in Winter storage until their ownership can be determined.
If this has done one thing, hopefully it’s opened some eyes as to how the super rich and super corrupt hide wealth.
“I like people who weren‘t captured.”
Are you sure? I see the host wearing a blue and yellow ribbon. A Russian plant on a pro Ukrainian broadcast?
The Poles are getting well deserved positive publicity, but they have had a little slide to the right the last few years. I can see a guy wanting to seize Kalingrad. There has been some intense nationalism in Poland, and some crackdowns on journalists, judges, and minority groups.
From WW2-Uncapping?
How many millions of people would you trade to accomplish that?Russia has to be completely regime changed and denuclearized. It’s pathetic the world has let their barbaric activities, political offshore assassinations, and disinformation war on west go on so long and done hardly anything. Now that they have been completely pantsed militarily, they have to be taken out.
Seems like that might be one of their 4 reasons to use them, being “existential threats to the country”.How many millions of people would you trade to accomplish that?