This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Not specific but if you look at Soviet_Russio policy that have historically moved large potions of native populations out while moving Russian populations in within areas under their control. It allows them to then invade claiming they are protecting marginalized Russian minorities.
The Armenian genocide was one of the worst in history and recieves virtually no press. Most people have never heard of it.
So basically the exact same as the Western European colonization of the New World and American "Manifest Destiny" in the 1800s.
We were told on here that Biden's comments would be walked back today.

...which is the same thing as walking it back.

Look, the simple reality is that you can't lose sight of the ultimate goal of peace, and stopping the fighting. Regime change comments hinder that, plain and simple, particularly from a putative noncombatant who is a historic adversary. He's got a higher than normal tendency to go off script, and he's certainly not the first president to do so and he won't be the last. But the fact remains, it hurts the pursuit of the important goal.
...which is the same thing as walking it back.

Look, the simple reality is that you can't lose sight of the ultimate goal of peace, and stopping the fighting. Regime change comments hinder that, plain and simple, particularly from a putative noncombatant who is a historic adversary. He's got a higher than normal tendency to go off script, and he's certainly not the first president to do so and he won't be the last. But the fact remains, it hurts the pursuit of the important goal.

Not the same, and as the general said yesterday, it needed to be said
I like that dude. Sure, he's a bit nuts but he's got some stones in his pants. Not that genital missing, diaper shitting, orange stain of a fart.


That was the day Cheeto Nation flew to Tulsa to take a dump on Juneteenth and killed Herman Cain while doing so.
It becomes more evident every day that Putin overestimated the division Trump created in NATO between 2017-2021.

Either that, or he underestimated the ability of Biden to strengthen NATO.

The civilian losses are horrific, but Russian military looks like a "paper tiger". Another 2-3 weeks of Ukrainian gains and continued NATO armaments and desertion and surrenders from Russian troops will be overwhelming, imo.
If the numbers are correct I think you're right.

We really don't have any solid numbers on Ukrainian military losses though....for pretty obvious reasons. Not like NATO is going to release those assessments and Ukrainian/Russian numbers are dubious at best....
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So basically the exact same as the Western European colonization of the New World and American "Manifest Destiny" in the 1800s.
To my knowledge nobody marched 1.5 million native American elderly. Women and children into the desert without food, water or shelter to die. So if you have a historical reference for that please point us to it. The relocation is an undeniable fact.
To my knowledge nobody marched 1.5 million native American elderly. Women and children into the desert without food, water or shelter to die. So if you have a historical reference for that please point us to it. The relocation is an undeniable fact.
Definitely not 1.5 million but the Trail of Tears isn’t a shining moment in US History.
To my knowledge nobody marched 1.5 million native American elderly. Women and children into the desert without food, water or shelter to die. So if you have a historical reference for that please point us to it. The relocation is an undeniable fact.

Removing Native Americans from their Land​

Ohio land cessions
In 1786, the United States established its first Native American reservation and approached each tribe as an independent nation. This policy remained intact for more than one hundred years. But as President James Monroe noted in his second inaugural address in 1821, treating Native Americans this way "flattered their pride, retarded their improvement, and in many instances paved the way to their destruction."

In addition, Monroe observed that America's westward growth "has constantly driven them back, with almost the total sacrifice of the lands which they have been compelled to abandon. They have claims on the magnanimity and . . . on the justice of this nation which we must all feel." Despite Monroe's concern for the plight of Native Americans, his administration successfully removed them from states north of the Ohio River.

President Andrew Jackson offered similar rhetoric in his first inaugural address in 1829, when he emphasized his desire "to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people." Yet, only fourteen months later, Jackson prompted Congress to pass the Removal Act, a bill that forced Native Americans to leave the United States and settle in the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.

Many Cherokee tribes banded together as an independent nation, and challenged this legislation in U.S. courts. In 1832, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokees, but some tribes still signed treaties giving the federal government the legal authority to "assist" them in their move to the Indian Territory.

In 1838, as the deadline for removal approached, thousands of federal soldiers and Georgia volunteers entered the territory and forcibly relocated the Cherokees, some hunting, imprisoning, assaulting, and murdering Cherokees during the process. Cherokees who survived the onslaught were forced on a 1,000-mile march to the established Indian Territory with few provisions. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this "Trail of Tears."

U.S. Indian land cessions, Florida
An audio recording of a Native American song commemorating this tragedy is available in the Library's online collections. A description of how some Cherokees settled in West Virginia can be heard in the audio recording Plateau Region as Unofficial Refuge for Cherokee.

The expansion of the United States that encroached upon Native American lands occurred faster than many policymakers had predicted, with events such as the Mexican-American War in 1848 placing new territories and tribes under federal jurisdiction. A government report, The Indians of Southern California in 1852, explained that many Californians believed "destiny had awarded California to the Americans to develop" and that if the Indians "interfered with progress they should be pushed aside."

Trail of Tears, in U.S. history, the forced relocation during the 1830s of Eastern Woodlands Indians of the Southeast region of the United States (including Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole, among other nations) to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. Estimates based on tribal and military records suggest that approximately 100,000 indigenous people were forced from their homes during that period, which is sometimes known as the removal era, and that some 15,000 died during the journey west. The term Trail of Tears invokes the collective suffering those people experienced, although it is most commonly used in reference to the removal experiences of the Southeast Indians generally and the Cherokee nation specifically. The physical trail consisted of several overland routes and one main water route and, by passage of the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act in 2009, stretched some 5,045 miles (about 8,120 km) across portions of nine states (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee).

The roots of forced relocation lay in greed. The British Proclamation of 1763 designated the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River as Indian Territory. Although that region was to be protected for the exclusive use of indigenous peoples, large numbers of Euro-American land speculators and settlers soon entered. For the most part, the British and, later, U.S. governments ignored these acts of trespass.


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To my knowledge nobody marched 1.5 million native American elderly. Women and children into the desert without food, water or shelter to die. So if you have a historical reference for that please point us to it. The relocation is an undeniable fact.
right. they just sent them to Oklahoma. oh, wait...
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Not the same, and as the general said yesterday, it needed to be said
oh, so that's what Biden meant by no change in policy.

BTW, to be clear, I'm equal opportunity on this, dating back at least to the famous "evil empire" speech, presidents say stuff that doesn't help
Why are people so scared to call a spade a spade? Putin is a murderer. Just because he hides behind a sovereign flag doesn't change it. For that matter, so is that idiot George W. Bush. The only difference is that, I think, Bush realizes he f'd up and would show remorse. Putin would just try to be more hardcore.

And Bush's war in Af stinkis tan was 100 percent justified.

Bush's war in Iraq, 100 percent f'd up and based on a false narrative.
Why are people so scared to call a spade a spade? Putin is a murderer. Just because he hides behind a sovereign flag doesn't change it. For that matter, so is that idiot George W. Bush. The only difference is that, I think, Bush realizes he f'd up and would show remorse. Putin would just try to be more hardcore.

And Bush's war in Af stinkis tan was 100 percent justified.

Bush's war in Iraq, 100 percent f'd up and based on a false narrative.
it's fine for you and I to, less so for a head of state to, as they are presumed to speak for their nation. and therein lies the rub when you're trying to secure peace.

Look, some people are just not cut out for international relations, but it's an unavoidable game that in fact has a set of rules and conventions to it, particularly for nonbelligerents.

Removing Native Americans from their Land​

Ohio land cessions
In 1786, the United States established its first Native American reservation and approached each tribe as an independent nation. This policy remained intact for more than one hundred years. But as President James Monroe noted in his second inaugural address in 1821, treating Native Americans this way "flattered their pride, retarded their improvement, and in many instances paved the way to their destruction."

In addition, Monroe observed that America's westward growth "has constantly driven them back, with almost the total sacrifice of the lands which they have been compelled to abandon. They have claims on the magnanimity and . . . on the justice of this nation which we must all feel." Despite Monroe's concern for the plight of Native Americans, his administration successfully removed them from states north of the Ohio River.

President Andrew Jackson offered similar rhetoric in his first inaugural address in 1829, when he emphasized his desire "to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people." Yet, only fourteen months later, Jackson prompted Congress to pass the Removal Act, a bill that forced Native Americans to leave the United States and settle in the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.

Many Cherokee tribes banded together as an independent nation, and challenged this legislation in U.S. courts. In 1832, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokees, but some tribes still signed treaties giving the federal government the legal authority to "assist" them in their move to the Indian Territory.

In 1838, as the deadline for removal approached, thousands of federal soldiers and Georgia volunteers entered the territory and forcibly relocated the Cherokees, some hunting, imprisoning, assaulting, and murdering Cherokees during the process. Cherokees who survived the onslaught were forced on a 1,000-mile march to the established Indian Territory with few provisions. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this "Trail of Tears."

U.S. Indian land cessions, Florida
An audio recording of a Native American song commemorating this tragedy is available in the Library's online collections. A description of how some Cherokees settled in West Virginia can be heard in the audio recording Plateau Region as Unofficial Refuge for Cherokee.

The expansion of the United States that encroached upon Native American lands occurred faster than many policymakers had predicted, with events such as the Mexican-American War in 1848 placing new territories and tribes under federal jurisdiction. A government report, The Indians of Southern California in 1852, explained that many Californians believed "destiny had awarded California to the Americans to develop" and that if the Indians "interfered with progress they should be pushed aside."

Trail of Tears, in U.S. history, the forced relocation during the 1830s of Eastern Woodlands Indians of the Southeast region of the United States (including Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole, among other nations) to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. Estimates based on tribal and military records suggest that approximately 100,000 indigenous people were forced from their homes during that period, which is sometimes known as the removal era, and that some 15,000 died during the journey west. The term Trail of Tears invokes the collective suffering those people experienced, although it is most commonly used in reference to the removal experiences of the Southeast Indians generally and the Cherokee nation specifically. The physical trail consisted of several overland routes and one main water route and, by passage of the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act in 2009, stretched some 5,045 miles (about 8,120 km) across portions of nine states (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee).

The roots of forced relocation lay in greed. The British Proclamation of 1763 designated the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River as Indian Territory. Although that region was to be protected for the exclusive use of indigenous peoples, large numbers of Euro-American land speculators and settlers soon entered. For the most part, the British and, later, U.S. governments ignored these acts of trespass.


All true, and before the white man the commanche was doing a pretty good job themselves of murder and forcing mass migrations other other tribes.
All true, and before the white man the commanche was doing a pretty good job themselves of murder and forcing mass migrations other other tribes.
Which is exactly Seminole's point -- and if you've been paying attention, I have been far from a regular supporter of all of his takes.

But any suggestion that genocidal tendencies are baked into any particular culture or society fails the test of history. The truth is, humans that organize in large groups have a long and well-understood propensity for enslaving, subjugating and genociding their neighbors. Everywhere on the globe.

And anyone that can't understand that the pre-Columbian civilization in the New World was brought to the verge of extinction -- and is more-or-less culturally extinct at this point -- as a direct result of European colonization and American Manifest Destiny is either woefully uneducated or operating with an agenda. Not debatable and I won't waste more time on the subject in this thread, as that discussion doesn't belong here.
They should use flame throwers for Kadyrov and muslim troops. They hate it because it reminds them of Hindu cremation and that defiles their body forever from their 72 virgins and janat (heaven).
A deal’s a deal….Shouldn’t matter if you are burned to a crisp. I believe the 72 virgins still have to like you In your totally burned condition. What about the suicide bombers? They end up in multiple pieces, but still get the 72 young girls who like them.
An infamous sniper fighting for the Russian invasion force has been captured by Ukrainian troops after being left for dead by her comrades.

Irina Starikova, code name Baghera, achieved infamy and a reported kill count of 40, including Ukrainian civilians - but her true identity remains unclear and is shrouded in mystery.

Believed to have originally been born in Serbia, she is according to some reports she a former professional handball player named Daniela Lazovic.

It is reported that she was once a nun who became a drug trafficker, before covering to Islam.

She has fighting on behalf of the pro-Russian rebels in Donestk since 2014, when Russia invaded Ukrainian territory in Crimea and parts of the Donbas.

The Kyiv Defence Ministry's news agency, ArmyInform, reported that “ZSU [Ukrainian Armed Forces] had taken the famous sniper Baghera from ORDLO [Russian occupied territory] prisoner, who shot Ukrainian prisoners in 2014”.

The official press release continued: “According to some volunteers, she killed at least 40 Ukrainians, including civilians."

According to Ukrainian serviceman Vlad Ivanov, "Baghera" had been wounded before she was captured and treated by Ukrainian army medics.

A report from the Ukrainian intelligence services she has been serving in the units of the "People's Militia in the DPRK” since 2014.

She claims that she was abandoned on the battlefield by her comrades.

"They abandoned me. Knowing that I was injured and had the opportunity to take me away, they decided to leave me, hoping that I would die," she explained.


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An infamous sniper fighting for the Russian invasion force has been captured by Ukrainian troops after being left for dead by her comrades.

Irina Starikova, code name Baghera, achieved infamy and a reported kill count of 40, including Ukrainian civilians - but her true identity remains unclear and is shrouded in mystery.

Believed to have originally been born in Serbia, she is according to some reports she a former professional handball player named Daniela Lazovic.

It is reported that she was once a nun who became a drug trafficker, before covering to Islam.

She has fighting on behalf of the pro-Russian rebels in Donestk since 2014, when Russia invaded Ukrainian territory in Crimea and parts of the Donbas.

The Kyiv Defence Ministry's news agency, ArmyInform, reported that “ZSU [Ukrainian Armed Forces] had taken the famous sniper Baghera from ORDLO [Russian occupied territory] prisoner, who shot Ukrainian prisoners in 2014”.

The official press release continued: “According to some volunteers, she killed at least 40 Ukrainians, including civilians."

According to Ukrainian serviceman Vlad Ivanov, "Baghera" had been wounded before she was captured and treated by Ukrainian army medics.

A report from the Ukrainian intelligence services she has been serving in the units of the "People's Militia in the DPRK” since 2014.

She claims that she was abandoned on the battlefield by her comrades.

"They abandoned me. Knowing that I was injured and had the opportunity to take me away, they decided to leave me, hoping that I would die," she explained.


I look forward to her hanging death. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
An infamous sniper fighting for the Russian invasion force has been captured by Ukrainian troops after being left for dead by her comrades.

Irina Starikova, code name Baghera, achieved infamy and a reported kill count of 40, including Ukrainian civilians - but her true identity remains unclear and is shrouded in mystery.

Believed to have originally been born in Serbia, she is according to some reports she a former professional handball player named Daniela Lazovic.

It is reported that she was once a nun who became a drug trafficker, before covering to Islam.

She has fighting on behalf of the pro-Russian rebels in Donestk since 2014, when Russia invaded Ukrainian territory in Crimea and parts of the Donbas.

The Kyiv Defence Ministry's news agency, ArmyInform, reported that “ZSU [Ukrainian Armed Forces] had taken the famous sniper Baghera from ORDLO [Russian occupied territory] prisoner, who shot Ukrainian prisoners in 2014”.

The official press release continued: “According to some volunteers, she killed at least 40 Ukrainians, including civilians."

According to Ukrainian serviceman Vlad Ivanov, "Baghera" had been wounded before she was captured and treated by Ukrainian army medics.

A report from the Ukrainian intelligence services she has been serving in the units of the "People's Militia in the DPRK” since 2014.

She claims that she was abandoned on the battlefield by her comrades.

"They abandoned me. Knowing that I was injured and had the opportunity to take me away, they decided to leave me, hoping that I would die," she explained.


Think she has one of these.

AKM fitted with P-25 grenade launcher.
It is reported that she was once a nun who became a drug trafficker, before covering to Islam.
So there has to be a movie.

