This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Yeah more food for thought about the nuclear threats. I keep reading people crying they have 6000 nukes. They don’t they have 1,458 active nukes with 3,039 available and 1,760 retired. By treaty US and Russia are limited to 1550 nukes.
1 ICBM carries up to 15 delivery vehicles. That's 15 cities vaporized. If they slip an SLBM from one of their typhoons that is enough to end our world as we know it. It takes a typhoon less than 20 seconds to salvo its armament. Their Borei-class subs are less than 8 years old and each carries 16 SLBMs ready to fire in less than 20 seconds. Each Borei SLBMs carry 6 MIRVs and have a paltry range of 5770 miles. A Borei class sub parked in the white sea can hit any spot in the US aside from Hawaii. 2 of these subs are less than 4 years old. Oh and by the way you are a dipshit
1 ICBM carries up to 15 delivery vehicles. That's 15 cities vaporized. If they slip an SLBM from one of their typhoons that is enough to end our world as we know it. It takes a typhoon less than 20 seconds to salvo its armament. Their Borei-class subs are less than 8 years old and each carries 16 SLBMs ready to fire in less than 20 seconds. Each Borei SLBMs carry 6 MIRVs and have a paltry range of 5770 miles. A Borei class sub parked in the white sea can hit any spot in the US aside from Hawaii. 2 of these subs are less than 4 years old. Oh and by the way you are a dipshit
In fairness, don't many of the MIRVs have dummy warheads to confuse our missile defense? So only like 10 cities vaporized by each ICBM, so basically NBD.

Be prepared for a 8th post about Russian defense spending/corruption meaning they have without a doubt, 0% capability.
In fairness, don't many of the MIRVs have dummy warheads to confuse our missile defense? So only like 10 cities vaporized by each ICBM, so basically NBD.

Be prepared for a 8th post about Russian defense spending/corruption meaning they have without a doubt, 0% capability.
MIRV re-entry speed is over MACH 20. No they cannot be intercepted. But there is a chance that a few wont work so the 10 city thing is potentially accurate and like you said. No biggy.
Maternity Hospital is quite send explanatory. Not everyone operates the same way we do here in the states. I’m surprised that not we’ll understood
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1 ICBM carries up to 15 delivery vehicles. That's 15 cities vaporized. If they slip an SLBM from one of their typhoons that is enough to end our world as we know it. It takes a typhoon less than 20 seconds to salvo its armament. Their Borei-class subs are less than 8 years old and each carries 16 SLBMs ready to fire in less than 20 seconds. Each Borei SLBMs carry 6 MIRVs and have a paltry range of 5770 miles. A Borei class sub parked in the white sea can hit any spot in the US aside from Hawaii. 2 of these subs are less than 4 years old. Oh and by the way you are a dipshit
I'm not one, you worshiper of the fearsome Russian empire and it's transcendent army. I don't relish a nuclear war. But I have confidence in our subs and missile defense combined with their pathetic display of military corruption and maintenance that makes me think they could not deliver the threat they are making to both Europe and US. So at what point do you let them keep going after this event. Do you let them rebuild? Try to take another country. They have shown the world they need to be neutralized and their arsenal better secured Hopefully, this will come as a coup.

PS I am sure you believe they are loaded with Hypersonic missiles too.
that's hilarious but i would swap the heads. much like rock, ukraine took the sucker punch like a champ and kept going...
I'm not one, you worshiper of the fearsome Russian empire and it's transcendent army. I don't relish a nuclear war. But I have confidence in our subs and missile defense combined with their pathetic display of military corruption and maintenance that makes me think they could not deliver the threat they are making to both Europe and US.
Damn, it's too bad our leaders and intel guys aren't as knowledgeable as you and a few other HROT posters here.

We could have had this wrapped up before noon a week into this thing without breaking a sweat and went back to worrying about COVID.
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In fairness, don't many of the MIRVs have dummy warheads to confuse our missile defense? So only like 10 cities vaporized by each ICBM, so basically NBD.

Be prepared for a 8th post about Russian defense spending/corruption meaning they have without a doubt, 0% capability.
This is the thing....even if their nukes are only at a 10% mission capable rate....we're still talking Armageddon.

Mind blowing conversation on here when we're talking about Nukes...
Maybe someone who works in health care has a better answer but most likely It is a specialized facility for births.
Seems extremely inefficient and actually downright dangerous. We have hospitals with entire departments dedicated to maternity. And when things go wrong the patients can simply be wheeled down a hallway for their needs.
Damn, it's too bad our leaders and intel guys aren't as knowledgeable as you and a few other HROT posters here.

We could have had this wrapped up before noon a week into this thing without breaking a sweat and went back to worrying about COVID.
This is one of those things where I have very little knowledge and am trying to figure out who does! I tend to think Russia could end us if they wanted to. That might be more of growing up in the 70s and 80s.
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This is the thing....even if their nukes are only at a 10% mission capable rate....we're still talking Armageddon.

Mind blowing conversation on here when we're talking about Nukes...
What is mind-blowing is some folks around here are fooled into thinking there is no risk because of what they see on TV with the Russians failing. Mariupol ( a former city in Ukraine) is an example of what that rag tag military is capable of.
What is mind-blowing is some folks around here are fooled into thinking there is no risk because of what they see on TV with the Russians failing. Mariupol ( a former city in Ukraine) is an example of what that rag tag military is capable of.
They certainly have shown they can destroy buildings/cities...
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This is one of those things where I have very little knowledge and am trying to figure out who does! I tend to think Russia could end us if they wanted to. That might be more of growing up in the 70s and 80s.
Who does actually know?

Maybe like 5 people who live in Russia. Likely not posting on HROT.
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Who does actually know?

Maybe like 5 people who live in Russia. Likely not posting on HROT.
I'm talking military experts. People who have read a helluva lot more about it than me. There are a lot of people on this site that have expertise in a variety of topics.
This is one of those things where I have very little knowledge and am trying to figure out who does! I tend to think Russia could end us if they wanted to. That might be more of growing up in the 70s and 80s.
Putin is crazy. Batshit crazy. How many times have we seen batshit people Commit murder and then kill themselves? Putin can do that with a single order. Anyone who thinks otherwise can't be helped.
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What is mind-blowing is some folks around here are fooled into thinking there is no risk because of what they see on TV with the Russians failing. Mariupol ( a former city in Ukraine) is an example of what that rag tag military is capable of.
See that may be heart of the issue. I think everyone knows the risk of Armageddon is real. The failure of communication we have is some folks think placating and appeasing Putin and his ilk will reduce this from happening. The real case, like how the worlds best chest player views it, is he is bluffing and full of crap but if we let them off hook, they will redouble the efforts and then we will have a much worse problem. Nobody wants a world war or a nuclear war. But also, world needs to defang Russia and get rid of Putin.
I'm not one, you worshiper of the fearsome Russian empire and it's transcendent army. I don't relish a nuclear war. But I have confidence in our subs and missile defense combined with their pathetic display of military corruption and maintenance that makes me think they could not deliver the threat they are making to both Europe and US. So at what point do you let them keep going after this event. Do you let them rebuild? Try to take another country. They have shown the world they need to be neutralized and their arsenal better secured Hopefully, this will come as a coup.

PS I am sure you believe they are loaded with Hypersonic missiles too.
Note to self: when meeting Russkies bring along your own box lunch.

JFC how old ARE you? One /1/uno nuke would have to hit NYC or DC to absolutely change our world. Five would end us. Literally and permanently.
I think some folks of a certain age grew up with video games and don’t understand that nukes are freakin real and that MAD is a thing.
And that speaking of real and MAD - Vladimir Putin is real and he’s a real MADman.
I'm not one, you worshiper of the fearsome Russian empire and it's transcendent army. I don't relish a nuclear war. But I have confidence in our subs and missile defense combined with their pathetic display of military corruption and maintenance that makes me think they could not deliver the threat they are making to both Europe and US. So at what point do you let them keep going after this event. Do you let them rebuild? Try to take another country. They have shown the world they need to be neutralized and their arsenal better secured Hopefully, this will come as a coup.

PS I am sure you believe they are loaded with Hypersonic missiles too.
Always a chuckle when a person living in the middle of nowhere is willing to play nuclear annihilation poker with urban chips.
It would be wonderful if Ukraine could force Russians into a "Dunkirk" at Mikolaiv.

"If the Ukrainian forces manage to regain control of the strategic city located at the mouth of the Dnieper, Russian troops around Mikolaiv would be “sandwiched” between Ukrainian forces defending Mikolaiv and those in Kherson, the official said.

“That would make it very, very difficult for them to make any kind of ground movement on Odesa,” the main seaport still held by the Ukrainians.

That would be a significant development, no question about that, in terms of the southern part of the war,” he said."
I'm talking military experts. People who have read a helluva lot more about it than me. There are a lot of people on this site that have expertise in a variety of topics.
My thesis was nuclear proliferation with a historical focus on the Cuban missile crisis and the proliferation that came in the 15-20 years after that. My research is dated but I've done some reading since. Especially regarding naval nuclear capabilities. I have a friend who is a retired naval commander that served on several nuclear submarines. All of which were attack class subs that tracked/stalked Russian subs.
Seems extremely inefficient and actually downright dangerous. We have hospitals with entire departments dedicated to maternity. And when things go wrong the patients can simply be wheeled down a hallway for their needs.
Ukraine is a incredibly poor country. One of the poorest in Europe. The US spends $12k per person per year on health, the most in the world. Ukraine spends about $250 per person. Sub the word "clinic" for "hospital" and maybe it makes more sense to you.
Ukraine is a incredibly poor country. One of the poorest in Europe. The US spends $12k per person per year on health, the most in the world. Ukraine spends about $250 per person. Sub the word "clinic" for "hospital" and maybe it makes more sense to you.
Yes makes sense. Their healthcare is compartmentalized then. Learn something new every day.