This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

The Vice News documentary on the Azov Brigade is a good one. They are strong nationalists and most have strong racists/Nazi tendencies. They, also, do not recognize the government in Kyiv. The whole series Hate Thy Neighbor is incredible.
They’re useful now…but will be a problem for Ukraine when this war is over.

Especially if they’re made into a bunch of heroes
To hell with that. I'm going to go pee toward Russia right now. So... east, I guess? Or north over the Arctic? I can't figure a great circle pee in my head.

Are you in DSM? If so, 26 degrees northeast will get you to Moscow.

Interesting article about the Air Force’s recent decision to boneyard 33 F-22 Raptors, while using the money saved in maintenance and upgrades to keep our active Raptors at the absolute cutting edge. This approach greatly contrasts Russia’s strategy that places sheer numbers of hardware over the sophistication of hardware. And it’s our strategy vs. theirs that has always allowed our fighter jets to have an enormous technological edge in the field of warfare.
I really wish that we had a requirement of passing a standard civic’s exam as well as having a required IQ test with a minimum threshold attained, in order to run for federal office. Would weed out a lot of these dimwits and maybe we could get something accomplished.

Why do posters commenting on others' intelligence seemingly always do this?
The Vice News documentary on the Azov Brigade is a good one. They are strong nationalists and most have strong racists/Nazi tendencies. They, also, do not recognize the government in Kyiv. The whole series Hate Thy Neighbor is incredible.
I haven't seen the Vice documentary, but I wonder if those strong racist/Nazi tendencies are really just anti-Russian tendencies.
Bunches of HROT Righties fervently believe that China designed and created Covid to kill Americans and leave Asians untouched. Don’t think for a minute that Russia won’t play the bio weapon lie against Ukraine.
China has fully backed the Ukrainian bioweapon lie, so they deserve zero sympathy regarding Q morons.
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Interesting article about the Air Force’s recent decision to boneyard 33 F-22 Raptors, while using the money saved in maintenance and upgrades to keep our active Raptors at the absolute cutting edge. This approach greatly contrasts Russia’s strategy that places sheer numbers of hardware over the sophistication of hardware. And it’s our strategy vs. theirs that has always allowed our fighter jets to have an enormous technological edge in the field of warfare.
Also, they’re poor 🙂
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I suspect the move to back away from Kiev, if true, is about forming defensive lines and spending a few weeks trying to get supplies moved up and to bring in fresh units. They may also be repositioning to concentrate on a thrust to the East to cleave off the Donbas sand a land corridor to Crimea. Then they will declare victory and “negotiate”.
Whatever is going on the West needs to keep cramming in supplies.