It's in their interest to continue to sow division in the US.Russian TV Host Calls For ‘Regime Change’ in US – and ‘Our Partner’ Trump to Be Put in Power
I mean, it’s from Mediaite, but still…
Imagine needing a draft to defeat Ukraine
It seems like there should be an opportunity to send them our neo-nazis somewhere in there.A far-right battalion has a key role in Ukraine's resistance. Its neo-Nazi history has been exploited by Putin
President Vladimir Putin framed the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a "special mission" to protect Russian speakers from genocide at the hands of "neo-Nazis."
We used to arrest them instead:It seems like there should be an opportunity to send them our neo-nazis somewhere in there.
Not trying to steal your thunder, but in case people didn't realize they should click the link:
50 years of propaganda plopped on top of 900 years of cultural authoritarianism.Absolutely this.
I imagine this young man 50 years from now retelling his life’s story to his grandkids:
Republicans- "You cannot just go tearing down history and heritage!"
Oh shit, if we’re bringing up broken treaties and land stealing from the 1800s a lot of Americans better pack their bags!
What would be a shame is if the expansion of the war resulted in civilian casualties reaching six figures or more.