Can't go back in time lucas....gotta deal with reality.If only we'd used the last 50 years or so to start moving away from gas and oil...
Can't go back in time lucas....gotta deal with reality.If only we'd used the last 50 years or so to start moving away from gas and oil...
How the f*** do you overturn a fully loaded train?
Sure, but we can point out that we had our chances, and we failed, and we shouldn't waffle and back pedal. I say that as a leftist Dem who relies on a sooty POS like Joe Manchin far too much.Can't go back in time lucas....gotta deal with reality.
How the f*** do you overturn a fully loaded train?
In the war movies, they just separate the tracks from one another and the train does the rest. The sabotage is getting more daring and dangerous for those doing it. They could probably be executed for something like this.How the f*** do you overturn a fully loaded train?
That doesn't fit the GOP narrative.That does tend to happen as hostilities increase, bud.
As well as during a pandemic when supply chains get all jacked up.
Put a penny on the track. Or so I was told.How the f*** do you overturn a fully loaded train?
Because you can bomb the shit out of everything and leave nothing behind but dust.I heard an interview on NPR's Fresh Air today with Vera Bergengruen about the use of apps like Telegram, and how the Ukrainians appear to be winning the cyber PR war. The Russians are using blunt, outdated tactics. As mentioned a few pages back in this thread about an IT company in Ukraine operating as normal, the Ukrainians are keeping their IT people busy. Everyone has a role in the defense of their country. Why take a great IT person and give them a rifle when they are more useful behind a computer?
We just need to harness and harvest lithium from a comet bro.After we wean ourselves of of oil...... Will we be fighting wars over Lithium?
Japan went to war with us because we put economic sanctions on them.I was bothered that they still allowed Russian travelers into Korea. To be fair, Korea and Japan have really weird views on economic rights, so they take sanctions much more seriously than we do because they see it as a deprivation of natural rights.
Korea should be the champion of countries standing up to Russia. They’re a top ten economy separated by a small divide from the most underdeveloped country outside of Sudan.
It is always “It can only happen so fast”.It can only happen so fast....unfortunately a country like Germany got ahead of their ski's by closing their nuclear plants which at one time provided 28% of their energy and all the windmills that litter the German landscape didn't pick up the slack and they're reliant on Russian oil and gas....
We'll get there, but we're going to need natural gas and oil for the forseeable future.
Japan went to war with us because they wanted the Philippines.Japan went to war with us because we put economic sanctions on them.
Heard the same interview....the Ukrainians have been pretty damned savvy...I heard an interview on NPR's Fresh Air today with Vera Bergengruen about the use of apps like Telegram, and how the Ukrainians appear to be winning the cyber PR war. The Russians are using blunt, outdated tactics. As mentioned a few pages back in this thread about an IT company in Ukraine operating as normal, the Ukrainians are keeping their IT people busy. Everyone has a role in the defense of their country. Why take a great IT person and give them a rifle when they are more useful behind a computer?
You ever been to Germany? They're everywhere.It is always “It can only happen so fast”.
I have heard that since the Oil Embargo of 1973.
We never get there without starting the journey.
Windmills litter the landscape… what do you call the petro debris that litters the landscape and poisons our waterways? Progress?
Texas, New Mexico, California, Indiana, and others are harvesting the wind. So much cleaner than petro. I like your term litter, just as Volkswagen Beatles and Ford Mustangs once littered the highways.You ever been to Germany? They're everywhere.
They're making a real effort.
We could have done more in the past, we didn't. Just have to deal with the reality and not pretend theirs a magic wand that will ween us off fossil fuels for some time to come...
Actually they wanted South east Asia and it's oil, rubber and raw materials. Philippines had to be taken because of the US bases and it was a US commonwealth at that time.Japan went to war with us because they wanted the Philippines.
Actually they wanted South east Asia and it's oil, rubber and raw materials. Philippines had to be taken because of the US bases and it was a US commonwealth at that time.
And Iowa....Texas, New Mexico, California, Indiana, and others are harvesting the wind. So much cleaner than petro. I like your term litter, just as Volkswagen Beatles and Ford Mustangs once littered the highways.
Petro production litter is cancerous and poisonous. Very different critter…
CNN reporting Russian troops have withdrawn from Chernobyl.
The article says the troops basically mutinied after being poisoned by digging trenches in radioactive soil. The Russian military leaders sent them into the most radioactive place in the world without any protection or education. This war is going to end with a Russian defeat because their troops are woefully unprepared and unsupported. And if I was a betting man I'd put money on Putin getting a bullet in the back of the head from one of his oligarch buddies who lost everything.LoL they should never have been there in the first place. Criminally inept
"It should be noted that the information about fortifications and trenches that the rashists built right in the Red Forest, the most polluted in the entire Exclusion Zone, was also confirmed," Energoatom said. "So it is not surprising that the occupiers received significant doses of radiation and panicked at the first sign of illness. And it manifested itself very quickly. As a result, almost a riot broke out among the military, and they began to gather from there," continued the statement.CNN reporting Russian troops have withdrawn from Chernobyl.
Nothing in the Philippines really except our strategically placed military to thwart Japanese access to the resources their war machine needed.Japan went to war with us because they wanted the Philippines.
True, their desire for far flung empire overlapped the existing far flung empires.They went to war for a fair number of reasons, not just the PI. Sanctions and their desire to include all of SE Asia and the Pacific wasn’t compatible with peaceful relations with the US
This legitimately feels like a turning point to me. I know the Ukrainians have been making gains, but this is an entire Russian unit saying, "Nope, f**k it, we're out.""It should be noted that the information about fortifications and trenches that the rashists built right in the Red Forest, the most polluted in the entire Exclusion Zone, was also confirmed," Energoatom said. "So it is not surprising that the occupiers received significant doses of radiation and panicked at the first sign of illness. And it manifested itself very quickly. As a result, almost a riot broke out among the military, and they began to gather from there," continued the statement.
How the f*** do you overturn a fully loaded train?
Jesus, are there ANY paved roads in the Ukraine? The Russians sure love their self propelled guns and AFVs. Looks like a vicious war
Sounds like someone must have stolen the money allocated for grease too.
Leaving with hair loss, stomach aches, and skin irritation I hear.CNN reporting Russian troops have withdrawn from Chernobyl.
Right, they needed to go to war with Britain to take Brunei, but they went to war with us because they couldn’t leave the Philippines as an allied base in the middle of their empire.Nothing in the Philippines really except our strategically placed military to thwart Japanese access to the resources their war machine needed.
The East Indies was one of Japan's primary targets if and when it went to war because the colony possessed abundant valuable resources, the most important of which were its rubber plantations and oil fields; the colony was the fourth-largest exporter of oil in the world, behind the U.S., Iran, and Romania.
True, their desire for far flung empire overlapped the existing far flung empires.
Fracking for lithium in CA.There is an almost endless supply that is already being pumped out from under the Salton Sea that will fill our needs for generations to come.
Already taken care of
The soldiers they sent into Chernobyl are dead. They just don’t know it yet. Digging highly irradiated soil with zero protective gear for weeks.It really seems like the Russians have zero ****s for human life to such an extent that it is going to cost them the war because they have zero ****s for their own troops lives. It's like they are a European fighting force from the 1800s-early 1900s with wealthy / noble arrogant commanders running a battlefield from afar full of poor peasant stock aka cannon fodder. That is not how war works in 2022 and the defensive weapons being used will get you 17K dead soldiers in 40 days.
Sounds like someone must have stolen the money allocated for grease too.