This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Ukraine has taken the majority of Russia’s missile capacity. Anyone who thinks supporting Ukraine doesn’t make NATO safer is a clown.

Even crazier they are going to have a hard time making more and will continue to deplete stock instead of admitting they made a miscalculation. They should declare a made up victory and Ukraine denazified and retreat but can’t.
"Volhynia Oblast in western Ukraine, reportedly this morning. Polish T-72M tanks on a platoon towards the battlefield. These are tanks! In case Olaf Scholz asks again."

It must drive Putin nuts that all of this NATO equipment is maintained to American standards. No rusted tanks that haven’t seen service in 40 years.
I still read this thread a couple times a day. Thanks so much to all of you that are keeping the information flowing. Our media sucks.
I am thankful the secdef, POTUS, congress, and those who really matter are still vested in this, despite waning coverage by the MSM. It is the most important conflict probably since the Korean War, and maybe WW2.