Does this thread hit 1 million views before the new year? We're over 760,000 right now. Maybe before Thanksgiving?
I try and maintain an even keel. We are all thousands of miles away, and 99 percent of the people in this thread aren't rooting for Putin, so there is a group think thing going on. But, how close are we to mass desertions? The Ukrainians may not need to perp walk Russians and the separatists. They may throw down their arms and run home. The Russians have a problem with soldiers being held past their contract dates. I can see a lot of those guys putting a bullet in their officers head and going home. It has to be chaos along their lines.
Anyone checking in on the GOP Putin puppets, Tucker and Tulsi?
Any agreement will have to include Russia ceding control over both breakaway states and Crimea back to Ukrainian control and expulsion of any Russian conspirators to the illegal and criminal invasion.
Right on cueThey must still be waiting on Kremlin talking points. The spin is getting harder and harder for the Russo-Nazi apologists these days.
Holy crap.
Yep. He's a lot of our whys for sure.Traitor Carlson. Whoever listens to this traitor and buys his Kremlin filth hates America.
This is a great thread and it’s been interesting to see the Ukraine resistance.
Does anyone really think that Ukraine will (a) get any meaningful military support from anyone and (b) actually win this thing? It’s not going to happen. They have fought valiantly and should be commended but the world is not coming to their rescue and Russia is not going to lose a war to Ukraine.
Yes and Yes
70,000 Ukrainians returning from abroad to fight. International Legion beginning with European fighters entering from Poland, including American and British ex-special forces, and anti-tank missiles coming from all over EU & US, along with US / NATO military intelligence services.
Ukraine has population of 44 million against 100,000 poorly organized irregulars that have no will to fight? i would say the odds are a hell of a lot closer than you think.
I’m old fashioned I guess. I just don’t like women being killed.I'm going to disagree. She chose poorly. This is not some standard suburban situation where you dislike the wife because the hubby is a douche at the club. He contributed to countless deaths and the pillaging of his own country. F them both. She chose to be with him.
I’m old fashioned I guess. I just don’t like women being killed.
Hey, I’m not saying it’s rational, just a gut feeling. Probably how I was raised.Pretty sexist of you dude. You okay with Russia murdering Ukrainian women service members? They have murdered a lot of Ukrainian women and then there is this:
Russia’s ‘most hidden crime’ in Ukraine war: Rape of women, girls, men and boys
Ukrainian authorities believe cases of sexual assault by Russian occupiers are vastly underreported. Shame and many factors underlie survivors' unwillingness to report
Now consider that woman was aiding Russia.
Pretty sexist of you dude. You okay with Russia murdering Ukrainian women service members? They have murdered a lot of Ukrainian women and then there is this:
Russia’s ‘most hidden crime’ in Ukraine war: Rape of women, girls, men and boys
Ukrainian authorities believe cases of sexual assault by Russian occupiers are vastly underreported. Shame and many factors underlie survivors' unwillingness to report
Now consider that woman was aiding Russia.
Probably a murder/suicide when they realized there was nowhere to go.She may have been a confirmed collaborator and traitor also. The punishment for being a traitor in war is often a death sentence.
Hey, I’m not saying it’s rational, just a gut feeling. Probably how I was raised.
It’s a war crime to target civilians.Not sure if this also means they killed his girlfriend. If so, not cool. He's fair game, but c'mon, be better.
That Tucker Carlson clip was objectively batshit bananas. How anyone could say Russia is winning when Russians are fleeing Crimea and Russian cities is beyond me. It’s just disinformation.Holy crap.
sTOp bRiNGinG pOLitIcS inTo THIs
That Tucker Carlson clip was objectively batshit bananas. How anyone could say Russia is winning when Russians are fleeing Crimea and Russian cities is beyond me. It’s just disinformation.
Yep. .tell that to the families of those that were killed in Bucha.It’s a war crime to target civilians.
It’s a war crime to target civilians.