This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

This doesn't seem to be a situation where Russia is trying to stop an attack right? Asshats
EDIT-a comment I saw later claimed this could flood the Inulets near Kherson, so it is possible this was tactical FWIW.

"Situated in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the city of Kryvyi Rih is almost 100 km long but only 20 km wide and is considered to be the longest city in Europe. It is also called “the steel heart of Ukraine.” Historically, the city has been connected with metallurgy and iron mining."

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This doesn't seem to be a situation where Russia is trying to stop an attack right? Asshats
EDIT-a comment I saw later claimed this could flood the Inulets, so it is possible this was tactical FWIW.

"Situated in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the city of Kryvyi Rih is almost 100 km long but only 20 km wide and is considered to be the longest city in Europe. It is also called “the steel heart of Ukraine.” Historically, the city has been connected with metallurgy and iron mining."

Long past time to hand Ukraine missiles that can hit Moscow.
Ukrainian soldiers have captured a T-62 The russians are sending their troops into battle with 60 year old equipment.
2/3rds of Ukraine's tanks at the outset were T-64s. With upgrades, etc., but still ancient Soviet junk.

They're out there without thermal sights, like the Iraqis in '91 and '03.
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More on the rumored assassination attempt. (Hitler luck?)

"Putin survived an assassination attempt . Several Russian security agencies were arrested after Putin's assassination. Putin's limousine was driven safely without him being injured after a bomb exploded in the left seat."

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Another one bites the dust:

Another top ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin has died this week, this time of an alleged “stroke” while on a business trip in the village of Roshchino in Russia’s far east region.

Vladimir Nikolayevich Sungorkin, 68, was editor-in-chief of the Russian state newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda. According to the newspaper, Sungorkin died “suddenly” after showing signs of “suffocation” during the trip on Wednesday.

“It happened absolutely suddenly, nothing foreshadowed. We were in the village of Roshchino. We were driving, we were already making our way towards Khabarovsk, we planned to get there in the evening today, and from there to Moscow. All was good,” his colleague Leonid Zakharov, who had accompanied him on the business trip, wrote in a story for KP.

According to Zakharov, fell unconscious minutes after suggesting their group “find a beautiful place somewhere… for lunch.”

“Three minutes later, Vladimir began to suffocate. We took him out for fresh air, he was already unconscious… Nothing helped. The doctor who did the initial examination said that apparently, it was a stroke. But this is the initial conclusion,” his colleague wrote.

Sungorkin’s passing comes amid a string of mysterious deaths of top Putin allies this month. Most recently, Ivan Pechorin, aviation director for Russia’s Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, was reported dead after allegedly “falling from a boat” in Vladivostok, according to local Russian media outlets.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda has long been known as a staunch pro-Kremlin newspaper.

“The legendary Komsomolka has traveled a long creative path over these years and has written brilliant unforgettable pages in the history of the Russian media,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement congratulating the newspaper on the 95th anniversary of its first issue in 2020. “It is crucial that the current staff of the newspaper pass on these traditions from generation to generation and strive to retain the newspaper’s flagship position in the Russia media market.”

In an obituary for Sungorkin, the staff of Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote that the journalist had come from humble beginnings before building the newspaper up into “a mighty empire,” referring to him as “a symbol of the new national journalism.”
Using nukes is all it's going to take to get US/NATO involved. Putin knows that.

I'd anticipate about 20% "own goals" if Russia shoots any off....

Considering how poorly maintained their army equipment was. Now imagine how well maintained an "arsenal" is they figure they'll never need/use anyway (they actually USE their tanks and shit on Little Sisters Of The Poor countries)
I wonder how Vlad is going to survive this back home….he has to be seen as pretty weak….I’m sure the Russians are not getting the truth….but 40-50,000 KIA or wounded isn’t exactly a small number to hide….there are families….
So far the majority of deaths have been Checyns, other minorities from outlying areas, and people within Ukraine itself. They have intentionally not used very many troops coming from major city centers like Moscow and St Petersburg. From what I understand from some friends who have lived there it's a lot like the Hunger Games. You keep the capitol cities happy and you can do whatever you want to the rest of the country.
These attacks on infrastructure are all that Russia has left to hope to pressure Ukraine into anything. They've realized they can't win a ground war, but they can easily launch missiles with impunity from boats and from within their borders unless NATO chooses to get involved. Unless Ukraine gets the weaponry and the courage to hit Moscow directly they won't stop.

If I were Zelensky I'd do my best to get that weaponry and tell Putin directly that currently our goals are to simply remove you from our country and then create a barrier to your entry ever again. BUT we do maintain and have the weaponry to rain down fire on your major city centers. We don't want to do so, and have no plans to do so. We believe in letting you live your lives. But if one more missile flies into one of our cities we will rain down Hell upon you.
These attacks on infrastructure are all that Russia has left to hope to pressure Ukraine into anything. They've realized they can't win a ground war, but they can easily launch missiles with impunity from boats and from within their borders unless NATO chooses to get involved. Unless Ukraine gets the weaponry and the courage to hit Moscow directly they won't stop.

If I were Zelensky I'd do my best to get that weaponry and tell Putin directly that currently our goals are to simply remove you from our country and then create a barrier to your entry ever again. BUT we do maintain and have the weaponry to rain down fire on your major city centers. We don't want to do so, and have no plans to do so. We believe in letting you live your lives. But if one more missile flies into one of our cities we will rain down Hell upon you.
I was thinking along the same lines-every time Putin attacks a power supply, a dam etc, Ukraine hits something similar in Western Russia. And considering Russia is struggling to defend even military targets, these other sites should be easy pickings.

U.S. Senators Introduce Bill to Designate Russia State Sponsor of Terrorism

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic and Republican U.S. senators introduced legislation on Wednesday that would designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, a label pushed for by Ukraine but opposed by President Joe Biden's administration.

Really sucks that after Russia starts targeting Ukrainian civilian infrastructure the Administration is opposing this and will likely veto if it passes.
I was thinking along the same lines-every time Putin attacks a power supply, a dam etc, Ukraine hits something similar in Western Russia. And considering Russia is struggling to defend even military targets, these other sites should be easy pickings.
They need more longer range and stand off weapons. That's a tough ask.
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Do it! The more weapons that France and Germany sends, the more likely Putin (or his keepers) realize the West will not allow him to win.

"#MacronDegage would consider on the sly to deliver to #Ukraine anti-ship missiles #Exocet ! This act of co-belligerence would humiliate us because Ukraine does not have a military ship and the range is limited to 40 km when sending from the coast"

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