This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I wonder if that isn't part of the strategy. Overwhelm Ukraine with surrendered troops that they can't possibly take care of and continue their war effort. I mean what do you do if 100,000 people all surrender within one month. How do you house them, feed them, secure them, etc....

You call NATO.
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Kind of amazing watching a country even now unwilling to rise up and get rid of one singular man destroying their entire future.
Well people who even slightly question him seem to fall out of windows. I get it, he's doesn't have easy access to him. I feel it will take masses to rise up, even then there will be many slaughtered.
After what he has done to military, seems like they would take care of him.
Their military is more of an organized crime family, and not so much of a professional military. Every corner of Russia is corrupt under Putin. They've all been getting rich at his discretion. Better to lay low and hope for the best. I've posted this before, Putin is reportedly worth billions that came from his cut. Many people don't believe this. They think he will never leave Russia willingly, and his interest is directing the graft throughout Russia, and being paid back in loyalty.
Answered already, but as to your first post on this page, the FSB has millions of operatives, and makes people disappear into prisons. Think of Alexei Navalny. That has been repeated thousands of times over.
One of the comments said something that did not occur to me immediately, but should have: "Lol. This is going to repeated with the thousands of trainloads of new recruits coming to the front as well. Sucks for them." No better time to kill invading Russian solders than while they are packed into train cars in Ukraine. This should give the potential conscripts something more to think about.

J. comme JéJé #UkraineMap


1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 22, 2022 The situation is still evolving past #Oskil river & North Donets river. lots of reports that #UAarmy had a lots of breakthrough today in major localities & pushing fast forward now. #UkraineMap\

Their military is more of an organized crime family, and not so much of a professional military. Every corner of Russia is corrupt under Putin. They've all been getting rich at his discretion. Better to lay low and hope for the best. I've posted this before, Putin is reportedly worth billions that came from his cut. Many people don't believe this. They think he will never leave Russia willingly, and his interest is directing the graft throughout Russia, and being paid back in loyalty.
Answered already, but as to your first post on this page, the FSB has millions of operatives, and makes people disappear into prisons. Think of Alexei Navalny. That has been repeated thousands of times over.

It's not just Putin.

It's how an oligarchy works. And that's not going to change unless attitudes over there change. Putin sees himself as, and represents himself as a Tsar, and the Tsar is untouchable.
yep, all the people with the money and the power know that their money and power flows through Putin. If he's replaced then there's no guarantee they keep their lucrative monetary deals. So for them to succeed Putin needs to succeed. The only way those people topple Putin is if they realize that either there's no way for Putin to succeed and they start to align themselves with who they think the next money man will be; or if the sanctions or danger to themselves becomes so large that they're threatened with becoming paupers.

Sanctions aren't going to hit those people hard enough to get there anytime soon. They're too insulated. If he starts trying to launch a war that's going to get Russia invaded such as trying to push past Ukraine or going nuclear then I think they pull the trigger, but until then they're going to keep waiting and hoping the tide turns because they can see no other way forward.

I think it would require someone in the military doing an actual coupe and I'm not certain there are any generals left with that kind of power.
A bit repetitive of other posts, but this has more description of how indiscriminately conscripts are being rounded up, who have health exceptions and no prior military experience. People being pulled right out of classrooms and put on buses. What a clusferf*ck and thank your lucky stars you live here in the states. This is going to end really poorly for Russia/Putin.


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