This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

‘We have never exported weapons or ammunition to Russia before and we will not plan to export them," a statement by a defense ministry official published in state media said. "It is not sure from where the rumor originated which the U.S. is spreading, but it is aimed at tarnishing [North Korea’s] image.’

Russia is about to have a demographic problem that sociologists will be studying for years with the lack of child bearing age men, plus the brain drain, leading to all sorts of societal problems.
I think they’re already there. What is coming next is complete self destruction, and I look forward to watching it all burn to the ground.
One of the comments said something that did not occur to me immediately, but should have: "Lol. This is going to repeated with the thousands of trainloads of new recruits coming to the front as well. Sucks for them." No better time to kill invading Russian solders than while they are packed into train cars in Ukraine. This should give the potential conscripts something more to think about.
What are the rules on that? Dead serious... I would be bombing the piss out of these trains and busses. Kill these guys before they even get to the training facilities and then watch how quickly women lose their minds watching loved ones die.
What are the rules on that? Dead serious... I would be bombing the piss out of these trains and busses. Kill these guys before they even get to the training facilities and then watch how quickly women lose their minds watching loved ones die.
Special Forces missions to sabotage the rail lines inside of Russia is where I would start.
What are the rules on that? Dead serious... I would be bombing the piss out of these trains and busses. Kill these guys before they even get to the training facilities and then watch how quickly women lose their minds watching loved ones die.
Some of these posters are gross and may want to consider some therapy.
Some of these posters are gross and may want to consider some therapy.

You think I want anyone to lose their lives over this nonsense? I don't know what else it is going to take to stop having Ukrainians, who have nothing to do with any of this, tortured and killed. Putin is putting these people out there to kill Ukrainians. Ukraine is a sovereign nation and those people have a right to live without fear of military action in their hometowns, not to mention the fear of nuclear weapons being thrown around.

I don't want these Russian men to die but if it is done to save the lives of Ukrainians and stop this absolutely despicable war against humanity, then so be it. To me, I don't think this is just about Russia and Ukraine, it is about the rest of the world standing up to dictators and war criminals. I know I said the effects being felt by women and maybe that sounded harsh, but that is another way for Moscow to actually "get it" if women start showing up in numbers to prove to the citizens that their government is lying about the men that no longer exist.

This is becoming worse than Afghanistan in the 80s and there are several people claiming there was a lost generation of men then. 10 year war if anyone cared and it is going A LOT like this one.

"Regarding the mobilization announced in Russia for war in Ukraine
I remind you that How will everything end for those who come..."

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"23/09 The UKR push continues towards Lysychansk but there it is more complicated because the RUS fire support is still powerful and the push further south compromises the advance which is now at the forefront."

Big jump in troops and equipment destroyed-due to breakthroughs in East?

They are going to hit our 10 year Vietnam total losses first week of October in 7.5 months of war.

Also, for added perspective remember Russia has 43 percent the population. So losing 55k young men is apples to apples like the US losing 120k young men. A staggering loss, even if largely from the minority east country side. One that can’t be hidden, especially now the mobilization and admission war is going poorly.
They are going to hit our 10 year Vietnam total losses first week of October in 7.5 months of war.

Also, for added perspective remember Russia has 43 percent the population. So losing 55k young men is apples to apples like the US losing 120k young men. A staggering loss, even if largely from the minority east country side. One that can’t be hidden, especially now the mobilization and admission war is going poorly.
Earlier this week I posted some info on that. Vietnam actually spanned 20 years. There were “only” about 40k officially KIA. There were about 9k that died in accidents.

What is interesting is that there are ostensibly 54,650 Russians KIA in 7 months. I do not believe this includes Wagner Group, Chechens, forces raised internally in Ukraine, those dying in accidents, or of illness, or wounds later in Russia/Crimea after being treated, etc. In comparison, in Vietnam over the course of 20 years, there were "only" 40,934 confirmed KIA. There were another 9K who died in accidents, 5.3K who "died of wounds", etc. I am not minimizing those losses but simply comparing those of Russia. Who knows what the total "deaths in Ukraine" number is for Russian forces...

I remember the stupid idea the Biden administration had trying to evacuate Zelensky in the early days of the war. This would of collapsed morale in the Ukrainian military and amongst its people.

He literally told Biden what to do "I need ammunition not a ride" Biden thought the war was already lost and were packing up and running for the hills.
Everyone thought the war would be over in short order, so what’s your point? Trump at the time called Putin a genius for invading Ukraine.
No love for Communist here that more of the Democrats style.
you think Putin is a communist?
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We've heard of The 300 Spartans. Maybe these are the 200s:)

It’s very sad and shocking we are at this point but Putin is that crazy and Russian population that stupid and drunk and cowed that you may have a situation where several hundred thousand men may be marched with almost no equipment or skills or leadership against a well trained and armed defender and all die. If they don’t stop this you are going to have thousands of Russians dying a day soon between combat and freezing to death.
Germany has transferred to Ukraine six more Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled artillery guns along with ammunition.

This is reflected in the updated list of military supplies, posted on the website of the German Federal Government, News.Az reports.

A total of 6,000 anti-aircraft munitions pieces go along with the self-propelled guns. Also, 3,000 shells for 155-mm artillery were supplied to Ukraine.

Thus, the Armed Forces of Ukraine already have in service a total of 30 Gepards.


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