This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

"Paratroopers of the Ukrainian 25th Airborne Brigade shot down a Su-25 and hit another Su-30 which they said was down. 25th Brigade operates in northern Donetsk and leads attacks around Lyman"

I think something being overlooked by Putin is the impact of social media on his population. The people being “drafted” are fully aware of what they are being forced in to, no matter what some Army Officer tells them. They know how poorly Russia is doing, they know what corruption has done to their military. They are beyond being brainwashed by “Fight for the Motherland” rhetoric that occurred during WW2. It feels that at the first true test of adversity they won’t hesitate to run away, frag their officers, or surrender and ride out the war as a POW with better care than their own country provides them.
Hopefully some of this is also happening in Iran.
Probably nothing but the rumors started last night. Xi is now said to be the one cracking down.

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It's wishful thinking, at some point you're going to need to acknowledge that the Russian people support him and would rather take Ukraine than face that it can't. Who stole the military equipment? Putin's opponents. Who won't fight for Russia? Spoiled entitled tech workers in the cities. Etc. Etc.

He's going to have to die of natural causes, or Russia's going to have to lose militarily and be partitioned before there is no Putin. He exists because the Russian people have delusions of grandeur. He's a symptom, not the illness.
It's wishful thinking, at some point you're going to need to acknowledge that the Russian people support him and would rather take Ukraine than face that it can't. Who stole the military equipment? Putin's opponents. Who won't fight for Russia? Spoiled entitled tech workers in the cities. Etc. Etc.

He's going to have to die of natural causes, or Russia's going to have to lose militarily and be partitioned before there is no Putin. He exists because the Russian people have delusions of grandeur. He's a symptom, not the illness.
Precisely my point. Well said, thus my hatred of Russians.
Precisely my point. Well said, thus my hatred of Russians.
It’s funny, I am 48 and grew up in the wheelhouse of the Cold War hating “commies”, especially after what Drago did to Apollo Creed. Then the wall came down and I was really excited for the east to join the west. And stayed excited. Then Russia started doing Russian things in Syria, and Ukraine (pre 2022). The had me concerned but still hopeful they loved western things too much to eschew the west. But now here we are and the repulsive ugliness of their government and military is just horrible. Lots of the people now throwing a fit about mobilization were at best tolerant of the invasion previously, but many cheered it on viewing Ukrainians as insects. I really do hate Russia now for real reasons. It is going to take a LONG time for them to dig out from this on the world stage…
As Ukrainian president, how many lives would you put on it?


It’s a terrible calculus to have to face.
As many as it takes. There is no going back now. Putin shall be given no way out except to leave Ukraine territory or face the destruction of his military and economy.
I know you want Putin to survive this but as has been said, he screwed up Majorly and there is now no good option for him.
How many deaths would Americans be willing to take to repel an invader to the United States? As many as it takes!
As many as it takes. There is no going back now. Putin shall be given no way out except to leave Ukraine territory or face the destruction of his military and economy.
I know you want Putin to survive this but as has been said, he screwed up Majorly and there is now no good option for him.
How many deaths would Americans be willing to take to repel an invader to the United States? As many as it takes!
Exactly right. 92% of Ukrainians want to fight until all land is free. This is their Revolutionary War/War of 1812. How long would America fight for Florida, or New England? There is no escape for Russia. Putin will not survive this.

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