This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

WOW if true. Edit - Consensus is it's fake or something else.

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I am not even really joking when I say the number one problem with Russia is massive society wide alcoholism, particularly in the northwest part / Moscow.

If you view everything from the belligerent threats to NATO nations, to the horribly trained and maintained military, to the apathetic and surly citizens so easily cowed as akin to watching a table of stupid loud mouth drunks at the local bar, it all makes sense. These people are all drunk and mentally diminished from years of abuse.
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Old but good news

Mmmm.....NASAMs Spray. That oughtta clear the air...
I am not even really joking when I say the number one problem with Russia is massive society wide alcoholism, particularly in the northeast part / Moscow.

If you view everything from the belligerent threats to NATO nations, to the horribly trained and maintained military, to the apathetic and surly citizens so easily cowed as akin to watching a table of stupid loud mouth drunks at the local bar, it all makes sense. These people are all drunk and mentally diminished from years of abuse.
75 percent of Russia is chronically drunk. Gallons of alcohol consumption.
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