This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...


Are those little buttons like the one that Dr. Evil had at his table?
Again: FALSE

There is plenty of good reporting on ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/NPR

There USED to be decent reporting on FOX, but they kicked people like Shep Smith out and no longer have many reasonably unbiased voices.
Funny too because I was reading a twitter thread about an interviewer in Ireland calling out the Russian ambassador for his lies, and the Brits in the thread were ripping the BBC for their biased reporting.
Israel needs to donate one of those "iron domes'. Seriously, Israel needs to shit or get off the pot. Good luck surviving as a a nation without our support.
Good cop/Bad cop.

Israel has a good relationship with Putin and they are trying to keep Israels line of communication with Putin open.

Israel watching from the sidelines could be good especially with China starting to gently create a little distance from Russia.
Looks like Russia has gone all in on just killing civilians, as if they were not reviled enough. I don’t see how that strategy works. It will just make Ukraine fight even harder and not help their troops getting ass kicked on the field.

I am starting to think this may not stop even if Putin dies. We have to figure away to disarm them of the nukes their grandfathers built them. It’s all they got
We've got to figure out a way to capture Putin alive, so he can be killed over a period of months, in the most unimaginably painful way.

Piece by piece.
Check out the masked/helmeted armed all in black guy standing in the back of the room. Vlad's paranoia is out of control

He should be: if the true truth gets out to everyone of what has gone down over last 5 days and what he has done to Russia, he will be lucky to get to an island.
That’s the camera guy. Another post has a different angle.