This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

No, he only armed Ukraine and sanctioned Nord Stream 2.
He did NOT "arm Ukraine"

Weapons sent were NOT fully useful against this invasion, and were NOT allowed to be used in the Eastern theater areas.

Ukraine is being armed now, properly, DESPITE Trump's attempts to castrate them.

Just stop with the political talking points from Trump and Fox. This is embarrassing for you.
How do you guys feel about Ukraines current position? The thread seems obviously skewed to the positive Ukraine news so I’m not sure what to make of it.

They seem to be holding on for the moment and doing way better than imagined.

That said I don't see Russia losing this militarily. It might take them a while but unless someone steps up and comes to their aid I think that eventually the Russians win.

Problem also is that the world has a short attention span. So as the weeks turn to months and the months to years the world will be less and less interested in this war and less and less support will come Ukraine's way. Some politicians might even start trading with the Russians again. Because we really are so self absorbed that if it costs us more to buy gas or vodka, a lot of us will care a whole lot less.

I don't think they can win this on their own. At least not via conventional means.

Now civilian resistance in the occupied areas might cause the Russians to withdraw eventually. But this could take years.
How do you guys feel about Ukraines current position? The thread seems obviously skewed to the positive Ukraine news so I’m not sure what to make of it.
Looks like they just signed an application to join NATO. If accepted then NATO troops can come help. I am not sure of how this process goes but hopefully it is quick and Ukraine is in a fantastic position.

Now let’s say that happens within the week, I am extremely worried on what Putin might do but honestly we are at a point where the whole world hates him so no better time than now to leverage this and make the EUs defenses stronger.
It’s hard to know whats propaganda and what not. But I think everyone can see that Ukraine is fighting harder than anyone expected. Can they prevail? If Russia escalates, which we know they have the capability to do, probably not. But it will be interesting to see if Ukraine can hold out long enough to get some additional military support. Right now, they are all alone fighting a superpower.

I don’t see Russia simply walking away saying, “you got us.” At some point, the gloves come off and it gets bad. Real bad.
This is the correct answer. Hate to say it but at some point they will be coming with the big boy toys.
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Looks the usuals are getting this thread off track. Go circle jerk your left vs right shit in another thread
Hey, man....I'm simply CORRECTING bullshit MAGA talking points about how we allegedly "put in more to NATO than we get out"

That's utter nonsense. And OTHER NATO countries have absolutely been stepping up and donating weapons in this conflict. So, let's call a spade a spade here, and at least be honest about the misinformation being posted by folks spittling out "political talking points".

It seems that the cognitive dissonance that Biden unified NATO countries beyond imagination is difficult for many to stomach. But that is what has happened here.
Looks like they just signed an application to join NATO. If accepted then NATO troops can come help. I am not sure of how this process goes but hopefully it is quick and Ukraine is in a fantastic position.

Now let’s say that happens within the week, I am extremely worried on what Putin might do but honestly we are at a point where the whole world hates him so no better time than now to leverage this and make the EUs defenses stronger.

I think they signed an application to join the EU. I don't think that even if the EU lets them in that will mean troops will be coming to their aid.

NATO didn't let them in earlier because Putin was threatening them.
Hopefully nice fat targets for the reinforcing jet aircraft.


You ever see Russian Heavy Bombers. Fvck, A P-51 could take one out. They still use these primarily. They do have a modern one, but this is what they always probe Alaska with:

Has the U.S. taken any credit for supplying the Ukrainian military with intelligence or any cyber attacks? I have to believe some of the work done by "anonymous" had to be the U.S. and they're hiding behind the name. Also, Ukrainian intelligence seems to be top notch. They've been in the right place, shooting at the right targets quite a bit.
This is a conversation about ehat is currently happening in Ukraine. If you want to talk about Natos response I don't think anyone would complain. Pisspants bring Trump in every chance he gets is not needed and has been directly requested to GTFO.
YOU are the one bringing in Trump talking points about NATO that are FULLY FALSE.

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Again: the MAGAts on here continue to perpetuate the disinformation that there was some form of "NATO Dues" (exactly what Trump's statement says)

Which is categorically UNTRUE.

So, it is not "political" to factually correct that. And it is rather illuminating that they're getting all pissypants about it being corrected and calling it "political".

Wake The **** Up, folks.
Wait, you don't think there is such a thing as "NATO Dues"? You should look into that just a little bit more. Funding is broken down into direct and indirect funding. Direct funding obligations have been met.

1) NATO Funding includes two parts. Direct and Indirect, per NATO themselves., its commands and military infrastructure.

Allies make direct and indirect contributions to the costs of running NATO and implementing its policies and activities.

  • Indirect – or national – contributions are the largest and come, for instance, when a member commits capabilities and/or troops to a military operation and bears the costs of the decision to do so.
  • Direct contributions are made to finance the NATO budgets and programmes for requirements that serve the interests of all 30 members – and cannot reasonably be borne by any single member – such as NATO-wide air defence or command and control systems.
2) I'm not a "MAGAt" nor ever been confused with one, except just now apparently by your dumbass.

3) STFU and let this be about Ukraine.
Wait, you don't think there is such a thing as "NATO Dues"? You should look into that just a little bit more. Funding is broken down into direct and indirect funding. Direct funding obligations have been met.

1) NATO Funding includes two parts. Direct and Indirect, per NATO themselves. common-funded budgets and programmes are funded by,of the Organization, its commands and military infrastructure.

Allies make direct and indirect contributions to the costs of running NATO and implementing its policies and activities.

  • Indirect – or national – contributions are the largest and come, for instance, when a member commits capabilities and/or troops to a military operation and bears the costs of the decision to do so.
  • Direct contributions are made to finance the NATO budgets and programmes for requirements that serve the interests of all 30 members – and cannot reasonably be borne by any single member – such as NATO-wide air defence or command and control systems.
2) I'm not a "MAGAt" nor ever been confused with one, except just now apparently by your dumbass.

3) STFU and let this be about Ukraine.

Is it possible that Don Trump knew he could never get the political support to remove the US from NATO while NATO was so dependent on the US? That his whole purpose for getting Euro countries to increase their Defense budgets was to get America out of NATO? That these motivations and game plan were ALMOST CERTAINLY at the behest of Russia and VLADIMIR PUTIN HIMSELF!????
Sure. I could play by the rules while these butt****s get away with it and feel validated or I could point out that they ar
Sure. I could play by the rules while these butt****s get away with it and feel validated or I could point out that they are butt****s for doing it.
Perhaps you should consider that your comments have little affect on whether someone feels validated or not. Forgive me if I come across rude here, but is it possible that your persistant replies to those who you disagree with could be considered self validation on your part?
BBC reporting oligarchs starting to make public anti war statements. From the article:

Forbes estimated on Thursday that 116 billionaires had already lost more than $126bn since 16 February, and Russia's richest man, Vladimir Potanin, personally lost $3bn in a single day's trading last week. Since then, the economic picture has worsened.
You can be as “rich” as you want. If you can’t spend money in the United States, UK, Canada, Germany/Austria, Switzerland, Spain, and Italy, you’re a broke bitch to me.

No real sports teams. No good skiing. Good luck getting a decent mistress. Enjoy driving your cars in Dubai or some other miserable place where they’ll get destroyed. Your children will hate you and will have to go to school somewhere awful. Why even have a yacht?