This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

The same old tired schtick about nato expansion.
You keep harping on that point regardless of the fact the man running the show has said that's not the reason many times over now.
At this point, you're literally arguing w/ putin about putins motives.

... and, if you can't trust Putin's declared motivations for the actions he takes, who can you trust?
I wonder if they will make the conscripts be the last ones out making them fight or serve as human rumble strips, thereby slowing down an advance so Ukraine has to take and manage prisoners.
Oh, no doubt. The regulars, the Spetnatz, and the valuable Wagner soldiers will pull out with the meat sacks catching the bullets for them.
I don't. Who is that?
Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia professor. He has enough clout to contact the White House and they’ll listen to him…. at least he did. I’ve seen him on CNBC and Bloomberg before this. He was economic adviser to Russia and Poland during the fall of the Soviet Union and worked in the Kremlin. The White House gave him $8b to save Poland but zero for Russia. He probably even speaks Russian. He understands the situation very well. More recently he helped Bernie Sanders.
Reported losses over last 7 days:
10/29 - 550
10/28 - 480
10/27 - 320
10/26 - 480
10/25 - 480
10/24 - 470
10/23 - 400

One week Total = 3,180 dead orcs

For some perspective, our total US Deaths was 2,325 in 20 years of war in Afghanistan. IN one week they lost almost 10% of the troops as we did the entire 4 years in Korean War. It's just incredible.
Just like the Brian Ferentz led Iowa Hawkeye offense today, keep your foot on the gas, Ukraine.
Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia professor. He has enough clout to contact the White House and they’ll listen to him…. at least he did. I’ve seen him on CNBC and Bloomberg before this. He was economic adviser to Russia and Poland during the fall of the Soviet Union and worked in the Kremlin. The White House gave him $8b to save Poland but zero for Russia. He probably even speaks Russian. He understands the situation very well. More recently he helped Bernie Sanders.
Thank you. He has a right to his opinions as do those who directly advise the President. I would think those actually in the administration would hold more sway.
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If Russia carries through with this threat NATO needs to act. The UN is toothless in this situation. Russia is calculating enough to keep their grain (Or, grain they stole from Ukraine), moving to Turkey, and to Syria where it can be laundered out onto the black market. But, if they cause spikes in prices, and actual shortages that will lead to political unrest, then the member nations need to put it to the Turks that at a minimum NATO minesweepers need to be allowed to pass into the Black Sea. We have enough air assets to move into Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece to extend an umbrella over shipping lanes if the Turks want to be Putin's sock puppet.
Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia professor. He has enough clout to contact the White House and they’ll listen to him…. at least he did. I’ve seen him on CNBC and Bloomberg before this. He was economic adviser to Russia and Poland during the fall of the Soviet Union and worked in the Kremlin. The White House gave him $8b to save Poland but zero for Russia. He probably even speaks Russian. He understands the situation very well. More recently he helped Bernie Sanders.

So he’s a huge POS and Putin bootlicker. Got it.
Chomsky can repeat Russian propaganda, just like anyone else.
If anyone is immune to propaganda it’s Chomsky. He wrote a book about it. He thinks the current western propaganda is worse than he’s ever seen.
That’s not even the main point of the video. The White House had every opportunity to avoid this war. He said they had multiple concerns.. Yet virtually no attempt was made.

There are multiple reasons, not just Nato. Primary is no US involvement.. especially after the coup of 2014 (this ties with no Nato) and the Donbas situation - thousands of civilians killed there since 2014.

Apparently Ukraine and Russia had an agreement in March for neutrality and an independent Donbas. That agreement would have been just fine. However Zelensky was convinced otherwise thru offers of more money and weapons, billions flowing into Ukraine. Ukraine has always been considered pretty corrupt and easily manipulated.

Bottom line, Russia will never allow the US to have primary influence in Ukraine uncontested. That’s why there needs to be an agreement. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea are not like any other former Soviet regions. The Baltics states have always hated Russians. Billions have flowed into Ukraine from the US since 2014.
It's the first point he made. From that point, anything else he says is disqualified.
I’m attacking false narratives. I don’t think they help anybody except the warmongers. This is what always happens. Do you think Elon is defending Putin too?
Is this a false narrative?

“What was [Peter] doing?” Putin asked Thursday, according to the Associated Press. “Taking back and reinforcing. That’s what he did. And it looks like it fell on us to take back and reinforce as well.”