This SS lady is getting crushed:

Yeah, but as I understand it, the agents in the building were holding a dance party at the time of the shooting and had the house music cranked up pretty high.
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It’s becoming obvious there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. Now comes the conspiracy to cover it up. The director of the SS, nine days after the fact, doesn’t have a timeline? Her bosses will be proud she has refused to provide any information at all.
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It’s becoming obvious there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. Now comes the conspiracy to cover it up. The director of the SS, nine days after the fact, doesn’t have a timeline? Her bosses will be proud she has refused to provide any information at all.
they will invent several fake attacks on hairy harris now, then stop them... falsely and in their minds. and then take credit for thwarting them. just like whitmer in michigan.
Not really. Newer metal buildings have either a drop ceiling with thick insulation batts laying on top of it or are insulated directly with spray foam. Add in the fact that the guy was probably crawling and it's not all that surprising.
Well some have ceilings and some don't. Speculation at this point. BTW I can hear a squirrel on my roof through shingles, insulation, drywall and TV volume @ 69...
You think the career field agents: (a) did a good job that day; and (b) got their orders from her?

She has to go because the buck stops with her, but she had little to nothing to do with the incompetence shown that day by career agents.
No, it appears the entire security detail that day (SS and local) had multiple screw ups. They looked like a sub .500 JV team the more we learn. Now the question is was some of this intentional and did Crooks have help?
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Well some have ceilings and some don't. Speculation at this point. BTW I can hear a squirrel on my roof through shingles, insulation, drywall and TV volume @ 69...
Depends on the building usage. We foamed a lot of metal roofs when I was in that business.
As I said, on the day of the attempt, it was pretty obvious that somebody's head needs to roll on this one. Inasmuch as oversight hearings are always little more than kabuki, I hadn't obsessed too much about the details of this since the day of the event. But man, i took a peek at The Hill's live feed on this, and I honestly don't recall one where a person has been as savaged in such a bipartisan manner as this one. Everybody thinks she needs to go. This is not a job for second chances.