you are insane brad pitt GIF
When did vaccines become bad? Have they always been bad? Are some vaccines good and others not? Pretty much all of us were vaccinated in our youth for smallpox, polio, MMR, tetanus...etc. That has gone on for decades. Are we doomed, healthwise, for getting these shots? Or is it just the COVID shots? I respect the right for people to choose to get shots or not. But, at the same time I think anti-vaxxers are incredibly paranoid and misinformed.
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When did vaccines become bad? Have they always been bad? Are some vaccines good and others not? Pretty much all of us were vaccinated in our youth for smallpox, polio, MMR, tetanus, measles...etc. That has gone on for decades. Are we doomed for getting these shots, along with the COVID shots? I respect the right for people to choose to get shots or not. But, at the same time I think they're incredibly paranoid and misinformed.
Bad? Personally, I wouldn't say that, but did you watch the video? It's about the messaging and the public shame placed on those who questioned it. Especially considering the survival rate is generally very high, especially in younger and otherwise healthy individuals. For example, the infection fatality rate (IFR) for people under 50 without comorbidities has been estimated to be less than 0.1%.

It's certainly not "just the flu", but it's also not the planet reset epidemic many claimed.
When did vaccines become bad? Have they always been bad? Are some vaccines good and others not? Pretty much all of us were vaccinated in our youth for smallpox, polio, MMR, tetanus, measles...etc. That has gone on for decades. Are we doomed, healthwise, for getting these shots? Or is it just the COVID shots? I respect the right for people to choose to get shots or not. But, at the same time I think they're incredibly paranoid and misinformed.
When did people get so stupid that they think every vaccine they’ve received in their life is the same as the Covid vaccine?

I’ll let you do the lit review yourself
When did people get so stupid that they think every vaccine they’ve received in their life is the same as the Covid vaccine?

I’ll let you do the lit review yourself

The COVID-19 vaccines differ from traditional childhood vaccines in several key ways, including their technology, development process, and some aspects of their administration. Here are the main differences:

1. Vaccine Technology​

  • mRNA Vaccines: The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are mRNA vaccines. This is a relatively new technology where mRNA is used to instruct cells to produce a protein that triggers an immune response. Traditional vaccines often use inactivated viruses, live attenuated viruses, or protein subunits.
  • Viral Vector Vaccines: The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine uses a viral vector technology. A harmless virus (not the coronavirus) is modified to deliver genetic material from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, prompting an immune response.

2. Development and Approval Process​

  • Speed: COVID-19 vaccines were developed and approved much faster than traditional vaccines due to the urgent global need. This was possible due to advances in technology, unprecedented funding, global collaboration, and overlapping phases of clinical trials.
  • Regulatory Pathways: Many COVID-19 vaccines received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from regulatory agencies, which allowed them to be used before full licensure due to the public health emergency.

3. Dosing Schedules​

  • Multiple Doses: Most COVID-19 vaccines initially required a two-dose series (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna), with booster doses recommended later. Some traditional vaccines also require multiple doses but are typically spread out over longer periods.
  • Booster Shots: The COVID-19 vaccines have included recommendations for booster shots as new variants have emerged and immunity wanes over time.

4. Target Disease and Population​

  • New Virus: COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, a new pathogen that the global population had no pre-existing immunity against.
  • Global Vaccination Campaign: The COVID-19 vaccination effort has been a global campaign to vaccinate people of all ages, whereas many childhood vaccines are part of routine immunization schedules primarily targeting children.

5. Vaccine Storage and Distribution​

  • Storage Requirements: mRNA vaccines, in particular, have stringent storage requirements. For example, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine requires ultra-cold storage at about -70°C (-94°F), which is more demanding than most traditional vaccines.
  • Distribution Challenges: The need for ultra-cold storage and rapid distribution posed unique challenges, especially in low-resource settings.

6. Side Effects and Monitoring​

  • Side Effects: COVID-19 vaccines can cause side effects similar to traditional vaccines, such as injection site pain, fever, and fatigue. However, the large-scale rollout required extensive monitoring for rare side effects, such as myocarditis with mRNA vaccines and blood clotting disorders with viral vector vaccines.
  • Post-Marketing Surveillance: Ongoing surveillance and studies continue to monitor the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, much like traditional vaccines, but on an unprecedented scale due to the rapid rollout.


While the fundamental goal of both COVID-19 vaccines and traditional childhood vaccines is to prevent disease by stimulating an immune response, the COVID-19 vaccines have introduced new technologies and faced unique challenges in development, approval, distribution, and administration.
Bad? Personally, I wouldn't say that, but did you watch the video? It's about the messaging and the public shame placed on those who questioned it. Especially considering the survival rate is generally very high, especially in younger and otherwise healthy individuals. For example, the infection fatality rate (IFR) for people under 50 without comorbidities has been estimated to be less than 0.1%.

It's certainly not "just the flu", but it's also not the planet reset epidemic many claimed.

You've haven't shown one damn problem with the Vax. Nobody has shown one reason not to get it or how it's unhealthy other than then GOP told me.

The COVID-19 vaccines differ from traditional childhood vaccines in several key ways, including their technology, development process, and some aspects of their administration. Here are the main differences:

1. Vaccine Technology​

  • mRNA Vaccines: The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are mRNA vaccines. This is a relatively new technology where mRNA is used to instruct cells to produce a protein that triggers an immune response. Traditional vaccines often use inactivated viruses, live attenuated viruses, or protein subunits.
  • Viral Vector Vaccines: The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine uses a viral vector technology. A harmless virus (not the coronavirus) is modified to deliver genetic material from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, prompting an immune response.

2. Development and Approval Process​

  • Speed: COVID-19 vaccines were developed and approved much faster than traditional vaccines due to the urgent global need. This was possible due to advances in technology, unprecedented funding, global collaboration, and overlapping phases of clinical trials.
  • Regulatory Pathways: Many COVID-19 vaccines received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from regulatory agencies, which allowed them to be used before full licensure due to the public health emergency.

3. Dosing Schedules​

  • Multiple Doses: Most COVID-19 vaccines initially required a two-dose series (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna), with booster doses recommended later. Some traditional vaccines also require multiple doses but are typically spread out over longer periods.
  • Booster Shots: The COVID-19 vaccines have included recommendations for booster shots as new variants have emerged and immunity wanes over time.

4. Target Disease and Population​

  • New Virus: COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, a new pathogen that the global population had no pre-existing immunity against.
  • Global Vaccination Campaign: The COVID-19 vaccination effort has been a global campaign to vaccinate people of all ages, whereas many childhood vaccines are part of routine immunization schedules primarily targeting children.

5. Vaccine Storage and Distribution​

  • Storage Requirements: mRNA vaccines, in particular, have stringent storage requirements. For example, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine requires ultra-cold storage at about -70°C (-94°F), which is more demanding than most traditional vaccines.
  • Distribution Challenges: The need for ultra-cold storage and rapid distribution posed unique challenges, especially in low-resource settings.

6. Side Effects and Monitoring​

  • Side Effects: COVID-19 vaccines can cause side effects similar to traditional vaccines, such as injection site pain, fever, and fatigue. However, the large-scale rollout required extensive monitoring for rare side effects, such as myocarditis with mRNA vaccines and blood clotting disorders with viral vector vaccines.
  • Post-Marketing Surveillance: Ongoing surveillance and studies continue to monitor the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, much like traditional vaccines, but on an unprecedented scale due to the rapid rollout.


While the fundamental goal of both COVID-19 vaccines and traditional childhood vaccines is to prevent disease by stimulating an immune response, the COVID-19 vaccines have introduced new technologies and faced unique challenges in development, approval, distribution, and administration.
Anyone else gonna point out the question was "when did people get so stupid"

So alaska's response was to let chat gpt write something and just post it verbatim?
Hence why I typed ChatGPT
So the question was when did people get stupid

And your response was to put in a computer program, not question or edit any it. Post it. Then wall called out about the lack of original thought responded by saying you credited said computer.

Thanks for proving the point.
You don't think that messaging didn't filter down into day-to-day interactions; work, neighborhoods, communities, etc.?

Of course, it did, but it was that person's decision; why would they care what anyone thought after they made the decision?
Why did they allow themselves to be "shamed" by TV personalities? Hell, other than a very small percentage of people no one would know if you were or were not unless you declared your position, so again, why are people so mentally weak about this issue?
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Of course, it did, but it was that person's decision; why would they care what anyone thought after they made the decision?
Why did they allow themselves to be "shamed" by TV personalities? Hell, other than a very small percentage of people no one would know if you were or were not unless you declared your position, so again, why are people so mentally weak about this issue?
Hmmm people lost jobs/lives/travel those just thoughts?
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Your comment lacks specificity, but if some people did, how would that be quantified as a crime against humanity?
couple reasons why it shouldn’t of been forced or options provided and shame and lose of life and friends over it and ridicule

But again believe what you want and if for it hope you boosted and up to date to protect the rest of us
Of course, it did, but it was that person's decision; why would they care what anyone thought after they made the decision?
Why did they allow themselves to be "shamed" by TV personalities? Hell, other than a very small percentage of people no one would know if you were or were not unless you declared your position, so again, why are people so mentally weak about this issue?
Look at the impact social media has on the human psyche.
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couple reasons why it shouldn’t of been forced or options provided and shame and lose of life and friends over it and ridicule

But again believe what you want and if for it hope you boosted and up to date to protect the rest of us

A couple is two; greater than two should be referenced as a few, do better.

That said, at the height of Covid, adults had the ability to make any decision they chose, and nothing would happen other than the loss of a job in a limited number of instances, which sucks but is nowhere close to being a crime against humanity.

You've haven't shown one damn problem with the Vax. Nobody has shown one reason not to get it or how it's unhealthy other than then GOP told me.
I think I was pretty clear regarding my opinion. I, personally, don't think it's bad. I think it's likely unnecessary for us under 50 folks who are healthy and the data supports that.
Unclear of the point you are making alaska, can you expound upon your comment so I can accurately respond
Did you watch the video? If so, then imagine you really really care about what other's think and easily succumb to social pressure(s). If you are that type of person, then I can see where all the "get the vaccine" pressure would negatively impact your life; especially if it had an impact on your employment. There was A LOT of pressure from the government and media, which wound up being very divisive.

Hell, just look at the influence Trump had his base on Jan 6th and he was ONE person.

Personally, I don't care if someone has an issue with me getting or not getting the vaccine, but I understand others do. Hence my original comment changing the OP's claim from "crime" to "shame". I don't think any crimes were committed, therefore, the OP is being a bit dramatic.

People, en masse, are dumb (or in this case, easily affected).
Did you watch the video? If so, then imagine you really really care about what other's think and easily succumb to social pressure(s). If you are that type of person, then I can see where all the "get the vaccine" pressure would negatively impact your life; especially if it had an impact on your employment. There was A LOT of pressure from the government and media, which wound up being very divisive.

Hell, just look at the influence Trump had his base on Jan 6th and he was ONE person.

Personally, I don't care if someone has an issue with me getting or not getting the vaccine, but I understand others do. Hence my original comment changing the OP's claim from "crime" to "shame". I don't think any crimes were committed, therefore, the OP is being a bit dramatic.

People, en masse, are dumb (or in this case, easily affected).

I did and disagreed with the notion that anything within the video would equate to a crime against humanity.
You then offered "shame" against humanity, and I still disagreed as it was a personal decision.
In your explanation, I agree that some individuals may have felt shame, but that is, a "you" decision, not a humanity decision.