Today has phuqing sucked

My FIL was diagnosed late, Stage 4, and lived about 4 years longer.

I feel like your pops probably has a very, very good chance of beating this.

Ts and Ps from the Torbee household.
Agreed. Mine lived for 10 years + and died of other causes. As I understand it most men will get prostate cancer if they live into their 70s and most will be unaffected. Best of luck to the OP and his Dad.
Agreed. Mine lived for 10 years + and died of other causes. As I understand it most men will get prostate cancer if they live into their 70s and most will be unaffected. Best of luck to the OP and his Dad.
This is probably true. He’s had a rough go of it the last few years. He had a major stroke in February of 2020. Treated for PAD the last year. Now this. Just sucks. Thank you all.
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That sucks, but I hope things go as well as possible for your Dad and family through the process. Looks like stage 2 has a very high survival rate of 5+ years. A guy I worked for was diagnosed with it over 14 years ago. He beat it and is doing great.
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My pops got his biopsy results back and is positive for cancer. He has grade 2 prostate cancer. Now, we wait to see what the doctor will want to do. Thoughts and prayers, if you’re into that, or just good vibes are appreciated. I’m off to have a drink.
Stage 2 is very very treatable. And lab nerds like me are creating new therapies everyday. Best wishes to your father but I'm confident he will beat it. And to you as well my friend.
I'm pretty sure all men get this type of cancer if they live long enough.
That’s why you should get your daily prostate massage from Mrs. Tradition:

As others have said, it’s about as good a prognosis as one can expect given that it’s cancer.

Once it’s treated and he’s given the thumbs up, I recommend some father-son bonding at a strip club.
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Good Luck. My Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 88. 35 radiation therapies later his PSA came back normal. He's still kicking at 92 and no worse for the wear. I think his PSA came back abnormally high so they did an MRI and confirmed it. Very treatable.