Today our President asked scientists if Americans should digest bleach, lysol or other disinfectants

Are you seriously defending Trump on this. It’s very possible that at least one person with Covid will now ingest some type of disinfectant.
It has been on the internet for weeks. People have drunk alcohol and bleach.
I talked to my doctor two years ago about intermittent fasting, and he had no clue what I was talking about, even though the winner of the Nobel Prize a few years back proved that fasting worked to change the body and also when your body attacks it own cells for energy, it goes after weak and radical cells first. So a three to ten day water fast 1-2 times a year is a really healthy thing to do. Today it is all the rage.

Anyhow, the President is controlling the discourse again and the media bit hard. He knows of studies. Hyperthermia is used to treat cancer. UV treatment of blood was being used up until the 1940s when antibiotics became common. There are also studies in which hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant, is injected into the blood.

BTW, the Russians used UV and Hyperthermia much longer than we did in the West, as availability of antibiotics was limited due to the cold war.

Also, these therapies are thought to be a fallback for antibiotics once we are post Antibiotic age.
I have.

Even asked a few of the more intelligent Trumpturds to rationalize it. So far, none have.
You know I didn't care for Trump the person going in but liked his position on China and trade. Still do. We can argue that til the cows come home but I was not voting for Hillary. I think a lot of people felt the same way but had no idea he would prove to be the buffoon he is. But you have to give us something, anything better than a senile 78 year old man who's time has passed.
You know I didn't care for Trump the person going in but liked his position on China and trade. Still do. We can argue that til the cows come home but I was not voting for Hillary. I think a lot of people felt the same way but had no idea he would prove to be the buffoon he is. But you have to give us something, anything better than a senile 78 year old man who's time has passed.

I understand that viewpoint in 2016. Republicans had an opportunity for Pence during impeachment or to select a new candidate during the primaries. It's difficult to sympathize how Trump is again the fault of the Democrats choice.
The character Kevin Malone is a parody of the stupidest person that you work with. The President's idea is far worse than this.

But Biden is showing signs of senility...
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Also...if it wasn't already should not put bleach or disinfectants (or alcohol) in your lungs.

Seriously. This stopped being cute a long time ago, but holy hell what a maroon.
Yeah but what do you know loser. You're ratings aren't the best in history. :).

Everyone supports consideration of all possible treatments.

Trump doesn't know what lane to stay in. He's surrounded by the best medical experts in the world but yet he thinks he's a participant in that arena. He's not and he's giving ludicrous suggestions on live television to the world. He, and by extension us, are laughing stocks.

Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know. That's dangerous and no one is telling him the hard truth.
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Everyone supports consideration of all possible treatments.

Trump doesn't know what lane to stay in. He's surrounded by the best medical experts in the world but yet he thinks he's a participant in that arena. He's not and he's giving ludicrous suggestions on live television to the world. He, and by extension us, are laughing stocks.

Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know. That's dangerous and no one is telling him the hard truth.
Trump spoke with a researcher who said that these therapies may be promising. No way he read those. I knew about them, because, well I have a big brain, maybe bigger than Trumps, and I knew what he was alluding to. So, there is that.
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You know I didn't care for Trump the person going in but liked his position on China and trade. Still do. We can argue that til the cows come home but I was not voting for Hillary. I think a lot of people felt the same way but had no idea he would prove to be the buffoon he is. But you have to give us something, anything better than a senile 78 year old man who's time has passed.

If you couldn't have seen how bad he was going to be during the primaries and general campaign, you really shouldn't be allowed to vote. He's exactly as bad as he was then.
Trump spoke with a researcher who said that these therapies may be promising. No way he read those. I knew about them, because, well I have a big brain, maybe bigger than Trumps, and I knew what he was alluding to. So, there is that.
He might have spoke to a researcher but probably didn't understand what the researcher was saying. Trump is a moron isn't dangerous for him to be processing then interpreting medical information for the public.
Trump spoke with a researcher who said that these therapies may be promising. No way he read those. I knew about them, because, well I have a big brain, maybe bigger than Trumps, and I knew what he was alluding to. So, there is that.

Good effort. I'll give you a like.
If you couldn't have seen how bad he was going to be during the primaries and general campaign, you really shouldn't be allowed to vote. He's exactly as bad as he was then.
I was too busy keeping up with Hillary's lies.
You know I didn't care for Trump the person going in but liked his position on China and trade. Still do. We can argue that til the cows come home but I was not voting for Hillary. I think a lot of people felt the same way but had no idea he would prove to be the buffoon he is. But you have to give us something, anything better than a senile 78 year old man who's time has passed.

Oh look -- another one of these "Well, you guys MADE me do it," rationales for voting for Trump while also spouting claims about people having "no idea he would prove to be the buffoon he is."

If the lead-up to the 2016 election wasn't enough to convince you that Trump is a demented fool unfit for the presidency, that's on you. If his years of birther conspiracies and all the incoherent rambling, lies and tweets weren't enough, that's on you. None of this is a surprise. Millions of us knew better and said as much long before we got to the point of bleach injections.

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