Today our President asked scientists if Americans should digest bleach, lysol or other disinfectants

Meanwhile, Trump's out here, in all seriousness, in the middle of a pandemic, pitching disinfectant injections and UV light being put in our bodies.
She's realizing what she sold her soul for and it's becoming clear she screwed up.
Sad you'd look at it that way. Instead I salute her for being a voice of sanity and intelligence in that room and we should all be grateful for what she's doing. She's saving thousands of lives.
So Trump supporters is this one of those dont take him literally but take him seriously. Ok I can ignore the literal route. But how da hell do I take that seriously?
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You can't even claim this is some hit job on Trump, dude has apparently been in discussions with the top scientists in the world regarding Covid and in his words, they're all marveled at his understanding and then he just throws it out there that injecting disinfectant sounds promising.

I'm sorry... just what the ****. Coming out of this situation is going to be a goddamn disaster with this moron attempting to run the show.
You can't even claim this is some hit job on Trump, dude has apparently been in discussions with the top scientists in the world regarding Covid and in his words, they're all marveled at his understanding and then he just throws it out there that injecting disinfectant sounds promising.

I'm sorry... just what the ****. Coming out of this situation is going to be a goddamn disaster with this moron attempting to run the show.
At least he didn't say what have you got to lose. :).
I don't even know what that means, I don't really follow this shit that much... but this is just too much.
After he was pimping the hydro. pill as a big potential game changer. That doctors and patients should be trying it in mass scale. He ended it by saying what have you got to lose.
Turns out a VA study released a couple days ago showed no positive benefit in fact an increased death rate in patients who used it vs. normal treatment.
Aren’t you a Trump apologist? Is that the best you’ve got? “Thanks for her?”

what about him?
Trump apologist? No. And yes, thank goodness for her. She's an American hero doing what she's doing for our country right now. It's sad people are too blinded by hate for everything Trump to recognize this.
I was watching that live and looked at the wife (no pics) and just started laughing immediately, she just looked at me shaking her head and says "FFS, what's wrong with that guy?".
My 13 year old said pretty much the same. I've heard some dumb shit but for about 10 seconds I thought I was either drunk or dreaming.
I agree it's an absolutely horrible situation. If only someone in the GOP had a damn spine to rectify the situation.
Politics. ****ing. Suck. We're going to have to choose between a barely functional tard and a 78 yr old who won't be able to feed himself in a few years. Insanity.
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Politics. ****ing. Suck. We're going to have to choose between a barely functional tard and a 78 yr old who won't be able to feed himself in a few years. Insanity.
At least you can put the old man in the corner and give him fruit ninja to play with.
The barely functioning moron refuses to stay out of the limelight. Joe will take a back seat.

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