Today our President asked scientists if Americans should digest bleach, lysol or other disinfectants

Of course he is, this does not mean he will lose the election or that Joe Biden is the best candidate to defeat him. Trump is a colossal dipshit, he's always been a colossal dipshit... yet he managed to defeat a seasoned politician who had everything in her favor going in.

I am not arguing that Trump isn't a dipshit, I ****ing hate the guy, but the D's running someone who, to me, is slipping mentally... is just not a good idea. My contention is that they're picking a worse candidate than they had in 2016 and are expecting to win.
It wouldn't matter who the Dem nominee was. They'd find some BS narrative and people...lots of them...would buy it. Just like this BS about Biden. That too many are buying. Don't.
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But no UV light and not strong enough alcohol or bleach.
I dunno. I'm gonna give it a try. Liquid sunshine! What have I got to lose?

If you still support Trump after this briefing you are also a disgrace.. His win at all costs is shining through more than ever..
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Also...if it wasn't already should not put bleach or disinfectants (or alcohol) in your lungs.

Seriously. This stopped being cute a long time ago, but holy hell what a maroon.
Shit, you mean I ran out and bought all the Clorox WalMart had for nothing?
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The "we're voting for him because he means what he says" crowd have their work cut out for them today. Rush and Hannity probably calling in some expert spin doctors to help with their show content today.
Although it does help that 85% of his base won't have any idea he said anything since Fox News makes no mention of it on their website, preferring instead to go with a major story about Vanna White surprising a contestant on Wheel of Fortune with a "virtual visit".
The "we're voting for him because he means what he says" crowd have their work cut out for them today. Rush and Hannity probably calling in some expert spin doctors to help with their show content today.

From what I'm seeing on facebook, the official tws party line is "he was just repeating what he was told by an expert in an effort to confirm the expert's line of thinking"
Although it does help that 85% of his base won't have any idea he said anything since Fox News makes no mention of it on their website, preferring instead to go with a major story about Vanna White surprising a contestant on Wheel of Fortune with a "virtual visit".

A large chunk of his base probably thinks it's a good idea. But then again, a huge portion of his base shouldn't be allowed to use scissors.
Not sorry if this quote has already been posted in this thread.

"Maybe you can, maybe you can't. Again I say maybe you can, maybe you can't. I'm not a doctor. I'm like a person who has a good you-know-what," Trump said, pointing to his head.
I was watching Intervention and the alcoholic girl had been admitted to the hospital. She was getting the shakes pretty bad so she made herself a hand sanitizer cocktail. Who knew she was in the forefront of defeating the Rona.
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Pretty sure if you are stupid enough to try injecting yourself with bleach or another disinfectant and pass on to the next life, your life insurer can deem it suicide and your family will be f'd out of any life insurance money.
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He may have been talking about the ongoing clinical trial for an oral chlorine treatment, he just struggles putting thoughts into unmuddled words.

Trump v. Biden. Now that’ll really be must see TV.
It’s obvious Trumps statement was misconstrued, but you guys are literally taking it as he wants us to drink bleach. No sense in arguing with the sheep in this one.

"Supposing you brought the (UV) light inside the body, which you can do, either through the skin or some other way."

"The disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. It gets in the lungs"

Oh, please. Let all of us sheep here know how we are misconstruing these quotes. I can't wait to hear what the President actually meant. I guess we little people just don't understand the tremendous wisdom. Please explain the best you can.
I talked to my doctor two years ago about intermittent fasting, and he had no clue what I was talking about, even though the winner of the Nobel Prize a few years back proved that fasting worked to change the body and also when your body attacks it own cells for energy, it goes after weak and radical cells first. So a three to ten day water fast 1-2 times a year is a really healthy thing to do. Today it is all the rage.

Anyhow, the President is controlling the discourse again and the media bit hard. He knows of studies. Hyperthermia is used to treat cancer. UV treatment of blood was being used up until the 1940s when antibiotics became common. There are also studies in which hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant, is injected into the blood.

BTW, the Russians used UV and Hyperthermia much longer than we did in the West, as availability of antibiotics was limited due to the cold war.

Also, these therapies are thought to be a fallback for antibiotics once we are post Antibiotic age.
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Of course he is, this does not mean he will lose the election or that Joe Biden is the best candidate to defeat him. Trump is a colossal dipshit, he's always been a colossal dipshit... yet he managed to defeat a seasoned politician who had everything in her favor going in.

I am not arguing that Trump isn't a dipshit, I ****ing hate the guy, but the D's running someone who, to me, is slipping mentally... is just not a good idea. My contention is that they're picking a worse candidate than they had in 2016 and are expecting to win.

I don't think anyone is going to deny that the Dems blew the 2016 election and the entire country is now paying the price.

I also think that most Dems would concede that Biden is not a superstar candidate, and if the GOP had an average, fairly competent President in place that person would likely be reelected.

This election is different. There is a dangerous man running the show at an absolute terrible time. The Dems have selected a popular, safe candidate who will do his civil duty of removing this moron from office, which the cowardly GOP Senate refused to do. Biden will surround himself with competent people who will run the country the way he wants to. I predict that probably summer of 2023 he will resign for health reasons and let his VP run the country for a while before running in her own right as the incumbent.

And neither Biden nor his Veep will suggest that everyone inject themselves with Drano.
Seeing his comments in print are something to behold...

"I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there's any way that you can apply light and heat to cure. You know, if you could and maybe you can, maybe you can't. Again, I say maybe you can. Maybe you can't. I'm not a doctor. I'm like a person that has a good you know what," Trump said, pointing toward his head then looking over to Dr. Deborah Birx. "You ever, have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light relative to certain viruses? Yes, but relative to this virus?"

"Not as a treatment," Birx responded from off to the side, appearing to choose her words carefully. "I mean certainly fever is a good thing when you a fever it helps your body respond. But not as, I've not seen heat or light."

"I think it's a great thing to look at. I mean, you know," Trump responded.

Immediately after the exchange with Birx, a reporter challenged Trump on his speculation about potential coronavirus cures.

"Respectfully sir, you're the president and people tuning into these briefings they want to get information and guidance and want to know what to do. They're not looking for rumors," the reporter said.

Trump responded combatively.

"I'm the president and you are fake news. And you know what I'll say to you? I'll say it very nicely," Trump said. "You ready? It's just a suggestion from a brilliant lab by a very, very smart, perhaps brilliant man. He's talking about sun. He's talking about heat. And you see the numbers. So that's it. That's all I have. I'm just here to present talent. I'm here to present ideas because we want ideas to get rid of this thing. And if he does good and if sunlight is good, that's a great thing as far as I'm concerned."
I talked to my doctor two years ago about intermittent fasting, and he had no clue what I was talking about, even though the winner of the Nobel Prize a few years back proved that fasting worked to change the body and also when your body attacks it own cells for energy, it goes after weak and radical cells first. So a three to ten day water fast 1-2 times a year is a really healthy thing to do. Today it is all the rage.

Anyhow, the President is controlling the discourse again and the media bit hard. He knows of studies. Hyperthermia is used to treat cancer. UV treatment of blood was being used up until the 1940s when antibiotics became common. There are also studies in which hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant, is injected into the blood.

BTW, the Russians used UV and Hyperthermia much longer than we did in the West, as availability of antibiotics was limited due to the cold war.

Also, these therapies are thought to be a fallback for antibiotics once we are post Antibiotic age.

Are you seriously defending Trump on this. It’s very possible that at least one person with Covid will now ingest some type of disinfectant.

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