Tonight is the Night……Lump of Coal or a Cookie?


HR King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Tonight is the night all Dutch children anxiously await…..judgement day! Tonight is the night Sinterklaas, his white steed Ozosnel and his right hand man, Black Pete come to visit and reward Dutch boys and girls on their behavior for the previous year. Good children are rewarded with a piece of candy or a ginger Sinterklaas cookie…..bad children are left with sticks and stones or a lump of coal. Which will YOU receive tonight? (The cookies ran about $4.50 this year)
A reminder to all you all to leave your shoes by the front door or fireplace so Sinterklaas and Black Pete can easily locate them. Your reward will be left there for you in the morning. A piece of advice (especially if your behavior has been questionable) is to leave a raw carrot by your shoes so Sinterklaas and Pete can feed Ozosnel during their rounds tonight.
Merry Sinterklaas Day! Sleep tight.
Tonight is the night all Dutch children anxiously await…..judgement day! Tonight is the night Sinterklaas, his white steed Ozosnel and his right hand man, Black Pete come to visit and reward Dutch boys and girls on their behavior for the previous year. Good children are rewarded with a piece of candy or a ginger Sinterklaas cookie…..bad children are left with sticks and stones or a lump of coal. Which will YOU receive tonight? (The cookies ran about $4.50 this year)
A reminder to all you all to leave your shoes by the front door or fireplace so Sinterklaas and Black Pete can easily locate them. Your reward will be left there for you in the morning. A piece of advice (especially if your behavior has been questionable) is to leave a raw carrot by your shoes so Sinterklaas and Pete can feed Ozosnel during their rounds tonight.
Merry Sinterklaas Day! Sleep tight.
Every culture has its insensitivity, Bio….I didn’t name him……..and I am sure that in my youth, my mother talked to me about this very subject…..but TRADITION!
I had no idea who Black Pete was or that it was even a thing until I did a search for that picture. Boy was I in for a surprise! Holy crap! Yeah, it was educational for sure. It makes the joke from the song funnier than I originally understood though.
I had no idea who Black Pete was or that it was even a thing until I did a search for that picture. Boy was I in for a surprise! Holy crap! Yeah, it was educational for sure. It makes the joke from the song funnier than I originally understood though.
Well, the story is that Sinterklaas and Pete are natives of Spain….and Spain being Catholic and the Dutch NOT being ”Catholic friendly”….the Pope vs. John Calvin….well, one can imagine…….