Pletcher shot and Glynn stays back.
Glynn keeps him back.
Seems a bit anticlimatic right now.
Just rubbing foreheads.
Slideby TD for Pletcher.
1:30 in the standing position and then they OBB
Restart C on Pletcher.
Recall that Lee almost had backs.
Glynn up and out.
Pletcher trys a shuck by but Glynn holds and takes a shot and Pletcher gets the reshot TD.
Pletcher Bow and Arrow ride.
1-4 with 15 seconds left in 1st
Tripod and standing almost HC at the horn.
End of 1
Glynn starts down in the second.
1:21 of RT for Pletcher
Optional start
Ironside likes how Glynn isn't backing down.
45 seconds left and 2-4
No offense right now.
Underhook to footsweep and nothing.
And duck under TD for Pletcher with 22.
You get ducks when your aren't moving hands and sitting there.
12 seconds and rideout.
1:42 of RT.
Pletcher up and out.
Shot by Glynn and trys to fireman's out but cannot.
Glynn getting agressive
SW on Pletcher for fleeing
26 seconds.
7-2 and RT for Pletcher
Pletcher on a shot with 3 seconds and nothing
End 2-8
Dual is 3-3.
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Wife in bed with influenza. Went and got her prescriptions and pinneapple juice. Daughters in the basement. Everyone decides at 2:20 PM to come up to the main wrestling TV / radio room.

You’ll end up with the flu and miss action!
Glynn did what was needed against a good wrestler.. he looked better at the end than the beginning
I should add that we were supposed to be at my in-laws today.
Wife went to Urgent Care and has influenza.
Happel going for Iowa.
McKenna the Standford transfer for tOSU.
Anyway, the 7 layer salad for the in-laws was free game.
I ate half of it b/c 1) I like 7 layer salad and 2) no body else does but we debated this during the Lee dual.
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MCKenna pulls wrist to leg and TD in 12 seconds.
OOB 2:24 with 24 seconds of RT
Intentional release.
McKenna dives in to legs for a double and then cuts off to a single and gets another TD
McKenna has a half and has near arm and cranking.
KNee to the head.
Headgear is over the nose.
PD call and Happel gets a much needed restart.
1:13 left
1:18 RT.
Optional start
1 min left. in period one.
Anyone know the attendance? Love how they are turning these matches into productions with the showmanship, etc...
Has to be exciting for all, especially the wrestlers. Good for the sport.
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Long shot and double to singleTD
SW on Happel
Backs for McK
Edn of 1
1:28 RT.
After watching nearly every High School match of Lee's for the last 4 years,
I never thought I see Lee go a whole match without a takedown. That was a great match to watch. Go Pa Wrestling
Neutral start.
Happel is recating a lot
Shot by Happel and has a leg. on his but t with a leg
Needs to elevate
and SM
About 20 seconds on the leg and not able to finish.
Good looking shot for Happel.
With 10 seconds left, McKenna gets a way outside single and TD with 4 seconds left.
2-10 and RT against.
End of 2.

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