Trump Accuses Australia Of Trying To Send U.S. The ‘Next Boston Bombers

I'm not implying anything about the fabulous people of Australia- my great uncle emigrated to Australia from Ireland and had a sizable sheep station.

Furthermore if I had something bad to say I'd say it. I wouldn't merely imply it.
Finally, Americans is plural and doesn't need an apostrophe.

Please explain why you used the words 'British penal colony' instead of Australia if you weren't implying anything.

Furthermore, use of the word furthermore at the beginning of a sentence requires a comma. Thanks grammar police.
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I used a historical fact about Australia. It was used as a penal colony by the Brits beginning in the 1780's, I believe. It's become a wonderful country, wouldn't you agree?
Personally speaking, I found it interesting that the Aussies were holding these people and forcefully "ejecting" them from their country, given their history.

Aside from that, I'd remind you it's my opinion. Now we have people trying to shut down viewpoints or observations that differ from theirs?
Advise you not to try. Amateur hour for bullies? Pfft.
Personally speaking, I found it interesting that the Aussies were holding these people and forcefully "ejecting" them from their country, given their history.
No; they are in a refugee camp off the main Australian continent. They aren't being 'ejected'; they've never been 'admitted'.

And you didn't even mention the fact that he's sexually assaulted (at least) a dozen women. Sociopaths like Trump view other people as objects to be used and discarded.
Sorry - thought you were talking about Bill Clinton.
Why never admitted? Why would we take people that weren't admitted to our friend?
They refuse to take boat people. So Iranians jump in boats, avoid many other countries that do take them in, then get into Australian waters and call for help. You either get a pass to go to Australia or the USA. Nice upgrade IMHO. However, look at what has happened to Germany. When it becomes obvious you get a free pass, the flood opens up. the surest way to create a massive market for your product is to give it away free. That is what the west has been doing, it has to stop.