Trump and Project 2025 are attacking the Department of Education

Nov 28, 2010

Trump and Project 2025 are attacking the Department of Education. How might they reshape US schools?

The rightwing manifesto proposes hobbling it, but the ex-president wants to abolish the department completely

Donald Trump wants to shut down the US Department of Education, saying at recent rallies that it should be disbanded to “move everything back to the states where it belongs”.

The idea of dismantling the education department has become increasingly mainstream, though it’s nearly as old as the department itself, which was created by Congress as a cabinet-level agency in 1979. Trump made similar promises on the 2016 campaign trail to either cut or hobble the department.

Eliminating it would require Congress to act, which could be an impossible feat, though several of Trump and his allies’ policy goals on education could be accomplished through presidential actions.

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s rightwing manifesto for a potential incoming Trump administration, lays out how dismantling the federal education department would work, leaving behind, if anything, a husk focused solely as a “statistics-gathering agency that disseminates information to the states”, writes Lindsey Burke, the author of the education chapter and leader of Heritage’s education policy center.

The department’s elimination is one of many goals contained in the extensive conservative playbook that will inform a second Trump term. Project 2025 calls for privatizing education and driving out any programs related to LGBTQ+ youth or diversity.

“This playbook actually goes into detail that we’ve never seen before,” said Weadé James, senior director for K-12 policy at the Center for American Progress. It would have profound implications on civil rights, school funding and students’ progress – not to mention on the fate of public schools, she said.
The striking part about all of this, too, is the Department of Education is actually the smallest of any cabinet-level agency. There are only a little over 4,000 employees within the department,” James said. “So we need to be talking about investing in the department, expanding the capacity of the department to do the work that it is designed to do.”

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@Colonoscopy , this is another area the Ds can very easily take ownership of a winning message. Both on "we support education across the board" to "we are going to attack the high cost of education" and "we plan to revamp the fed to state education for better results" vs R message of "education department should be banned"
You would think. I agree to simply go at it like that. They want to do X bad thing. Flash the proof. Rinse repeat. (A lot)

It'll be interesting to see how Trump listens to these goons. He wants to win and be worshiped.

A bunch of the heritage foundation project 25 stuff is extremely unpopular at a national level.
You would think. I agree to simply go at it like that. They want to do X bad thing. Flash the proof. Rinse repeat. (A lot)

It'll be interesting to see how Trump listens to these goons. He wants to win and be worshiped.

A bunch of the heritage foundation project 25 stuff is extremely unpopular at a national level.

While Americans have short memories, and perhaps the Ds are just waiting till later, I am concerned they are not taking advantage of today's news and missing a constant message of how shitty trump's core positions are. They could have a new campaign monthly on the compare / contrast and that could be regardless of Biden or Harris or other. Painting Trump poorly benefits any D candidate IMO. Because this isn't a both sides battle, A and B are very different.
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Sending a child to public school is child abuse. Public schools take away a child’s ambitions and creativity. They want them to fall in line with their Marxist agenda.
Idiot. There are issues with public schools in America, but your opinion is hilariously overstated.

Explain the Marxist agenda to me

Trump and Project 2025 are attacking the Department of Education. How might they reshape US schools?

The rightwing manifesto proposes hobbling it, but the ex-president wants to abolish the department completely

Donald Trump wants to shut down the US Department of Education, saying at recent rallies that it should be disbanded to “move everything back to the states where it belongs”.

The idea of dismantling the education department has become increasingly mainstream, though it’s nearly as old as the department itself, which was created by Congress as a cabinet-level agency in 1979. Trump made similar promises on the 2016 campaign trail to either cut or hobble the department.

Eliminating it would require Congress to act, which could be an impossible feat, though several of Trump and his allies’ policy goals on education could be accomplished through presidential actions.

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s rightwing manifesto for a potential incoming Trump administration, lays out how dismantling the federal education department would work, leaving behind, if anything, a husk focused solely as a “statistics-gathering agency that disseminates information to the states”, writes Lindsey Burke, the author of the education chapter and leader of Heritage’s education policy center.

The department’s elimination is one of many goals contained in the extensive conservative playbook that will inform a second Trump term. Project 2025 calls for privatizing education and driving out any programs related to LGBTQ+ youth or diversity.

“This playbook actually goes into detail that we’ve never seen before,” said Weadé James, senior director for K-12 policy at the Center for American Progress. It would have profound implications on civil rights, school funding and students’ progress – not to mention on the fate of public schools, she said.
The striking part about all of this, too, is the Department of Education is actually the smallest of any cabinet-level agency. There are only a little over 4,000 employees within the department,” James said. “So we need to be talking about investing in the department, expanding the capacity of the department to do the work that it is designed to do.”

more here

They love themselves some stupid, uneducated people. Of course, stupid, uneducated people love them, so it's a match made in heaven.
While Americans have short memories, and perhaps the Ds are just waiting till later, I am concerned they are not taking advantage of today's news and missing a constant message of how shitty trump's core positions are. They could have a new campaign monthly on the compare / contrast and that could be regardless of Biden or Harris or other. Painting Trump poorly benefits any D candidate IMO. Because this isn't a both sides battle, A and B are very different.
I read recently that the Dems have been keeping their powder dry on Project 2025. They know these objectives will anger people but they don't want to start hammering them too early for fear people will just become inured, and then drift back to their current positions.

I used to hope that was the reason why Dems weren't hammering climate change. But, for reasons I don't quite grasp, most just don't seem to care.

Trump and Project 2025 are attacking the Department of Education. How might they reshape US schools?

The rightwing manifesto proposes hobbling it, but the ex-president wants to abolish the department completely

Donald Trump wants to shut down the US Department of Education, saying at recent rallies that it should be disbanded to “move everything back to the states where it belongs”.

The idea of dismantling the education department has become increasingly mainstream, though it’s nearly as old as the department itself, which was created by Congress as a cabinet-level agency in 1979. Trump made similar promises on the 2016 campaign trail to either cut or hobble the department.

Eliminating it would require Congress to act, which could be an impossible feat, though several of Trump and his allies’ policy goals on education could be accomplished through presidential actions.

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s rightwing manifesto for a potential incoming Trump administration, lays out how dismantling the federal education department would work, leaving behind, if anything, a husk focused solely as a “statistics-gathering agency that disseminates information to the states”, writes Lindsey Burke, the author of the education chapter and leader of Heritage’s education policy center.

The department’s elimination is one of many goals contained in the extensive conservative playbook that will inform a second Trump term. Project 2025 calls for privatizing education and driving out any programs related to LGBTQ+ youth or diversity.

“This playbook actually goes into detail that we’ve never seen before,” said Weadé James, senior director for K-12 policy at the Center for American Progress. It would have profound implications on civil rights, school funding and students’ progress – not to mention on the fate of public schools, she said.
The striking part about all of this, too, is the Department of Education is actually the smallest of any cabinet-level agency. There are only a little over 4,000 employees within the department,” James said. “So we need to be talking about investing in the department, expanding the capacity of the department to do the work that it is designed to do.”

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What Trump doesn’t understand, which is typical, is that most districts don’t get that much money from the federal government. Funding, in particular, is mostly done through local and state instead of federal. The real loser in getting rid of the Dept. of Education would be students receiving special education services.
I read recently that the Dems have been keeping their powder dry on Project 2025. They know these objectives will anger people but they don't want to start hammering them too early for fear people will just become inured, and then drift back to their current positions.

I used to hope that was the reason why Dems weren't hammering climate change. But, for reasons I don't quite grasp, most just don't seem to care.

Yep, and my concern is they are slow rolling EVERYTHING. Dozens of great differences, none are getting traction to date.
Of course
They do not want a large number of educated people. Educated people understand what they are up to. In the 60’s the anti war protests were centered on college campuses.
Education was fairly cheap. Can’t have that.
How were we doing educationally before the department of education was established?
Of course
They do not want a large number of educated people. Educated people understand what they are up to. In the 60’s the anti war protests were centered on college campuses.
Education was fairly cheap. Can’t have that.
Tell me that you and the people who liked this post are ignorant on when the dept of education was established without actually telling us.
Tell me that you and the people who liked this post are ignorant on when the dept of education was established without actually telling us.

Tell me that you are blind to the current Republican agenda and don't listen to Trump's words...

This is exactly what previous poster is referring to. Adding that the lower educated helps Trumps agenda and reduces the anti-Trump agenda sentiment. Majority of trump's base consume Fox news and is considered "lower educated". Period.

It is a fact that our education system was better in the 60s and 70s, but trumps agenda isn't to improve, it is to privatize, make evangelical and limit access to quality education. And while we do seriously need a revamp of our education system, getting rid of it benefits no one.

Top 10 reasons that the US education system is struggling and sliding. 4 or 5 of them require more funding, not less. Getting rid of the DOE isn't going resolve or address any of them.

Restrucuture, yes. ban, no. But cost and access are widely considered the major issues exactly as @Torg said.

Trump and Project 2025 are attacking the Department of Education. How might they reshape US schools?

The rightwing manifesto proposes hobbling it, but the ex-president wants to abolish the department completely

Donald Trump wants to shut down the US Department of Education, saying at recent rallies that it should be disbanded to “move everything back to the states where it belongs”.

The idea of dismantling the education department has become increasingly mainstream, though it’s nearly as old as the department itself, which was created by Congress as a cabinet-level agency in 1979. Trump made similar promises on the 2016 campaign trail to either cut or hobble the department.

Eliminating it would require Congress to act, which could be an impossible feat, though several of Trump and his allies’ policy goals on education could be accomplished through presidential actions.

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s rightwing manifesto for a potential incoming Trump administration, lays out how dismantling the federal education department would work, leaving behind, if anything, a husk focused solely as a “statistics-gathering agency that disseminates information to the states”, writes Lindsey Burke, the author of the education chapter and leader of Heritage’s education policy center.

The department’s elimination is one of many goals contained in the extensive conservative playbook that will inform a second Trump term. Project 2025 calls for privatizing education and driving out any programs related to LGBTQ+ youth or diversity.

“This playbook actually goes into detail that we’ve never seen before,” said Weadé James, senior director for K-12 policy at the Center for American Progress. It would have profound implications on civil rights, school funding and students’ progress – not to mention on the fate of public schools, she said.
The striking part about all of this, too, is the Department of Education is actually the smallest of any cabinet-level agency. There are only a little over 4,000 employees within the department,” James said. “So we need to be talking about investing in the department, expanding the capacity of the department to do the work that it is designed to do.”

more here

This country got off the ground, survived wars, and embraced the Industrial Revolution without a federal Dept of Education.

The States can run Education. Why do we need a federal, centralized Dept of Education?
This country got off the ground, survived wars, and embraced the Industrial Revolution without a federal Dept of Education.

The States can run Education. Why do we need a federal, centralized Dept of Education?

Considering states are now trying to inject mandatory nonsecular agenda into schools, someone needs to ensure the states are basing public education on fact and not fantasy and holding standards. But I do agree, more ownership / responsibility needs to be expected at the state level.
How were we doing educationally before the department of education was established?
Interesting historical tidbits from Wikipedia

The Office of Education, at times known as the Department of Education and the Bureau of Education, was a small unit in the Federal Government of the United States within the U.S. Department of the Interior from 1867 to 1972. It is now separated into and succeeded by the United States Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services.​

The United States Department of Education is a cabinet-level department of the United States government. It began operating on May 4, 1980, having been created after the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was split into the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services by the Department of Education Organization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.[3][4]

Has a federal department of education made outcomes better or worse since its inception?
Of course if you could come up with measurements that you say would show public education has gone downhill because of the Dept of Ed then I would say it is worse because parents are a lot worse, teachers have control taken from them by locals, cellphones and social media are just ruining kids.

And dont you remember that your Repub Prez George W Bush came up with "no child left behind" which could have been good but the states and locals didnt like it, resisted it. Which to me is the Dept of Educ and feds should foster research into best education practices and give that info to the states and locals who can make their own decisions.