Trump indicted for January 6th..Trial proceedings restarting..UPDATE/Correction: Meadows granted Limited use immunity

If the AG is shutting down his cases, you'd hear about it. Only, with Hunter Biden, you're hearing the OPPOSITE from the lead investigator - he has informed you explicitly that he is getting the support he needs.

Too bad the IRS investigators aren't singing the same glowing praises...
Too bad the IRS investigators aren't singing the same glowing praises...
The IRS "investigators" are peripheral players here.

And the lead investigator has implied that actions taken by Trump's DOJ may have compromised the ability to bring certain charges. Because those actions were politically motivated and would not allow certain evidence to be shown at trial.
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Nope, initiation of a special counsel is also a function of the DOJ
Which CAN occur at the request of Congress claiming a conflict of interest.

You ARE pointing out an alleged "conflict of interest" here, you know.
What a waste of money to provide this huge entourage for Trump. Let fat boy pay his own way.
I actually heard some chatter last week that the Secret Service may have a say in if/where Trump is incarcerated. That they would push for home confinement because a prison setting would not allow them to provide Trump with his around the clock security. Whut? F that.
Which CAN occur at the request of Congress claiming a conflict of interest.

Funny,.. You do understand what the word "request" means right?,.. Let's see what Garland feels required to do when the Republican House gets around to requesting just such an accommodation,.. DOJ is teflon.
Funny,.. You do understand what the word "request" means right?,.. Let's see what Garland feels required to do
Garland ALREADY approved the lead investigator for testimony before Congress.

Doesn't seem like he's trying to hide anything.

Congress can call Chris Wray to testify anytime they want.
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Hillary Clinton Nod GIF
I want Biden and Harris gone.

One more try:

What part of the Inflation Reduction Act do you find so damaging to America?

  • Reducing inflation?
  • Bringing manufacturing back to America? (like the US Steel CEO said was a Renaissance that he'd never seen coming)
  • Bringing manufacturing jobs back to Main St?
  • Bringing semiconductor manufacturing back to America?
  • Increasing US GDP faster than any other G7 country?
  • Lower inflation than any other G7 country?
  • Rebuilding infrastructure?
  • Supporting Ukraine against Russia?

What has you so pissed off here?
Is it just that EVERY GOP REPRESENTATIVE voted AGAINST it, and now they want to take credit for it????