Trump posts he will be arrested Tuesday

It's a political witch hunt, the DA doesn't even prosecute serious assault cases.
Deflection. Let’s say in some weird bizzaro universe where Trump actually would and did commit a crime, in this hypothetical situation, would you be in favor of prosecution of such a crime. Or are they all witch hunts and he’s immune to everything?
Is shop lifting a crime?
Yes. Next brain buster?

I'm not sure any serious person thinks he's going to NY state prison, do they? Does NY state have mandatory minimum sentences?

Personally, I'd think if one didn't like the guy, one would just concentrate on how to win the next election. But that's me.

All this time and energy spent on Trump. In the end the people that hated him the most got him elected, and it appears they haven't learned their lesson yet.
He violated multiple laws multiple times and acted with impunity.

No one is above the law. This lesson needs to be hammered home.

This is much like Capone going down for tax evasion rather than murder. Besides, this won’t be the last indictment. And the other ones are more serious crimes.
So do you think Trump could be arrested if he was observed shoplifting $500 worth of merchandise at a Walgreens in San Francisco?
Yes. Or at least ticketed like everyone else. It shocks me that you don’t feel the same. Like he’s some kind of superior being.
Yes. Or at least ticketed like everyone else. It shocks me that you don’t feel the same. Like he’s some kind of superior being.
We probably shouldn’t call it shoplifting anymore, since that term connotes the idea of a person trying to conceal their crime. In San Francisco, there is no attempt to conceal theft, and there is almost never any effort by store employees, including security personnel, to confront the thieves. The most they do is record the thefts with their cell phones.

Why is shoplifting so rampant? Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.
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We probably shouldn’t call it shoplifting anymore, since that term connotes the idea of a person trying to conceal their crime. In San Francisco, there is no attempt to conceal theft, and there is almost never any effort by store employees, including security personnel, to confront the thieves. The most they do is record the thefts with their cell phones.

Why is shoplifting so rampant? Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.
Why in the f*ck are you blathering on about shop lifting? Those damn shoplifters should be locked up for their crimes. Most people on HROT have said so at one point or another. And anyway didn’t your mama teach you two wrongs don’t make a right (surely she was good for something in between satisfying johns).

Now answer the question: if Trump committed a felony should he go to jail? Or is he somehow above the rule of law in your mind?
Why in the f*ck are you blathering on about shop lifting? Those damn shoplifters should be locked up for their crimes. Most people on HROT have said so at one point or another. And anyway didn’t your mama teach you two wrongs don’t make a right (surely she was good for something in between satisfying johns).

Now answer the question: if Trump committed a felony should he go to jail? Or is he somehow above the rule of law in your mind?
He isn't charged with a felony.

If this took place in California the police probably wouldn't investigate and the District Attorney would certainly not file charges for a misdemeanor.

Since it's New York and politically motivated they will waste taxpayer money chasing a dead horse rather than prosecute actual crimes.
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You do know DUIs can be misdemeanors right? There are different levels of misdemeanors. Quit acting like trump jaywalked. If there is evidence of a crime they should investigate and charge, like they’re doing. He has used up plenty of get out of jail free cards in life. Hope they catch up to his fat dumb **** ass.
For the crime(s) being considered by the Manhattan DA, Trump would have to be charged with a felony, which has a statute of limitations of 7 years. Misdemeanors have a SoL of 2 years, and have already expired in the Stormy Daniels / Cohen situation.
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Go back and read the post where I speculated on what might happen
I did

And white collar criminals rarely get any time in incarceration.
Either they are not required to post bail, or they can easily post it.

Did the GOP-gutted education system fail you this badly?
For the crime(s) being considered by the Manhattan DA, Trump would have to be charged with a felony, which has a statute of limitations of 7 years. Misdemeanors have a SoL of 2 years, and have already expired in the Stormy Daniels / Cohen situation.
You apparently didn't read the part about how they "toll" under NY laws.
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IDK why we are investing all this time and energy into this topic. He's most likely not going to be arrested today anyways. He just lied about that like he lies about everything else.
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So...has it been confirmed that Turd's tweet was nothing more than a fundraising tactic?
I did

And white collar criminals rarely get any time in incarceration.
Either they are not required to post bail, or they can easily post it.

Did the GOP-gutted education system fail you this badly?
I said IF he's incarcerated. Jeesh. Why are you so obtuse?
What are you posting about? You seem confused. Ask yourself this. Do you really think I care if you reply or not? And do you really think your response would dignify me?

You’re responding to a post direct at someone else, and you’re looking for an online argument. Me? I going to eat dinner.
I for one am looking forward to DJT's incarceration and the inevitable prison escape attempt engineered by Guiliani and Stone. It's going to be epic.
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