Trump posts he will be arrested Tuesday

In the form of what? Again, you have offered ZERO evidence that any Democratic politician is pushing for legislation on the issues you are so worried about. Have some spoken out against what they feel is mean-spirited and dangerous legislation targeted at trans kids and others by state legislature REPUBLICANS like here in Iowa? Yes.

But they are making the argument that local school boards and local decision makers should be allowed to make the rules and that state and federal government should stay out of their business.

Remember when that USED to be a core tenet of conservative Republicanism? I do.
I disagree that some of it is mean spirited. Some of it common sense, some is over board. None of gets votes from Democrats. It becomes a wedge issue. I’m not sticking up for MAGAts, I’m alienated from them as well.
Except for the fact that he said he would vote for Trump again. If anyone comes out publicly and says that I’m out.
He’s saying that because at this moment it’s politically expedient for him to do so.
I actually think he’s a pretty smart guy.
If he is arrested, Jan. 6th could look like a walk in the park. Something did or didn’t happen 8-10-12 years ago. They really hate this man! It wasn’t murder or rape. If it did happen it obviously was consensual. She’s already been found guilty and ordered to pay Trump. So what is this other than another witch
hunt. Amazing how TDS has gotten into the liberals brains. If this was Clinton they’d drop it faster than a hot potato
If he is arrested, Jan. 6th could look like a walk in the park. Something did or didn’t happen 8-10-12 years ago. They really hate this man! It wasn’t murder or rape. If it did happen it obviously was consensual. She’s already been found guilty and ordered to pay Trump. So what is this other than another witch
hunt. Amazing how TDS has gotten into the liberals brains. If this was Clinton they’d drop it faster than a hot potato
Pete, you sound like you would be ok with violence? Rioting, shooting up the place, you going to be ok with that even though it does no good for Trump’s legal woes?
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Any political base who is pushing Jan 6th as an insurrection is making mountains out of molehills.
Pete's eyes... Meet realty. Pete's ostrich head... Meet the sand. Typical MAGA response. After all, nothing happened. What you saw on TV was not real. No really... It wasn't...just believe me. After all... Nobody got killed. Oh wait.. they did? Just a walk in the park led by Lying Donnie. Yep. What did WC Fields say... There's a sucker born every minute. So, you have that excuse going for you.
If he is arrested, Jan. 6th could look like a walk in the park. Something did or didn’t happen 8-10-12 years ago. They really hate this man! It wasn’t murder or rape. If it did happen it obviously was consensual. She’s already been found guilty and ordered to pay Trump. So what is this other than another witch
hunt. Amazing how TDS has gotten into the liberals brains. If this was Clinton they’d drop it faster than a hot potato
Good. We need a new batch to fill the prisons. Trump falsified records to cover his crimes. He isn't above the law. Just because he's a former President, doesn't make him immune to crimes.
He’s saying that because at this moment it’s politically expedient for him to do so.
I actually think he’s a pretty smart guy.

I believe he’s a media savvy guy.

I also believe he’s an abject moron when it comes to business, family, social norms, and policy and governance.
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The whole thing is kinda reminding me a bit of when Paris Hilton got busted for Cocaine. The media circus part coming at least.
Exactly. The riots were pretty bad, but ultimately the Paris Hilton supporters weren't able to overthrow the governement.
It was kinda her undoing though overexposure and the public became tired of her. This is what I'm hoping for with Donnie. People even in his own party will say enough already. Doubtful but we can hope.
Wrong thread. So are the trans blm stuff that has been argued on here important or not? I hear that repubs are dicking around with unimportant “issues” yet you argue that they are important. Which is it?
SMH. Asked and answered. Try to pay attention.

It is misinformation because Democrats aren't focused on those types of "issues" - only republicans are by looking at something that is overwhelmingly rare. That's the HUGE difference between the two parties - republicans focus on non-issues and Democrats focus on actual issues.
And if your party wouldn’t be overprotective of trans people participating against women, one less bullet the republicans have to fire. You can’t admit that?
Admit what? Your position is bullshit? OK, I admit that.

The republican party is for small government when it comes to helping people and for BIG, BIG government when it comes to controlling people. This "issue" is merely another of many ways republicans want to control people. THAT is a HUGE issue that the Democrats are fighting against.
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Admit what? Your position is bullshit? OK, I admit that.

The republican party is for small government when it comes to helping people and for BIG, BIG government when it comes to controlling people. This "issue" is merely another of many ways republicans want to control people. THAT is a HUGE issue that the Democrats are fighting against.
So you admit the Dems aren’t again boys playing in girls sports, that’s all I was asking.
So.... let's say Trump is arrested. Obviously there are arrest procedures. Then there's usually an arraignment. How does the Secret Service handle all of this? As far as I know, their responsibilities are codified in US law. For instance, what does the Secret Service do in the event Trump is detained after he's gone through the booking process? The SS won't be able to defend Trump unless he's isolated in his own cell. Let's say Trump is convicted, in NY, or GA, or Federal Court. How does the Secret Service deal with that, assuming no changes are made to Federal Law such as stripping protection in the event of incarceration?

Looks like I'm going to have to buy popcorn at Sams Club for awhile. The Trump Clown Show is the gift that keeps on giving.

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