Well that’s not what his top adviser. Stephan Miller claimed they would stop at. He wants them all gone. Made serious suggestions to drone bomb the border. He also got in Trump’s ear to kill the deal 17/18. That would have built more wall and upgraded equipment for Birder Patrol. Got killed because it gave the Dreamers a chance at becoming citizens. It’s all or nothing with hardcore members of Trump’sLook, we did not have a shortage of labor during Trumps first term. It simply was not there, but now we are supposed to believe that if we get rid of SOME of those who have come in illegally in the last 4 years, thee is going to be some labor crisis?
We are not deporting them all. And again, I hate that there is strife in other countries....but we cannot take care of their issues and put our own on the back burner. Now, if you go back and really look at the border numbers during Trump's last years in his first term they were good. With them finally getting the border secure......we will see even better number.
I do agree that we need to do something about the length of time it takes to become a citizen. It should NEVER take 10 years for someone who has a great shot at adding positivity to our country to get citizenship.
As for labor shortage most of that was thanks to Corona hitting. There wasn’t any need and frankly Trump’s team turned a blind eye to keep the food supply chains running.
The border is a symptom not the disease. Until we address the pull of jobs. People will find away around it.
As for getting rid of the violent ones great. Just wish he hadn’t given get out of jail card to 1501 violent felons in the previous 5 days. There isn’t consistency.