Trump vs Taylor

You ok? That response oozed TDS. Look, as a marketer, I happen to know objectively that going political is generally a bad idea unless you're IN politics. When he says it isn't going to be good for her, more than likely he's right.

Don't be SO wrapped up in politics and hating your fellow man that you're losing the ability to step back and objectively look at something.
Did it likely cost her some money, the answer is yes. However, she has done this before and she is bigger than ever so let’s also be realistic about the big picture. You add in Vance and Trump have politically been going after her for a while what do you expect. She said screw the dollars I am voicing my opinion. There is a video out there of a previous election where she decided to endorse the democratic nominee. I doubt things have changed much.

Imagine letting Taylor Swift influence your vote.
Imagine voting for a felon and rapist?
Imagine voting for someone who paid off a porn star that he banged while his wife was in the hospital with a newborn
Imagine voting for a man who's bankrupted companies by not paying his bills and tying them up in the courts.
Imagine calling someone a good businessman when they declared bankruptcy 6 times.
Imagine how incompetent you'd have to be to bankrupt a casino.

Yeah, following Swit's endorsement seems like a big leap.
Meh...I'm largely indifferent on the issue, but it's clear that it affects only a tiny percentage of women. And of that tiny percentage, the vast majority could avoid the problem if they exercised better judgment in the first place.

It's become a way bigger issue than it should be.
Holly **** you are awful!!!! Despicable. Nice mansplain. Seriously WTF
It's insane that a grown man (with the brain of a ~11yo) didn't even think to respond like an adult with something like

"Taylor is terrific, and the great thing about this country is that we can have differences while still working towards a shared goal of making America as great as it possibly can be! If I'm elected, I promise that I'll work as hard as I can for her, and for every other American!"
If he responded this way 30 percent of his cult wouldn't vote for him. The anger and the cruelty is their reason for voting. Take that away and they have nothing
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