Tuskegee Airmen will no longer be taught to Air Force recruits

Celebrating their bravery and heroism is really backhanded, not in my world.
I celebrate Jackie Robinson, Roy Campanella and Willie Mays the exact same way.
I marvel at their talent and struggles and applaud how far we’ve come as a nation
i too celebrate their bravery and heroism...while refusing to acknowledge the reason they existed as a group in the first place

that's the best way to honor them
i too celebrate their bravery and heroism...while refusing to acknowledge the reason they existed as a group in the first place

that's the best way to honor them
Why, you didn’t learn about slavery, segregation and bondage in high school?
Are you saying it exists today?
I suppose you have black friends too. You say this to try and hide the blatant racist overtones in the rest of your comments. I'm still waiting on your explanation of what a "woke groomer" is.
Of course I have black friends, I’ve lived, worked and played with African Americans and Latinos my entire life
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A woke groomer is teacher or person of importance who dares to single out a white child in class and asks them to explain their white privilege.
It’s a person who attempts to shame a white child while at the same time victimizing a black child.
It’s a person who goes beyond the boundaries and attempts to assist or affirm gender issues without parental concent
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So there are those on this board who are so quick to claim untruths. Why can’t they just wait until the truth to come out? TDS I suspect is the reason. When you are so eager to post crap no one listens. Just like the MSM.
Can’t help it if your comprehension skills are nill.
Every post in this thread by me celebrates the Tails…. You woke groomer.
You idiots are still doubling down on racism and Nazis after it cost you libs an election.
Keep it coming and lose more, including the black voters who are sick of you.
You're an idiot. Super politatard.
So there are those on this board who are so quick to claim untruths. Why can’t they just wait until the truth to come out? TDS I suspect is the reason. When you are so eager to post crap no one listens. Just like the MSM.
Someone got BDS.
Yep it is paywall but I was able to get through enough of it to confirm but didn't post the actual article since it is. Enough sources I trust have been sharing this so I'm comfortable it's accurate.
WhY DO u LiBZ kEEp cALiNg TrUmP anD hiS SUpPoRTerS rACiST!!
Mlb Airball GIF by SB Nation

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