U20 Worlds

Lilledahl PSU
Blaze Uncommitted - looks like PSU/OSU/tOSU - maybe Michigan
Bassett - uncommitted he has a weekly post where he removes teams off his list - supposedly Iowa is in the mix still
Duke - PSU
Lockett - OSU - supposedly still open to Iowa/ISU maybe others
Ryder - PSU
Rademacher Oregon St
Mirasola - PSU
Kueter - Iowa

who did i forget?

Barr- PSU
Lilledahl PSU
Blaze Uncommitted - looks like PSU/OSU/tOSU - maybe Michigan
Bassett - uncommitted he has a weekly post where he removes teams off his list - supposedly Iowa is in the mix still
Duke - PSU
Lockett - OSU - supposedly still open to Iowa/ISU maybe others
Ryder - PSU
Rademacher Oregon St
Mirasola - PSU
Kueter - Iowa

who did i forget?

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I thought the Mirasola call was straight robbery. It is very frustrating to see all those "PSU" notations next to those recruits.
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Did I miss and hear the timing for the medal matches today? Is it noon eastern? Thanks.
YES. Noon Eastern

Gold matches:
74kg - Lararion Lockett VS A. Rezaeiaghouz (IRI)
86kg - Josh Barr VS I. Kadiev (AIN)
125kg - Ben Kueter VS A. Masoumi (IRI)

Bronze matches:
61kg - Marcus Blaze VS A. Midlovets (AIN) or T. Ozbek (TUR)
92kg - Connor Mirasola VS I. Chaplin (KGZ) or A. Singh (IND) or A. Jafarli (AZE)
YES. Noon Eastern

Gold matches:
74kg - Lararion Lockett VS A. Rezaeiaghouz (IRI)
86kg - Josh Barr VS I. Kadiev (AIN)
125kg - Ben Kueter VS A. Masoumi (IRI)

Bronze matches:
61kg - Marcus Blaze VS A. Midlovets (AIN) or T. Ozbek (TUR)
92kg - Connor Mirasola VS I. Chaplin (KGZ) or A. Singh (IND) or A. Jafarli (AZE)
Blaze has Turkey
Mirasola has Azerbaijan
Courtesy SlipperyPete12 on the PSU boards:

74kg Gold - Lararion Lockett VS Ali Abbas Rezaeiaghouz (IRI)

Lockett tapping near the face to start & keeping his distance, Rezaeiaghouz tries to tie up, but Lockett backs out. Now they're tying up, Lockett drops down looking for a shot, but nothing. Tying up again & circlign in the center. Rezaeiaghouz passivity warning. Rezaeiaghouz looking for an under hook, but no luck, Lockett shoots forward, but Rezaeiaghouz circles away. Lockett shoots, Rezaeiaghouz counters, but Lockett spins away. Passivity warning Lockett, restart.
Rezaeiaghouz locked over the top of Lockett, has him on the mat, stalemate, restart. There's some pushing by Rezaeiaghouz before the restart. he doesn't like where Lockett is starting off. 2nd passivity Lockett, goes on the clock.
Rezaeiaghouz driving forward, Lockett on the edge, & they go out of bounds, grounded, no score, restart. More pushing by Rezaeiaghouz before the restart. Shot clock point Rezaeiaghouz, 1-0.
More circling & tying up as the period ends.
1-0 Rezaeiaghouz

Lets go Ladarion! And they're off. Tying up, Rezaeiaghouz pushing forward, looking for an under hook, Lockett counters, gets a leg, keeps working & gets the TD, 2-1, restart. More pushing before the whistle & ref is warning Rezaeiaghouz.
Tying up, Rezaeiaghouz coming forward, but Lockett circles back in, 2-min left.
Rezaeiaghouz looking under hook again, stoppage, Rezaeiaghouz 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock, restart & more pushing before the start by Rezaeiaghouz. Tying up & circling, Rezaeiaghouz drives Lockett to the edge & they go out of bounds, gorunded, no score, restart, more pushing before the whistle, this time by Lockett.
Lockett shoots, Rezaeiaghouz counters & gets a TD, 3-3, adv Rezaeiaghouz. 1:11 left, restart. Lockett reaches for an ankle, nothing, looking for an opening. Rezaeiaghouz with an under hook has Locket at the edge & they go out, grounded, no score.
Lockett shoots off the whistle, nothing, 30-sec left. Lockett shoots again, Rezaeiaghouz blocks him off, Locket looking for an open, tries a super duck, then tries a jump over the top of the guy move & the period ends.

Ali Rezaeiaghouz (IRI) DEC Lararion Lockett 3-3

Ladarion Lockett wins Silver! Another team member with a medal. Great job!
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Great job by Ben. He is going to be great for Iowa and the USA for years to come. PBP by SlipperyPete12 on the PSU board:

125kg Gold - Ben Kueter VS Amirreza Fardin Masoumi Valadi (IRI)

One last match. Masoumi is a big boy.
Here we go. Tying up, Masoumi looking under hook, Kueter holding his ground & they break. Masoumi looking under hook again, but no luck. Tying up & pushing. Masoumi tries an under hook on the other side, Kueter holds his ground, stalemate, restart. Tying up head to head, Masoumi under hook, Kueter holding ground, drops down & reaches for a leg, but Masoumi circles out & they're back to center. Masoumi coming forward a little now, but Kueter holding his ground, stoppage. Kueter 2nd passivity warning, I missed the first, & he goes on the clock. Tying up & pushing, then they break. Kueter looking for an opening, but Masoumi is a brick wall. Shot clock point Masoumi, 1-0, Masoumi coming forward, Kueter on the edge & it's a stalemate, restart. Tying up, Masoumi looking under hook, Kueter comes forward, Masoumi circles back in & then drives Kueter out, 2-0, restart. Tying up & circling & that's how the period ends.
2-0 Masoumi

Here we go. Tying up, Masoumi looking under hook again. Kueter holding ground. Kueter comes forward, shoots for a single, Masoumi sprawls & they break. Back on their feet again. Masoumi with a hard under hook to a knee pick & gets a TD, 4-0, no turns, restart. Circling & tying up. Head to head now, 1:30 left, and they break, then go immediately back to the tie up. Back to the tie up & pushing, 1-min left. Kueter looking for an opening, but Masoumi is just a huge wall. More pushing, 30-sec, Kueter on his knees, they head back to center & Kueter shoots in & takes Masoumi down, 4-2, restart, 15-sec left. Great shot! Tying up, Kueter shoots, nothing, Masoumi with double unders & blocking & that's how it ends.

Amirreza Masoumi DEC Ben Kueter 4-2

Ben Kueter takes Silver! Great job Ben!