Ukraine urgently needs soldiers, but some men are desperate not to fight


HB Legend
Dec 23, 2007
While volunteers lined up to fight Russia at the beginning of the war, manpower shortages are now an issue that could seal Ukraine’s fate even if it can retain Western support.

Some men...its a lot of men.

A joke in Ukraine.

The US will fight Russian to the last Ukrainian.

Goes along with..

Someday there will be big trouble on the Swedish Chinese border.

Ukraine GDP = 5000 USD BEFORE THE WAR. Somethingbto die over?
My kid’s soccer coach is a late 20’s native of Kharkiv. Played in Poland in 2022 when the war broke out and he made a choice……….to immigrate to the US and land a side gig coaching youth soccer.
These men from the Ukraine need to keep up the good fight. I’m trying to scoop up lonely Ukrainian woman.
Sounds like both sides are running out of men. Let’s call it a day, the Russians leave and go back home and Ukraine keeps what was theirs to begin with and Putin charged with war crimes. No more killing, way too much already. End the senselessness.
Despite its small size Estonia has been outspoken over the last several months related to the war. For example it recently appeared to back French President Macron's call for NATO to consider sending Western troops to Ukraine:

The government of Estonia is “seriously” discussing the possibility of sending troops into western Ukraine to take over non-direct combat, “rear” roles from Ukrainian forces in order to free them up to fight on the front, though no decision is imminent, Tallinn’s national security advisor to the president told Breaking Defense.
Oh boy. I’m sure those Ukrainian soldiers are just thrilled with this idea. :eek:
Then maybe don't click on this thread lucas.
Tens of thousands of Ukrainian men have been killed due to Russia’s unprovoked aggression. But, since Zelensky stood up to Orange Jesus you felt compelled to push the narrative that’s bouncing around MAGAland. It’s amazing what you will do to protect that man, going so low as to push a narrative designed to stop arms from going to a country fighting to preserve it’s freedom.
Field Marshall Von Bonespurs doctor shopped his way out of Vietnam, but look at the little MAGAs like Northern amplifying a this narrative.
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Tens of thousands of Ukrainian men have been killed due to Russia’s unprovoked aggression. But, since Zelensky stood up to Orange Jesus you felt compelled to push the narrative that’s bouncing around MAGAland. It’s amazing what you will do to protect that man, going so low as to push a narrative designed to stop arms from going to a country fighting to preserve it’s freedom.

I posted an NBC article. NBC is left leaning.

What the hell are you babbling on about?
Traveled Europe for a month and saw an endless number of young Ukrainian men interested in nothing but partying.
That’s okay, their grandparents will fend off the Russians.
Maybe we should send over some American poors to die in their place.😒
Tens of thousands of Ukrainian men have been killed due to Russia’s unprovoked aggression. But, since Zelensky stood up to Orange Jesus you felt compelled to push the narrative that’s bouncing around MAGAland. It’s amazing what you will do to protect that man, going so low as to push a narrative designed to stop arms from going to a country fighting to preserve it’s freedom.

NBC is MAGAland? You should consider reading the article next time before making an ass out of yourself.
Tens of thousands of Ukrainian men have been killed due to Russia’s unprovoked aggression. But, since Zelensky stood up to Orange Jesus you felt compelled to push the narrative that’s bouncing around MAGAland. It’s amazing what you will do to protect that man, going so low as to push a narrative designed to stop arms from going to a country fighting to preserve it’s freedom.
Putin is wrong for invading Ukraine but you are a glutton for propaganda if you believe it was unprovoked.

It's almost as dumb as the entire Middle East "Hates the U.S. for our freedom"
line they fed us post 9/11
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So Ukraine is not winning the war as I have been "reliably" told by the usual suspects on this forum?
24 AD- Throw bodies at the problem
2024- Throw bodies at the problem
Russia machine gunned their own troops in WWII at times if they retreated.

I listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts on world history. Another incident they randomly shot every other or every 3rd 4th solider randomly in a line just to motivate the rest. I believe this was in WWII also but it might have been WWI.

I said when it started. Only way Ukraine “wins” is if Putin dies.
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Russia machine gunned their own troops in WWII at times if they retreated.

I listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts on world history. Another incident they randomly shot every other or every 3rd 4th solider randomly in a line just to motivate the rest. I believe this was in WWII also but it might have been WWI.
I've also read that somewhere. Weirdly in times of war Russia is blessed with bodies and no heart.
I don't know how many times I've read up on history and the term "meat grinder" has been used describing Russia.
NBC wrote an article that discussed the challenges facing the Ukraine. You simply compile everything you can find to push a narrative that we should let Putin have Ukraine. Because you suck Donnie's dong.
Do we own Ukraine? Why do you think the US should decide Ukraine's fate?
While volunteers lined up to fight Russia at the beginning of the war, manpower shortages are now an issue that could seal Ukraine’s fate even if it can retain Western support.

Volunteers?!? Lol, why is MAGA so gullible?

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The czar didnt win. The war with Japan ...loss. WW1....loss. Afghanistan....lost and collapsed

That you are wrong is obvious.
Nobody has conquered Russia. Yes, they have a few defeats but they win with bodies. They don’t win with tech or tactics. As long as leadership is motivated to keep fighting they will find bodies. I don’t see Ukraine matching that.

Which is why Putin is the key. Crying Russian mom’s and Russian media won’t be helping any peace movement.
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