Ukraine urgently needs soldiers, but some men are desperate not to fight

Not really. The deeper into the war the better the Union Army became and by the end was the best in the world.

Russia has learned to jam modern US weapons and know weak points.

In 1865 the Prussian Army was the best in the world.

Russia has gotten better but there is no denying the war has been an embarrassment for them.
In the Donbas war, both sides were awfyl. A lot l8ke Boris and Natasha fighting Moose and Squirrel. The seperatists at bottom followed by UA army and then Russian Army then Wagner. AZOV was by far the best having been trained and supplied by US 101st. And yes they were neo Nazi.
In 1865 the Prussian Army was the best in the world.

Russia has gotten better but there is no denying the war has been an embarrassment for them.
Nope US. Russian tactics are not embarrasing to them. They didnt expext much from UA due to Donbas War
bottom line is Russia is going to get a portion of Ukraine. Not sure how much but I think the longer the war lasts the further west Russia's border is going to end up. Beyond that though Putin's military has been exposed as a paper tiger.

That sounds like more appeasement, which has only emboldened Putin to keep pushing.
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Easy to organize an 80k man Army Prussia had in 1865.

In 1865 the standing Prussian Army consisted of nine corps totaling 300,000 troops. Due to the excellent system of Prussian Reserves the army could be more than doubled upon mobilization.
You have to look atvthe demographics and know the culture. Not accurate.

I disagree. You have to look at Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine. Swallow whatever justification you like, but the pattern of action and character of Putin is pretty clear over the last 16 years.

Slicing the sausage isn't a new concept.
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I disagree. You have to look at Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine. Swallow whatever justification you like, but the pattern of action and character of Putin is pretty clear over the last 16 years.

Slicing the sausage isn't a new concept.
Georgia isnt Europe regardless. Crimea was a part of the current war for the same paramoid reasons. Sometimes paranoia is founded. Its is about NATO and oil.

Russia had a major terro attack stemming from areas in Russia near Georgia. We would have troops in Mexico north.
Georgia isnt Europe regardless. Crimea was a part of the current war for the same paramoid reasons. Sometimes paranoia is founded. Its is about NATO and oil.

Russia had a major terro attack stemming from areas in Russia near Georgia. We would have troops in Mexico north.

Like I said, you're free to believe whatever justification for military invasion that you'd like. I don't know what point you're trying to make about the continent Georgia is in this decade.
That’s the thing, using our unjustified invasion of Iraq as justification for Russia invading Ukraine is absurd.
Not justification. Comparison. If one was criminal, both are criminal.

That's my firm position.

BUT . . . if you thought our unprovoked invasion of Iraq was justified, then isn't it hypocritical if you don't judge Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine similarly?

Where it gets interesting, I think, is when you drill down on the provocation element.

An argument can and has been made that Russia was provoked. There's some truth to those claims. But so what? Does the modicum of provocation we might agree upon justify Russia's actions?

I say no.

Some claim that WMD claims justifed our invasion of Iraq. Smart people didn't believe that lie, but suppose it were true? Again, so what? Does having WMD justify an invasion?

Again, I say no.
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Like I said, you're free to believe whatever justification for military invasion that you'd like. I don't know what point you're trying to make about the continent Georgia is in this decade.
The point was made about Europe. Russia isn't about to do that. They when they move is against weak states such as Moldova and what they perceived Ukraine to be minus US/West support based on the Ukrainian military in Donbas War. I do happen to believe that if a terror attach (major) occurred on US soil we would invade and occupy certain areas along our Mexican border. Georgia is not really Europe.

We are making comments about understanding the Russian invasion without the cultural context. And I"ve been on Ukrainian military bases pre Donbas and they were awful.

This war is complicated and we seem to be steaming toward WW3 with our brains in check. You can beleive Putin is trying to restore the Soviet Union, but that in my opinions terribly off.

NATO advancement in context with Russian history and study the Cuban Missile Crisis without US bias.
Oil Wars of a dying industry.
A Russian economy that is 1/3 oil and 1/4 military. Not a broad economy
Paranoia engrained in the Russian/Ukrainian culture based on centuries of abuse of power (Soviets mostly)
Organized crime and mafia in both nations.
Soviet History in WW2 with Ukrainian Nationalists.
Soviet History post WW2 with Ukrainian Nationalist forces in Ukraine
Ukraine History with Holodymyr.

We seem to be hell bent on WW3.

As someone as a US born citizen that has been in Ukraine a lot, what was the wars with Sadaam about? Our freedoms?

This to me says a lot:
In 1865 the standing Prussian Army consisted of nine corps totaling 300,000 troops. Due to the excellent system of Prussian Reserves the army could be more than doubled upon mobilization.
Yes and in 1865 the US had a Navy, more soldiers and far better at logistics. As well the US was better at transprtation. Weapons...maybe Prussia. Details...Prussia. But they were 5 years away fro high tide and severe battle testing. To 1863 both Union and Confederates were terrible. In Feb 2022 neither Ukraine or Russia were formidable. Russia as the invader had a bigger challenge.

Both are nothing like they were 2+ years ago. RUSSIA WOULD NOT BE A CAKE WALK FOR US FORCES.
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