University of Iowa at Des Moines

Originally posted by brownd7949hawks:
450 kids won't graduate.. They might be able to cram in summer sessions and Atleast get their AA. Just a week ago, they both claimed that aib students would become iowa students, and no students would be negatively harmed.... Now they have to apply to uofi, and hope to get in... If they even want to Lie lie lie. And Chris costa goes up there yesterday and lies some more.. They trying to keep their heads high like they weren't the exact reason aib is broke. And they are broke don't let them kid ya. This whole thing stinks... Basically they are trying to make it impossible for the regents to turn down..
edit to add. One thing they didn't mention on tv was any aib student who wishes to continue and recieve their degree, will first have to be admitted to Iowa under their guidelines.... Then (here's the kicker) move to Iowa city to finish their degree.
This post was edited on 2/6 9:31 AM by brownd7949hawks
Exactly. That is why I posted yesterday, "About Face." they have completely changed everything they said earlier. Previously, it was everything is status quo, just UI will run the show. Yesterday, they did state that any current students would have to be admiitted to UI. I think of all the things that is the absolutely worst part of the whole deal. Originally, students were told they would be UI students and it was going to be this seamless transition. I can't imagine many who won't graduate by 2016 would stick around, especially since they have no idea what the truth is and story changing. Why would they want to take a chance?
All the bumbling SNAFU aside with Sally & the regents....

I wanted to get opinions on this quote that I ran across last night.

Asked about having an athletics program on the Des Moines campus once UI takes over, Mason replied, "I'm not interested in another set of Hawkeyes."
As anti athletics as Sally mason seems to be, that should be no surprise. Although, since none of this will be complete until after her retirement, idk why she has an opinion one way or the other. Imo aib is going all or nothing on this. If for some reason the board does not approve it, they will close. Not enrolling any new students, and losing almost half (guessing) you're enrollment in a year makes that choice obvious... Especially now offering isu and uni space to rent.
Originally posted by UKGrad93:

All the bumbling SNAFU aside with Sally & the regents....

I wanted to get opinions on this quote that I ran across last night.

Asked about having an athletics program on the Des Moines campus once UI takes over, Mason replied, "I'm not interested in another set of Hawkeyes."
I saw the video of it too. She thought she was being funny. Doubt the AIB student-athletes found much humor in it. If they had planned to keep it running as AIB had been in the past, which we now know is not happening, there would be no reason they couldn't have kept athletics. Apparently, over 30% of the kids there play sports. That is quite a few people to lose on a 1000 student campus by eliminating one department.
how much of this is being driven by the regents? seems like they are micromanaging again
Originally posted by hawkedoff:
how much of this is being driven by the regents? seems like they are micromanaging again
This whole thing is now a complete cluster f%&*. AIB is now going to purchased by the Regents, and is no longer going to be called University of Iowa - Des Moines. Or, University of Iowa anything. It is going to be called a Regional Regents Center and Iowa, ISU, UNI will be invited to be a part of this.

Two things:

1) The Regents again steamrolled the University of Iowa. If there was any question who the Governor and his cronies on the Board of Regents are out to get, it should be pretty apparent now.

2) Sally Mason should be fired for complete incompetence immediately.
Originally posted by Hawk12345:

Originally posted by hawkedoff:
how much of this is being driven by the regents? seems like they are micromanaging again
This whole thing is now a complete cluster f%&*. AIB is now going to purchased by the Regents, and is no longer going to be called University of Iowa - Des Moines. Or, University of Iowa anything. It is going to be called a Regional Regents Center and Iowa, ISU, UNI will be invited to be a part of this.

Two things:

1) The Regents again steamrolled the University of Iowa. If there was any question who the Governor and his cronies on the Board of Regents are out to get, it should be pretty apparent now.

2) Sally Mason should be fired for complete incompetence immediately.
Funny thing, the BOR president a UI graduate, and other board members include a UI student, Marshall Co. I-Club board member, UNI grad with 4 children who graduated from UI and two other UI alumni.
Definitely will be interesting to see how this whole thing shakes out. Both presidents wanted this to be their legacy.... Lol and now they look like complete fools.. Aib actually hired a PR firm after last weeks leaked documents debacle. (More wasted money, and i got a laundry list of things) The fact that Chris costa has to be Williams mouth piece is pathetic. Apparently she hasn't been on campus since her q&a session with the students.

I'm not sure of the whole angle with the regents.. I think their trying to just get it threw the regents, so are doing anything and everything they can. Cause if it don't go threw the school would close. Williams in all her glory is to proud/stubborn to let someone else right the ship.. Cause lets be honest, this could have went threw 3-4 years down the road.. Even with additional debt.

Fun fact, this was the first time the schools ever been in the red... And she ditches it.
Originally posted by Hawk12345:

Originally posted by hawkedoff:
how much of this is being driven by the regents? seems like they are micromanaging again
This whole thing is now a complete cluster f%&*. AIB is now going to purchased by the Regents, and is no longer going to be called University of Iowa - Des Moines. Or, University of Iowa anything. It is going to be called a Regional Regents Center and Iowa, ISU, UNI will be invited to be a part of this.

Two things:

1) The Regents again steamrolled the University of Iowa. If there was any question who the Governor and his cronies on the Board of Regents are out to get, it should be pretty apparent now.

2) Sally Mason should be fired for complete incompetence immediately.
1. I agree with you about Mason. She's been a disaster.

2. The Regents, especially under Branstad, always have favored Iowa. The board always has had an Iowa bias.

3. The Regents are the bosses. This is something some posters on this board, and some university of Iowa presidents, cannot seem to grasp.

4. It is painfully obvious that what SHOULD have happened was that this proposal should have been taken to the BOR from the start. Any idiot would know that springing it on them as a done deal wasn't going to work.

5. Now we come to the question of motives. I think some of us can be forgiven for saying that it LOOKS like an attempt by Mason to pad the number of Iowa residents identified as UI students in order to get more money under the proposed new funding scheme.
Interesting thing is the aib baseball team is supposed to scrimmage against the iowa team. Think that'll be played?
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by Hawk12345:

Originally posted by hawkedoff:
how much of this is being driven by the regents? seems like they are micromanaging again
This whole thing is now a complete cluster f%&*. AIB is now going to purchased by the Regents, and is no longer going to be called University of Iowa - Des Moines. Or, University of Iowa anything. It is going to be called a Regional Regents Center and Iowa, ISU, UNI will be invited to be a part of this.

Two things:

1) The Regents again steamrolled the University of Iowa. If there was any question who the Governor and his cronies on the Board of Regents are out to get, it should be pretty apparent now.

2) Sally Mason should be fired for complete incompetence immediately.
1. I agree with you about Mason. She's been a disaster.

2. The Regents, especially under Branstad, always have favored Iowa. The board always has had an Iowa bias.

3. The Regents are the bosses. This is something some posters on this board, and some university of Iowa presidents, cannot seem to grasp.

4. It is painfully obvious that what SHOULD have happened was that this proposal should have been taken to the BOR from the start. Any idiot would know that springing it on them as a done deal wasn't going to work.

5. Now we come to the question of motives. I think some of us can be forgiven for saying that it LOOKS like an attempt by Mason to pad the number of Iowa residents identified as UI students in order to get more money under the proposed new funding scheme.
I was going to say the same thing about BOR. They are in charge of the universities. I would sure hope the BOR would have final say on all this. Why would Sally think she could finagle a deal in the back alley and not inform the BOR of this?

Forgot to add Branstad is a graduate of UI too so the BOR and gov office are really pro-Iowa. Whenever BOR reprimands UI for some of the incidents, immediately some Hawkeye fans, who may or may not be alumni, started accusing BOR of being anti-Iowa/pro-ISU without even stopping to think that maybe Sally and her little gang aren't doing things correctly.

As for #5, if Sally really thought acquiring AIB was going to help her numbers, then she did a very poor job of evaluating.

From today's news, it looks like it could be difficult from AIB students to transfer to UI because of the language requirements. UI clearly stated no AIB students would be grandfathered in. I think that is wrong. I think the current students should be grandfathered in.

This post was edited on 2/7 1:05 PM by FG86
Why would any of you think Sally didn't bring this to the BOR? Because one board member says so? Lets do a FOIA request on email communication to the regents and see who knew what and when.

I suspect the BOR is once again covering their own inadequacy with political bias and posturing.

Why exactly should the BOR be able to change donor intent on a gift? All they should be reviewing here is whether this is financially a good move from an oversight position. Them deciding to step in and micromanage the process is ridiculous. That is not their role. Very few people could make a reasonable argument that this gift is bad for the University of Iowa from a mission or financial position. I would love to hear the reasoning from a business standpoint why this is bad for the UI or doesn't fit mission. All I have heard is the posturing of a group of people with an agenda and yes that includes a few regents.

As for the current students at AIB? Where would they be if AIB were simply to close their doors? That seems to be the direction they were headed. At least with this option they have the chance to transfer to a better school and have notice.
Originally posted by hawkedoff:

Why would any of you think Sally didn't bring this to the BOR? Because one board member says so? Lets do a FOIA request on email communication to the regents and see who knew what and when.

Because of what she said and the Regents said, and because nobody has suggested, as far as I know, that this was taken to the Regents before they read about it in the paper.

I suspect the BOR is once again covering their own inadequacy with political bias and posturing.

You mean its inadeqauacy when it comes to controlling a renegade institution and its leader?

The ui is a renegade institution? What a complete load of crap. Maybe the leader if the ui wouldn't be seen as a renegade if she found a way to give half a million dollars to rasteters corporation.

I am suggesting the communication is the fault of the bor. downer said as much. Pay attention
The athletic department has not been around at AIB for very long. And while one can feel sorry for kids who came to AIB for a sport it's not as if some tradition is being dismantled. (minor disclaimer, AIB used to have a women's basketball team that played the AAU circuit before colleges had women's sports, but I think that team was long gone when AIB started this recent sports dept. One, and probably the main reason, for adding the sports was to try increase the enrollment.

So I don't see any reason to have sports at this new institution, whatever it is being called. Maybe it will become place for non -traditional students. My JC alma mater just dropped the few athletic teams it had. It has a mixture of younger students and non-traditionals, similar to DMACC at Ankeny, which doesn't have sports, as well as DMACC in central DM.

And the state of Iowa is littered with towns that used to have colleges. Most of them quit long, long ago, but remember Westmar?. At least AIB will go on in some form.
I think if everyone would have been up front, and not lied threw their teeth at everyone, this would have blown over pretty quickly. Unfortunately ever decision they made was the wrong one.. Now the president at aib is refusing to allow a transfer fair on campus.. The same president that said no students would be negatively impacted by this "merger". The admin there is totally incompetent, starting with Nancy. What I don't get, is why would you gift a campus worth 30+million? Why not just close it or sell it? So you can save face and look good doing it? Ya that worked out well.